Article Overview:
Should the priority of a city council be to vote against the war in
Iraq or promote that each citizen sign the Pledge of Vigilance.
When over 100 cities in America issue resolutions against a unilateral
war in Iraq, does it feed the Beast of Terror or starve him?
Find out. |
22, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 528
Should Cities Protest The War In
Iraq Or Pledge Vigilance Against The Beast of Terror At Home?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Feb. 22--It's the tail
wagging the dog. It's the cart before the horse.
It's the Beast of Terror laughing in the face of Sentinels of
I shake my head in dismay.
circulated in Los Angeles and area |
One hundred U.S. cities have
passed resolutions in their city councils against an impending war in
Iraq. The largest and latest of these community dissenters is
Los Angeles. Yesterday the city council voted 9-4 opposing a
unilateral war against Iraq and calling on President Bush to employ
all diplomatic options to deal with the crisis.
About 300 anti-war demonstrations cheered outside
city hall as the council voted in the resolution that alleges to speak
for the majority of the 3.7 million residents of Los Angeles.
One anti-war demonstrator, Fred Greissing,
carried his 9-year-old son. Both were dressed in ripped
clothing, bandages and splattered with fake blood.
Greissing said: " I think that today there are two superpowers.
One is the United States and the other is public opinion. I hope
my feeble theatrical display might just save some Iraqi child a broken
arm, third-degree burns or death."
Fred Greissing
and son dressed as war victims to support antiwar resolution in
Los Angeles |
I am not bothered
by the demonstrations. I love them. They
represent the poles of Freedom. They are the roots of democracy
for they illustrate the power of Free Speech and the right to dissent.
What disturbs me about the resolution is the
neglect and indifference expressed by civic leadership for Vigilance
of Los Angeles along with other cities and counties such as
Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit who passed similar anti-war
Opposing war at the 11th Hour is a little
late to be speaking in behalf of the children of Iraq, or the children
of any nation. It is like running half-way up a hill
to stop a boulder crashing down toward the town below, when, for
months and years everyone saw the huge rock teetering on the edge of
the cliff above and no one bothered to do anything.
propagandists resign to Complacency |
I am angered that
America and the world is not screaming for Vigilance rather than
cheering on Complacency. Anti-war protestation on the eve
of destruction feeds the Beast of Terror's hunger for turning Fear and
Intimidation into Complacency. It wants to rip and shred the
credibility of actions of a nation into twisted purposes so the
children of nations who threaten the Beast of Terror's lair will turn
against their country, its leaders, its mission and burn its flag,
decry its long history of standing up against the bullies of the
America is unique in its ability to give its
blood for the preservation or proliferation of democracy around the
world. No other nation in history has sent as many of its
young to die for other countries with no expectation of conquest.
France and Germany are two prime examples. Today, they spit in
America's face and turn their backs against the United State's
single-handed efforts to present a blocking force against
Terrorism--the same ilk that once enslaved France and turned Germany
into a Beast of Terror bent on gobbling up the world under the
Hitlarian principle of "Deutschland Uber Alles!"
America, in my opinion, is acting as a Global
Parent of Vigilance, not as an oppressive force seeking to dominate
the world and forcing others to live under its rule and leadership.
America is a
Global Parent of Vigilance |
U.S. policy against
Terrorism is setting the stage for snuffing out tyranny and despotism
that seeks to export its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) to others,
and to rule not only their nations but as many as they can gobble up
with Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
Unfortunately, America's leadership is not asking
each citizen to become a Parent of Vigilance. It is not asking
each city to endorse the Principles of Vigilance, or to issue
proclamations that they are Communities of Vigilance.
If Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Chicago and
Detroit, as well as the nearly hundred other U.S. cities want to
demonstrate against the war in Iraq, then issuing votes in favor of
their citizens becoming Parents of Vigilance and offering the members
of America's 100 million households Pledges of Vigilance is a far more
pro-active approach to quashing the Beast of Terror than throwing
rocks at glass houses.
I'm sure Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden and Kim
Jong Il are dancing in delight over resolutions passed by cities that,
like France and Germany, refute America's unilateral right to stand
and fight the Beast of Terror while others bury their heads in hopes
negotiating with the Beast will assuage fears it will grow and
threaten others.
leadership should ask each parent to become a Parent of Vigilance
to quash the Beast of Terror |
I also think of the father carrying his
nine-year-old boy and teaching the child the importance of protecting
the children of Iraq from Terrorism. That part I buy with all my
heart. Nothing is more important for a child to learn than the
duty and responsibility to protect all children from harm, no matter
who they are, or what culture they belong to.
What I do wonder about is whether Fred Greissing
has taught his son about the Beast of Terror Within? I wonder if
he has taken the Pledge of Vigilance and signed his own personal
petition to fight the Beast of Terror in his own home by going to
face-to-face with his son's Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies by
sharing his own with his son?
I wonder if he has examined his own life and
ferreted out the Beast Within himself? Has he rooted out his own
temptations to tell his son, "I'm too busy," or "Don't bother me now,"
or, whether his son is reticent to share with his father his Fear of
the darkness, concerned his father might consider him a "sissy"
because 9-year-old boys aren't "supposed to be" afraid of the dark?
I wonder if Mr. Greissing has talked to his
neighbors who abuse their children through neglect or sheer physical
assault on their being, or does he turn his head to the problem and
pretend it doesn't exist, or, tell his son that it's "none of their
business?" Or, does he dress in bandages with fake blood
splattered about him and hold his son in his arms in front of the
neighbor's house in protest to the Terrorism that exists within.
Does Mr.
Greissing protest Terror in his community? |
If Mr. Greissing is an
activist, does he go to his local community meetings and raise issues
about the Beast of Terror within the community--his neighborhood--and
present to them solutions to fighting the Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency that settles into parents so busy making mortgage payments
and struggling to keep their heads above water that their children
feel the need to bury themselves in MTV or devour violent television
shows that suggest the only way to "be somebody" is to fight the
"system" that seeks to oppress them?
I wonder how many broken bones there are in Mr.
Greissing's neighborhood from parents who hit their children versus
those in Iraq?
How many children shudder when they enter their
homes for fear they might incite their parents' wrath, and be called
names or feel they are unloved and uncared for because they are
intruding on the sanctity of their parent's privacy?
Terrorism has many faces.
It shines the brightest in the mirror.
But does this mean Mr. Greissing is wrong in
protesting against Iraq?
Americans have
the right to protest |
Not at all.
It is his right under the democracy of America, but it isn't the right
of an Iraqi child. If an Iraqi father were to carry his child in
bandages and splattered with fake blood to Saddam Hussein's palace and
cry out for the state to stop oppressing the citizens of Iraq, what
would be the lot of Mr. Greissing in that scenario. Would he be
able to walk home peacefully with his son? Or, might the
bandages turn real, and fake blood flow real?
Mr. Greissing's concern is for the children
of Iraq. But what about their Children's Children's Children?
Do they have rights too? Are there benefits for the future
generation that outweigh the benefits of the current one?
Do we sacrifice the present status quo for a better life in the
future, or, do we leave things as they are in hopes they will get
What is it we teach our children?
Vigilance says we teach them Courage in the
face of Fear, Conviction against the shadow of Intimidation, and Right
Actions for the Children's Children's Children when we smack up
against the Wall of Complacency.
Terrorism teaches us to shy from
fighting the Beast of Terror, to remain with one foot nailed to the
ground. To hope things will change instead of changing them.
Yes. I would like to see the
cities of America turn to the question of Vigilance before they attack
the question of war.
Vigilance is
the watchdog of war |
Vigilance is the dog not the tail of the issue.
Vigilance is
the watchdog of war.
Until Mr. Greissing
and other Citizens of Vigilance look into the mirror and
face the Beast of War, they best keep their bandages and
fake blood at home where they will learn the roots of
Those roots
aren't buried in the actions of the United States in its
challenge of the Beast of Terror in Iraq. They are
under the foundation of the houses of parents like Mr.

Feb 21.--Terrorism's Attack On Heart
Transplant Victim
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