Article Overview: Today
is the 1st Anniversary of the War on Terrorism. But, it's
a sad birthday. One day, we will celebrate this day as the
day we started to stand up to the Beast. But for now, we
all shed a tear for the sad way we treat Terrorism. |

Friday, March 19,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 919
The War On Terrorism Crippled On One-Year Birthday
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Mar. 19, 2004
-- The War on Terrorism is limping one year after its birth.
Its legs are mangled but its spirit remains strong.
It is a bloody birthday party. Body parts
are scattered around the cake, arms, legs, fingers, toes and a jeering
mob of people demanding an end to the War on Terrorism.
The War on
Terrorism has hit a snag |
A year ago, the United States with a handful of allies, launched a
major attack on Saddam Hussein. The goal was to drive
Terrorism out of the mid-east. The reverse has happened.
Terrorism has turned on its attacker.
Like thousands of hungry termites gnawing at the wooden legs of a
baby's crib, Terrorism has chewed its way into the Fears,
Intimidations and Complacencies of millions of people who prefer to
turn their heads and hope that the wings of Terrorism's Termites will
fly over them rather than land and roost in their backyard.
The Spanish
government supported the War in Iraq and the country was bombed |
Countless nations
are gloating over the failure of America to quash the Terrorism still
raging in Iraq in the form of bombings and suicide attacks.
Then there was the Terrorist attack on Spain where 201 citizens of
Madrid were killed and thousands wounded on the 911th day after the
Terrorist attack on the United States.
Protestors shout that the Spanish victims
were singled out because Spain's government supported the War in Iraq,
or, more aptly put, the War on Terrorism.
At home, politicians
vying to unseat President Bush are attacking America's policies
regarding the war, and pointing to the growing list of dead and
wounded versus the domestic issues that need equal attention.
Tomorrow a giant
anti-war protest is slated in New York City, one of a number designed
to pressure the United States out of Iraq and to further cripple the
U.S. role as the Sentinel of World Vigilance.
A year later,
the war against Terrorism is fraught with frustration |
One year later, the war against Terrorism seems to be smeared with
feces of frustration. The world has been reluctant
to express a unified front against fighting the Beast of Terror.
Nations have divided and separated themselves from the battle, as
though the threat of Terrorism was nil to them and their nations'
The truth is that
Terrorism will attack all the hands that feed it, and will not avoid
any opportunity to claim victims regardless of how many times they
have ducked and weaved in the past. The rabid dog
will slash the flesh of any victim when the rage explodes, yet, one
year after the War on Terrorism, nations stand off and away from the
United States on grounds that are paper thin excuses to the real
That threat is simply
standing up to Terrorism. The danger of not standing up to
it offers it a license to victory. As nations
retreat into their shells, or keep themselves snug inside them,
Terrorism wins. The Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
venom paralyzes all the bystanders. It makes their feeble
spines future targets for Terrorism, for if a nation runs today, it
will crawl tomorrow.
This is an
unhappy one-year birthday |
This is an unhappy birthday.
But, I am confident that
the Sentinels of Vigilance will not let the birthday go uncelebrated.
There will be a rise in the Mothers and Fathers and Uncles and Aunts
and Grandparents and Citizens and Loved Ones of Vigilance.
They will one day stand up to the Beast of Terror, despite their
political leaders, for they will know that Terrorism unchecked is not
a matter of national security but an issue of parental negligence.
They will not leave their
children vulnerable to the Beast of Terror's Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency. They will invoke the Principles of
Vigilance--Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the Children's
Children's Children.
That day will come.
Don't toss the
birthday cake out yet.
The Beast only
appears to have won.
Mar 18--7:39
a.m.--Salute To Spanish Sentinels of Vigilance
