12, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 518
Osama bin Laden: Head Cheerleader for Iraqi Attack?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Feb. 12--Who would believe that on the one-yard
line, trailing by
six points in the Super Bowl of Terrorism, a scraggly-faced
Osama bin Laden would suddenly leap from the crowd, grab pom-poms and
start cheering for U.S. Quarterback George W. Bush to attack Iraq?
And who would believe Osama's
sudden appearance in the final seconds of the game sparked the energy
for the U.S. to crash through Security Council linebackers (France &
Germany), enabling the U.S. to score just enough points to prove the American
was right all along--that Saddam Hussein is indeed part of the Al-Qaeda
"evil axis?"
Incredible but True?????????.....Well........
Enter skepticism!
As incredulous as
the above scenario appears, it happened yesterday.
Yes, the elusive Osama
bin Laden showed up on last minute cue yesterday in the from of an audio
tape released to the world. In it, he injected just enough
adrenaline into the tired and battered "invasion arguments"
of Secretary of Defense Colin Powell to justify a final nail in
Saddam Hussein's coffin. At least, that is, in the minds America's
ready-to-go-to-battle Administration.
Osama to
the rescue
Powell breathlessly broke the news that Osama bin Laden had come to the
Administration's rescue yesterday at a Senate Budget Committee hearing.
He was there to open the purse strings of America's war chest. Powell
was defending the need to fund all the bombs and bullets he could get
his hands. He faced detractors who believe war will cost the U.S.
more than it can afford--especially since there hasn't been clear evidence
of a "smoking gun" regarding weapons inspections, and, prior
to the Osama Tape, there had been no direct link between Saddam Hussein
and al-Qaeda. Below are excerpts from the Osama Tape:
extracts from 16 minute audio tape received 2/12/03:
"A message to our Muslim brothers in
Iraq....We are following with great interest and concern the
preparation of the crusaders to launch war to occupy a former
capital of Islam, to pillage the wealth of Muslims and install
a puppet government that follows the dictates of its masters
in Washington and Tel Aviv.
"We want to affirm a number of important
factors amid this unjust war - the war of infidels led by America
with its allies and agents. Fight the allies of the devil.
"Firstly, we stress the loyal intentions
that the fighting should be in the name of God only, not in
the name of national ideologies nor to seek victory for the
ignorant governments that rule all Arab states, including Iraq.
"Secondly, we remind that victory is
from God alone. We only have to exert all efforts through preparation
and Jihad.
"Thirdly, it became known to us from
our fighting against the American enemy that he principally
depends in his fighting on psychological warfare because of
his massive propaganda capabilities, and on intense air bombardment
to hide his prominent weaknesses, and those are fear, cowardice
and the absence of a fighting spirit among American soldiers.
"These soldiers are totally convinced
of the injustice and deceit of their governments as they don't
have a just cause to fight for. They are fighting for weapons
and oil traders... including the gang of criminals at the White
House. I add to that the personal and crusader spite of Bush
the father.
"We say to honest Muslims
that they must move, incite and mobilise the nation amid these
great events to liberate themselves from the enslavement of
these oppressive, unjust, apostate ruling governments, which
in turn are enslaved by America, and to establish the rule of
God on earth, and the most eligible for liberation are Jordan,
Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.
"This crusade war is primarily
aimed at the people of Islam regardless of the removal
or survival of the socialist government or Saddam.
"The Muslims as a whole, and in
Iraq in particular, should pull up their sleeves and carry
Jihad against this oppressive offensive and to make sure
to stock up on ammunition and arms.
"This is a duty for them. It does
not hurt that in the current circumstances, the interests
of Muslims coincide with the interests of the socialists
in the war against crusaders, taking into account our
belief and declaration of the apostasy of the socialists.
"The socialists and these rulers
have lost their credibility of their rule a long time
ago and the socialists are infidels wherever they are
-- whether in Baghdad or Aden (Yemen)."
George Tenet,
Director of the Central Intelligence Agency
Before the appearance
of the Osama Tape yesterday, even C.I.A. head, George Tenet, was reluctant
to confirm Hussein had any part of the Nine Eleven attack on the U.S.
or he was an active supporter of al-Qaeda.
That all changed yesterday.
Secretary Powell presented
the 16-minute audio tape to the Budget Committee before it was aired publicly.
The Osama-like Voice refers to Saddam's citizens as "our brothers
in Iraq," embracing for the first time a close alliance between the
Iraqi state and al-Qaeda.
Hussein has insisted
he has no part in al-Qaeda.
The audio tape, broadcast by Al Jazeera,
the pro Osama Arab network, was rebroadcast in the U.S. by Fox News.
The U.S. has previously warned American broadcast media to not air Osama's
messages for fear they contain hidden codes to set off Terrorist attacks.
But in this case, politics overruled security. The Osama Tape became
a thin webbed bridge closing the credibility gap between Iraq and Osama,
two of the three "axis of evil." The third axis is North
Korea, ruled by Kim Jong Il.
Powell used the tape to evidence
that Osama was "in partnership with Iraq." He said it
proved the U.S. could not count simply on a beefed-up inspection force
in Iraq.
France and Germany have proposed
sending in 2,000 weapons inspectors as part of a plan to avert war.
The U.N. Security council has balked at the U.S. plan to invade Iraq to
enforce compliance with its Resolution 1441 demanding Iraq disclose all
its weapons of mass destruction. The U.N. wants to extend time for
negotiations, not war, to resolve the conflict.
The dramatic appearance of the Osama
Tape in the final seconds of America's struggles with both domestic and
world opinion about America's right to attack on Iraq, stirs the skeptic
in me. It makes me wonder if the Osama Tape is indeed the "Osama/Bush
For well over
a year, Osama bin Laden has shifted out of America's crosshairs.
In his place has morphed Saddam Hussein.
When the Administration suddenly
shifted from targeting Osama bin Laden as America's Most Wanted Terrorist,
I jumped out of my chair and wrote headlines: "Where Is Osama
Bin Laden?" I wondered why no one seemed to care much
at the time that the Number One Terrorist suddenly switched from
the mastermind of Nine Eleven to the mustached 63-year-old despot sitting
in Baghdad smoking cigars and polishing the heads of his nuclear and biochemical
artillery shells.
It appeared obvious the
U.S. was trying some broken field running to get to Saddam rather than
bring Osama bin Laden to justice. I began to buy in to the idea
of the long-range threat of Iraq until Kim Jong Il shoved up his middle
finger at the U.S. and the world by reopening his nuclear weapons manufacturing
plant in defiance of the Agreed Framework that he wouldn't. Kim seemed
the most dangerous threat to us all.
Terrorism in my book is Terrorism.
But some Terrorists are far more dangerous to the future of the Children's
Children's Children than others. By priority, the one with the most
weapons and most reasons to use them against the innocent is the most
dangerous. That puts Kim in first place, Osama in second,
and Saddam in third.
So when the Osama Tape appeared,
my skepticism flared. I began to wonder if America--in desperation
to turn Saddam into a threat greater than Kim--decided by linking he and
Osama the two would become one. Their combined threat would be greater
than Kim's.
That skepticism included forcing
me to think that the Osama Tape might not be his at all, but rather
a creative copy of his Voice, or even snippets of it, blended together
by some C.I.A. audio geek and planted so that America and the world might
endorse the "rush to war." I even wondered if the
U.S. might have made a "deal" with Osama to make the tape in
exchange for a year's supply of Schick razor blades.
I declare I'm a Pyrrhonist.
(see expanded definition below).
Pyrrhonism maintains that nothing is absolutely true
or absolutely false, absolutely good or evil, absolutely right or wrong.
In other words, everything has degrees, a mixture of pluses and minuses
that makes it impossible to arrive at any "absolute righteousness."
It also says that our senses deceive us in the pursuit of truth, and we
are inclined to be swayed by them. It's like walking into a bar
full of 'doubting Thomases' and when you introduce yourself as being "you"
they all question if you're really who you say you are. And even
when you prove it, they don't believe you because they know you as a composition
of genes, a mix of many who have come before, ergo you aren't really "you,"
but the sum of many "you's." In other words, Osama, Kim,
Saddam and George are all one, mixed up here and there a bit, but all
cut from the same cloth--all claiming righteous power over the others
and justness of their causes.
Besides being a Pyrrhonist, I'm also
a misanthrope-- one who vests little trust in others. My
distrust is not violent or acidic distrust that demeans others as liars,
cheats and thieves, or, makes me right and them wrong. My distrust
is Beast-based.
Must coexist
I believe that our Beast of Terror
seeks to make us believe what we want to believe, and will, even in the
best of people, twist the truth around to fit such beliefs. I believe
we all want to be "right" and none of us want to be "wrong."
I sometimes feel like a cop who has heard too many criminals say, "I'm
Over the years, I've learned not
to trust myself. When I become so "right" I know
I must be "wrong." And, when I find myself so "wrong"
I know I must be "right." Bottom line, I find that
when I have the "right to be wrong," my mind opens.
I allow Doubt and Belief to coexist, and then, ultimately, work on building
my final decision based on being One Percent More Right than Wrong, even
though I don't believe there is an "absolute right" or "absolute
wrong" to anything except the protection of the Children's Children's
Children. That, I view, as an absolute duty, an absolute responsibility
that has no wriggle room for any of us.
I also know the Beast of Terror strolls
in us all, and given an inch, he'll take a mile. He can turn
titanium resolve into a pretzel if he wants. Humans are full of
defects, and no matter how much resolve we might wish for, our feet are
made of clay. We are vulnerable to our emotions. We
can make mistakes.
George W. Bush
is ready to go to any lengths
George W. Bush has
for more than a year, argued an attack on Iraq. He's turned
his back to the North Korean threat and other issues by his dogged determination
to unseat Saddam. He's struggled to be "right" and
to convince the world to see through his eyes. He may be willing
to go to any lengths to achieve his righteousness, including perhaps believing
that the Osama Tape is an endorsement of U.S. policy against Iraq.
But why should I or anyone
accept this 16-minute tape as being an endorsement for war?
It comes too conveniently for me to buy as final evidence that Saddam
Hussein and al-Qaeda are linked.. My instincts are--as
a skeptic--to believe that in some CIA high-tech lab it was created like
they do on the mock C.I.A. television show The Agency.
I find it also incredulous
that with all the massive technology available, that the audio tape could
not be affirmed as Osama's. For the past 24 hours the news
has boomed out, "the unauthenticated tape." It would
seem that with all the intelligence and decoding power of the United States
government, an audio tape could be deemed the "real McCoy" or
not in a few hours. Perhaps I have seen too many Alias
shows, or too many CSI episodes where forensic teams nail down
facts from fiction in quick time, or too many The Agency dramas
where teams of people verify the counterfeit from the reality between
And why wouldn't Osama use
video tape as he has in the past? Why audio?
I had to stop.
I was in a tailspin.
The world doesn't need an audio
tape to confirm that Saddam Hussein is a Terrorist. He used lethal
gas on innocent women and children, killing thousands who dared to protest
against his despotic rule. He rules from Fear, Intimidation and
Osama is obviously a Terrorist.
He is the architect of Nine Eleven and other attacks around the world.
And, he's an arch enemy of Saddam Hussein. Saddam rules his domain
from a secular vista while Osama is on a religious crusade to return the
Middle East to its Islamic roots, including unseating other Arab leaders
who violate the purity of Islamic law.
Kim Jong Il is without
question a Terrorist. His citizens boil grass to eat while
Kim wallows in luxury. He uses Terrorism's Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency to rule his world, and would sell his nuclear arms surplus
to the highest bidder without blinking an eye.
But the world government is
reluctant to indict such Terrorists, for if they did, then they would
have to act. They would, as President Bush has elected, have to
wage war on them. And in war, all the rules are subject to be broken.
The Beast takes charge.
It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to figure out that America is desperate to attack and remove
Saddam Hussein from power. It may be so desperate it manufactured
the Osama Tape.
Sometimes the Beast of Terror
needs a push, a prod, a jerk on its chain to make it snarl so the world
of Complacent onlookers will shudder in Fear or awaken to the "facts"
that have been staring them in the face. Perhaps the Osama
Tape forces the "fence riders" to rethink certain questions.
Will Saddam Hussein--gone unchecked--build
nuclear weapons and expand his biochemical arsenal?
Will Kim Jon Il build and sell
nuclear weapons to use as Tools of Intimidation? Will he and
Saddam sell any surplus nuclear or biochemical weapons to the highest
One doesn't need audio tapes
to predict the future of rogue nations that have histories of tyranny
and oppression of their own people and others. Osama doesn't
need to be used to reinforce Saddam Hussein's megalomania.
The Beast of Terror
is surrounding us
But people do
need an awakening. They need to realize the Beast of Terror is surrounding
them in all different sizes, shapes and forms.
When people do not have
visions to the future they accept the present as is.
Complacency is accepting
a person or thing or situation as is.
The Osama Tape changes
the Terrorism paradigm. It brings Osama and Saddam together
as "brothers of Iraq." The two together outweigh North
I am inclined to
believe the Osama Tape is directed as a "low blow" to the U.N.
Security Council. Osama wants the U.S. to go to war and unseat
Saddam Hussein. Osama hates Hussein because Hussein is a secular
leader not a religious one. Saddam is "god." He is not
fighting for "God." He smokes and likes women and
is, in many ways, like a Westerner. He's all about Saddam.
Osama is all about fighting an apocalyptic war where he Zionizes the battle
as a U.S. effort to destroy Islam and secure Israel's presence in the
Middle East. Saddam simply wants Hitlarian control over an Arab
State, not a just an Islamic one.
The Osama Tape
shuffles two Terrorists into one body. It forces the Security Council
to admit the missing Terrorist link between Iraq and al-Qaeda has been
Has the
missing link between bin laden and Saddam Hussein been solved?
Is the
Osama Tape valid?
Who knows?
We may never know.
But is it timely?
Will it help secure the
future of the Children's Children's Children by inciting those Complacent
Security Council members to rally behind the U.S. for a full-out attack
on Iraq?
Perhaps. Hopefully
it will.
History will tell.
But what the Osama
Tape does for sure is reinforce my Pyrrhonism. It reminds me that
no one is "right" or "wrong" when trying to secure
the best deal for themselves. It reminds me that only way
to make the "right" decision is to think through the impact
of Terrorism to the Children's Children's Children's future.
It makes me eager for the world
to become Citizens of Vigilance rather than Citizens of Complacency who
sit around and argue with one another about the "right" and
"wrong" of immediate issues when the real issue--the future
of the Children--is indisputable.
So, what is the "real
message" on the tape?
For me, it is a reminder
that our governments--all governments--need to focus on the security and
safety of the Children's Children's Children. If that is the key
to all decision, then nations won't get bogged down in the quagmire of
"who is right" and "who is wrong."
Saddam Hussein
methodically killed 5,000 Kurds as an experiment in 'chemical
I have supported the
U.S. actions against Iraq not on any other basis than the fact that Saddam
Hussein killed 5,000 innocent women and children with lethal gas
during the Kurd uprising in the village of Birginni on August 25, 1988
and left thousands more blinded and sickened. He will do that
again if necessary. I find the gassing of innocent women and children
far more Terroristic than the attack on the World Trade Center, Pentagon
and foiled attempt to destroy the White House. It saddens me that
we should more outraged over the death of 3,000 adults in America than
we were over thousands of women and children.
Had we acted as Global Parents
of Vigilance then, we would not be facing the Iraq war today. We
would have removed Saddam then.
I am also supportive
of the U.S. taking a stand as a Parent of Vigilance to attack Terrorism
in spite of a world that refuses to stop the growth of rogue nations until
they present a "clear and present danger," which, I believe
they avoid because an assault on Iraq today to change its regime sets
a standard for a "world policeman" that may one day come to
another nation and demand it change its behavior or be threatened with
I believe nations don't want
anyone sticking their noses in "their business," and will sacrifice
the safety and security of innocent children in other parts of the world
to protect that selfish right>
I believe that nations wait
too long to act against despots and tyrants.
I believe when a parent raises
his or her hand to hit a child one should intervene to stop the child
from receiving the blow. To wait until the child's face is
smashed is far too long and far too wrong.
But I am not a believer that the
U.S. alone is right in acting alone.
Lady Liberty needs
the help of other countries
Prryhonistically speaking,
I believe a group of Parents of Vigilance, all looking at issues from
the vista of the Children's Children's Children and measuring the degrees
of "good" versus the degrees of "bad" will ultimately
come to a consensus that actions are necessary "now" to protect
the future against growing threats of Terrorism directed not just at their
children, but at all children.
I believe a Global Parents of Vigilance
Council rather than a Security Council would be far more perspicacious
in their duty to protect future generations than a group of men and women
solely concerned with their own immediate future. The U.N.
in my view, is nothing more than a group of old men trying to protect
their sovereignty at the expense of their children's safety.
If the only pure truth is that which
vests the children with security, then only focus on the Children's Children's
Children can be used to decide the "right" or "wrong,"
the "good" or "bad" of those accused of Terrorism
in the present.
The Osama Tape reminds us all that
the truth is a degree of a lie, and all lies have degrees of truth.
Pyrrhonism nullifies the Osama Tape as both "truth" and "lie."
But it does remind us that only when
the Children's Children's Children are brought to bear on the issue will
the "ultimate degree of truth" surface. And
that truth will not be the justification for war, but rather the justification
for the security of the future generations of all. If war is necessary
to achieve that goal, then it will be a just war--a war of Vigilance,
not of Terror.
Pyrrhonism is a system of skepticism, the founder of which
was Pyrrho, a Greek philosopher, about whom very little is known
except that he died in 270 B. C. The
best known of Pyrrho's disciples was Timon of Philius, known
as the sillographer. Pyrrho's skepticism was so complete and
comprehensive that the word Pyrrhonism is sometimes used as
a synonym for skepticism, The skepticism of Pyrrho's school
covered three points.
(1) All the dogmatists, that
is to say, all the philosophers who believed that truth and
certitude can be attained, were mere sophists; they were self-deceived
and deceivers of others.
(2) Certitude is impossible of attainment, not only because
of the possibility that our faculties deceive us, but also
because, in themselves, things are neither one thing nor the
other, neither good nor evil, beautiful nor ugly, large nor
small. Or, rather, things are both good and evil, beautiful
and ugly, large and small, so that there is no reason why
we should affirm that they are one thing rather than the other.
This conviction was expressed in the famous saying, ouden
mallon, nothing is more one thing than another; the paper
is not more white than black, the piece of sugar is not more
sweet than bitter, and so forth.
(3) The reality of things being inaccessible to the human
mind, and certitude being impossible of attainment, the wise
man doubts about everything; that is, he recognizes the futility
of inquiry into reality and abstains from judging. This abstention
is called epoche. It is the foundation of happiness.
Because he alone can attain happiness who cultivates imperturbability,
ataraxia; and then only is the mind proof against disquietude
when we realize that every attempt to attain the truth is
doomed to failure.
From this account of the principles of Pyrrhonism, it is evident
that Pyrrho's aim was ethical. Like all the philosophers of
the period in which he lived, he concerned himself principally
with the problem of happiness. The Stoics sought to found happiness
on the realization of the reign of law in human nature as well
as in nature. The Epicureans grounded happiness on the conviction
that transitory feeling is the one important phenomenon in human
life. The Eclectics placed the intellectual basis of happiness
in the conviction that all systems of philosophy are equally
true. The Pyrrhonist, as well as the other skeptics of that
period, believed that there is no possibility of attaining happiness
unless one first realizes that all systems of philosophy are
equally false and that the real truth of things cannot be attained.
Pyrrhonism is, therefore, an abdication of all the supposed
rights of the mind, and cannot be dealt with by the ordinary
rules of logic or by the customary canons of philosophical criticism.
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