Article Overview:
For whom does the Oil of War Toil in Iraq? Is it
struggling under the earth to reach American hands after Saddam is
ousted? Is it destined to be controlled by the U.N. or
France, or Germany or Russia? Or, does the Oil of War Toil
for its rightful owners, the Children's Children's Children of Iraq?
Find out for whom the oil toils in this in-depth look at the Snakes of
Power, Iraq's golden legacy waiting to be handed over to its children. |
5, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 539
Protecting Iraq's "Snakes Of Power"
"For Whom Does The Oil In Iraq
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Mar. 5--In all the
sword rattling issues of America's build up of military forces to
invade Iraq and depose Saddam Hussein, little is heard about
protecting Iraq's "Snakes Of Power."
Iraq's Snake
of Power |
These "snakes" vermiculate through
the sand and land like arteries in a human body, pumping the richness
of the nation to the world. The snake's body is 4,014
miles long.
There are three parts
to the snake. One segment is 2,702 miles long, another 1,360 miles in length, and the
final one, 467 miles. The parts represent respectively the
pipelines carrying crude oil, natural gas and petroleum from the womb
of Iraq.
Despite the lofty argument that
America is fighting a war for the independence of the Iraqi people,
and to depose a great Terrorist threat to the world, there is the
nagging reality that Iraq is a fuel-based plethora of wealth, pumping
through its arteries life-giving raw energy the world needs to keep its
engines of industry churning efficiently.
A major part of the French, Germanic and
Russian opposition to a unilateral attack on Iraq by the U.S. includes
their fear the U.S. will control these pipelines once the
smoke has cleared and Saddam Hussein has been killed, captured or sent
into exile.
War has it spoils, no matter who wages it.
In the last war against Saddam
Hussein, he set the fields of rich black gold afire in Kuwait--his way
of denying spoils of war.
Kuwait oil
fire ordered by Saddam Hussein |
In this war, American tactics will
include guarding the 4,014 miles of "golden pipes" with the
same ferocity that Saddam's Special Republican Guard will exercise in
protecting their leader from being rousted out of power after
two decades of issuing edicts of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
upon his 24 million people.
Part of the
massive oil refineries in Iraq |
Controlling the
pipelines will indeed be a prize the U.S. can hold up to the world as
payment for unseating Hussein. It is also the fly in the
ointment. The debate of "for whom the oil toils" forces
the hackles to stand at attention on the necks of world leaders who
don't want America to have anything to do with the distribution or
management of such a rich resource. They fear U.S. management would
add, not subtract, to the power of the Red-White-And Blue.
the pipelines would add to the power of the United States |
Then there is the
budget deficit.
The cost of war to the U.S. is estimated to run into hundreds of
billions. Estimates include up to $200 billion at one end, and
$100 billion at the lower edge. Roosting in the backs of war planner's minds is the
thought that victory over the pipelines will more than pay for the
cost of war, for the manager of the pipeline's riches will certainly
have the edge on cutting the best deals.
Real estate and what's on it
plays a crucial part of any war. Few can deny that Iraq's
appeal is far more alluring than that of North Korea when it comes to
conquest. Driving Saddam out of power and installing an
interim government with U.S. support includes, obviously, having our
hand stuffed deep in Iraq's oil-rich cookie jar. But, rousting Kim Jong
Il out of power and taking over management of North Korea is not as enticing.
North Korea's real estate is shockingly poor,
underdeveloped and would require a complete overhaul.
Iraq, on the other hand, would simply
require changing hands on the pipeline valve.
So as American and British troops
are planning to attack and hold certain strongholds, you can bet the
pumping stations are key targets. Special Ops teams will
more than likely be assigned to each critical twist and turn of the
pipelines, and be sent in to take them over in the first wave.

The dowry of
the Iraqi children |
To neglect the thousands of
miles of pipelines would be irresponsible. Ultimately, the
bowels of Iraq from which the oil, petroleum and natural gas flow is
the dowry of the Iraqi children--it is their ticket to prosperity once
the region is stabilized. It nags the question: "For Who
Does The Oil In Iraq Toil?"
Currently, the Middle East is
ruled by a single class--the rich--who scoop the wealth of their
nations off the top and lavish it upon themselves while their people
remain prisoners to an ancient way of life, deprived of their equal
rights to the fruits of the soil.
Arab leaders will not
like the idea that the "Snakes Of Gold" will eventually be returned to
the hands of the people if a democratic state is installed, and the
principles of equality are dished out. If Iraqi
people start to prosper because the structure of the new leadership
focuses on the Rights of The Children's Children's Children, then the
sheik's powers across the Middle East will be threatened.
"The Oil
belongs to our children" |
"You mean that oil
belongs to my children?" will be a cry the rest of the Arab
states will not want cried across Iraq's borders to their own.
They would prefer to keep the people thinking that the rich reserves
belong to the state, and that since the state is controlled by the
ruling families, the best the people can expect is a few alms tossed
their way on occasion while the bulk of the wealth goes to Swiss bank
accounts, or is used to fuel the palatial life style of the upper
class, the privileged few who claim dominion over what belongs to the
America has learned the
lesson of trying to take the wealth from those it conquered.
Native Americans were once a most impoverished people, relegated to
scrapping out a meager existence on tossed away land the U.S. gave
them to sustain their cultures. Few realize American
Indian Nations are sovereign, and are free from most federal laws that
limit a state.
Thus, the gambling casinos.
On Indian land, in the heart of states prohibited to enjoy legalized
gambling, casinos rivaling the glitter and pomp of Atlantic City and
Las Vegas have sprouted up. Once poor, many Native
Americans now enjoy an endowment of wealth from the licensing of
gaming on their land.
Americans enjoy wealth from casinos on their land |
It has taken nearly two
centuries for the rights of the Indians to farm the wealth of the land
to surface, but time favors those who possess the real estate.
In Iraq, America may become a
temporary "favored nation" in the oil distribution arena post-war.
But as time marches forward, and a democracy of sorts befitting the
culture of the Middle East rises out of the sand, the Voice of the
people will soon cry for their fair share of the "black gold"
currently used to sustain Saddam and to build weapons and might.
If the legacy of the American Indian
serves as any model to the future of Iraqi citizens, it means they
will eventually gain control of Mother Earth's fruits, and quickly
learn that resources are power, and that they have a right to those
More importantly, they will learn the
earth belongs to their children, and their Children's Children's
Children, and since that earth is rich, that those resources should
flow downhill not uphill, and spill into the hands of the many rather
than the few.
Japan is a
trading partner with the United States |
Japan is another example of
returning the land to the people. After the war, America
helped frame the Japanese Constitution. It favored the
democracy of wealth, providing each citizen rights over their leaders,
and the ability to vote them in and out of office.
Billions of dollars in aid went into
the restructuring of Japan's economy, and helped it build and
modernize its industry so that every square inch of the island nation
became a highly productive machine, issuing wealth unrivaled in Asian
nations to all the people.
Japan has become one of the great
trading partners with the United States, evidenced by the glut of
Japanese manufactured vehicles Americans drive, as well as an advanced
system of electronics and technology that offers both Japanese and
American children better ways of life.
It would be crass to assume that
America's war in Iraq is singularly focused on the "spoils of oil."
Even though in the short-run America will benefit from managing the
restructuring of Iraq--as it did when the Marshall Plan helped rebuild
Europe or General Douglas Macarthur's efforts did in reshaping Japan's
democracy--the hard truth is the long-range benefactors of any democratization of the
land will flow not to the U.S. but to the Children's Children's Children
of Iraq. For whom will the spoils of war ultimately toil?
For the children.
Really means:
"Let the Iraqis Suffer Rights of ownership" |
from the oil will help Iraqi children be educated in their individual
rights. They will learn over time that the oil, petroleum and
natural gas sloshing in the womb of Mother Earth beneath them is their
reward for centuries of subservience. When they grasp that
knowledge and clutch the conviction of generational rights, they will
turn their natural resources into prosperity for their society, and
fight for its preservation as fiercely as Saddam Hussein is currently
cleaving to
desperate despotic control over what fundamentally belongs to them.
So when the dissenters trying to demean
America's battle in the Middle East flog the American flag with cries:
"No War For Oil," they are really shouting: "Let The Despots
Control The Oil. Let The People Of Iraq Suffer Their Rights Of
Were the myopic protestors to look down the pipeline, they would see
it is a Pipeline of
Vigilance. They would see America as the Sentinels of Vigilance guarding
these precious economic resources for the benefit of the Iraqi Children's Children's
If they squinted hard, they would see the Beast of Terror
struggling to control of the spigot, screaming wildly to the
U.N. to not have its claws
cut loose from the pumping stations that divert the "black gold" from
the people's pockets to the Beast's pockets. They would change
their signs if they could see to: "Saddam's Blood For The
Children's Oil." They would realize that Saddam has, for
more than 23 years, practiced the art of "The Children's Blood For
Oil!" But what do protestors know but protestation?
Hopefully, as the pressure mounts and the
presence of the 101st Airborne Division and the other nearly 200,000
American troops standing by adds backbone to those tired of Saddam's
rule, the people of Iraq will realize
they are being plundered and will depose him before
we have to. But the odds of that are slim these days.
Instead, we will probably have to conquer Iraq and then turn
the land over to the future generations as we have in the past.
But before we pass the children the rights to the land, we will teach
them the land belongs to them, and all its riches are their legacy.
America fights
the war in Iraq for the Children's Children's Children...of Iraq |
We will not
teach them that kings, sheiks, monarchs or despots are
in charge of their future, or that any autocrat has the
right to deprive them of their heritage or wealth.
Instead, we will teach them they are the Sentinels of
Vigilance, and have a duty to guard their liberty and
freedom as well as their real estate rights from the Beast
of Terror's clutches, for he will surely rape the land
as he has in the past..
We will teach
them that "For Whom The Oil Toils?," that it
toils the children and their Children's Children's Children.
if their history is written fairly, they will record that
America did indeed fight the war in Iraq for oil, but
not just for selfish, self-serving reasons, but ultimately
for the children's future as a free and rich Nation of

Mar. 4--Screaming
Eagles Of Vigilance
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