Article Overview:
How do you measure the moment of truth? In this article,
it's all about turning the bark into a bite. It's about someone
standing up to Complacency and taking the right action. It's
about stopping gumming Saddam Hussein and biting him. |
17, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 551
The Moment Of Truth:
Turning Barks Into Bites
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Mar. 17--President Bush announced
yesterday in the Azores that the "moment of truth" had arrived.
The world knows he was announcing a final stand taken by America and a small band of
allies--Spain and Britain. The only other nation to side with
the U.S. is Bulgaria.
What is, however, the "moment of truth?"
Tony Blair,
President Bush, Jose Maria Aznar in the Azores |
For some opposed to American unilateralism
in the Iraqi conflict, the "moment of truth" is nothing more than the
U.S. lifting its leg and urinating on the diplomatic process to
achieve disarmament with Iraq. It is a bellicose act of
imperialism, an example of America's "bully-ism."
The United
States has truth on its side |
To others, the "moment of truth" is a
debarkation point between Complacency and Action, that "Start & Finish
Line" that signals the difference between a barking watchdog and its
bite. It is, in a nutshell, where the rubber hits the
road, where the bully is faced with a bigger bully, and the bigger
bully alleges to have "truth" on his side.
America, it has been said, is
putting its national character on the chopping block by defying world
opinion about waging war on Saddam Hussein. To invade Iraq
without U.N. support means that America is a "stand-alone" nation,
unwilling or inept to accept the decree of the world's body politic.
But truth is bigger than
Truth exists in and of itself,
without need for negotiation.
In the case of Iraq, the truth
is that all the nations who are waffling on the timing of an invasion
and claim that Saddam Hussein will eventually buckle to international
pressure, refuse to put any bite into their bark.
President Bush, whether the
best or worst diplomat, has insisted that a deadline be established
with a penalty clause for non-performance. Any good
business person knows that unless a contract carries with it an
enforcement clause it really isn't a compact of value. It truly
has no truth to it.
Even Jesus made it clear in his contract with people.
"Accept me or go to Hell." The religious will argue that
this blunt summary of "salvation" doesn't fit a "man of peace," but
those who deny the obvious haven't been to many Christian churches
where two gates are presented to the congregation--the gates of Heaven
and Hell. Bottom line, if the one seeking salvation
doesn't buy into the rules and abide by them, then fire and brimstone
Mollifications of this hard-line have
been applied. Some may end up in Purgatory, and others may
have to wait in line, but the clear fact is that unless one complies
with certain edicts, those gates don't open up when you step on St.
Peter's doormat.
So the United States has only asked
for the "moment of truth." It has asked and asked and asked the
United Nations to create a valid contract against tyranny and
oppression, and the manufacture of weapons of mass destruction by an
errant national leader who has a history of invading other countries,
killing his grandchildren's' fathers, gassing his own people, and
refusing by default to comply with open weapons inspection and
destruction of arms.
At the Azores, America only
demanded that teeth--sharp ones--be installed into the jaws of the
U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441. The U.S. is tired
of the U.N. trying to gum Saddam Hussein into compliance.
Complacency is
the enemy of truth |
Critics of the
United States see truth as endless drips of sand |
But the world of critics attacking the United States for being
belligerent see truth in a far different light. They see
truth as time, endless drips of sand through an hour glass with no
end. When the hour glass nears empty, they tip it over and start
They have been doing this
for a dozen years, and even when Saddam Hussein kicked out the U.N.
weapons inspectors, they kept gumming him, chewing on the tips of his
In such a case, the power of
truth lies with the enforcer of it.
Prior to the United States
massing 200,000 American and 40,000 British troops around Iraq, there
was no "moment of truth." There was only fodder, empty
air, white noise.
Now, the dogs of war surround
Baghdad. They do not bark. They issue a deep, guttural
growl, the kind an attack dog emits prior to leaping upon its target.
America is sharpening the teeth of truth, putting into place the
penalty clause the U.N. refuses to accept.
President Bush gave the United
Nations a day to come up with teeth. France wants a month
or more, but refuses to install canines into its demand.
It prefers an open-ended contract that Saddam can negotiate, if he
wishes, as he has in the past. Germany also rebukes the
idea of teeth.
Gila Monster
standing Vigilant |
President Bush
knows Gila Monster teeth will contain and subdue the enemy |
President Bush,
however, has opted for Gila Monster teeth, sharp, surgical hooked
teeth that clamp down so hard that the victim cannot shake it loose.
Once it grips its victim, it gnaws deeper and deeper like a bulldog,
and all the shaking and quaking cannot remove it.
That is his moment of truth.
So when the President issued
his moment of truth, he was simply attacking Complacency.
Terrorism feeds on Complacency.
Complacency is the absence of
truth, for truth means that one is willing to die for one's belief,
while Complacency means one is willing to shy from confrontation, to
dance with the bear in hopes it won't crush you, and to feed the
alligator in hopes it will eat you last.
Truth denies Complacency as a
The United
Nations has no bite |
It tells the world that one is Vigilant, for Vigilance is the
art of turning Complacency into Action for the right reasons.
Vigilance is about overcoming
one's Fears with Courage, washing away one's Intimidations with
Convictions, and erasing one's Complacency by Right Actions that
benefit the Children's Children's Children.
Yes, we are at the moment
of truth.
Parent of
Vigilance |
America crosses the borders into Iraq, it will be acting
as the Parent of Vigilance. It will be destroying
the Fear, Intimidation and Complacency that has allowed
the world to watch Saddam Hussein build a world of Terrorism
for nearly a quarter of a century.
When Saddam's world crumbles, it will be a victory for
the truth, and a defeat for a Complacent United Nations
who refused to turn its bark into a bite.

Mar. 16--Saddam's Women Suicide
Bombers--Mothers of Vigilance or Violence?
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