Article Overview:
When Mothers of Peace gather in a circle and cry out the pain of their
soul, it frightens the Beast of Terror. It warns the Beast of
Terror that Mothers of Vigilance are on their way to hunt him down,
find him, and corral him. |
31, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 565
Quiet Mothers Of Peace
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Mar. 31-- I call them the Quiet Mothers Of
Peace. They don't march and shout or rush to hog a
television camera lens. They are mothers, quiet ones, who
pray and ask for peace for those they love.
Mothers who
pray for peace for those they love = Mothers of Peace |
Most have sons or daughters in Iraq, or, about to go there.
Many are grandmothers. Some are aunts who have their own
children, but offer their prayers and support for their sister's or
brother's children. Some are sisters.
They number over a million at
minimum, counting one mother, one mother-in-law, one grandmother, and
one grandmother-in-law for each of the 250,000 American troops either
in or destined for assignment to Iraq. This doesn't
include the aunts who are mothers, or the friends of the mothers, or
mothers-in-law, or friends of the grandmothers and grandmothers in law
who support their friend's support of a son or daughter or grandchild.
That number starts to expand into the tens of millions.
When mothers support mothers, calculators are needed.
Of course, there isn't a 100 percent
agreement within the Mothers of Peace about the politics of the war in
Iraq. Two mothers could be diametrically opposed to the
"rightness" or "wrongness" of U.S. intervention in Iraq.
But there is a universal desire among friends that no harm comes to
the child or grandchild of their friend. This transcends
all political debate. The common desire for the safety of the
child, the grandchild, the nephew, the niece, swats away the politics
of difference, erases the Left and Right, the Pro-War and Anti-War
labels so quickly affixed by society's need to identify, catalogue,
sort, and cement one's affiliation with or against a cause.
Iraqi mother
putting flowers on her son's grave |
Pollsters don't waste their time surveying mothers and asking:
"Are you for or against the safe return of your son and daughter from
Few would also expect mothers to speak out
against their children's military presence by asking: "Even with
your child in Iraq, would you say you are pro American policy or
anti-American policy? Would you say you are pro killing
the enemy if your son or daughter has a better chance of coming home
safety, or against killing the enemy even though it means a greater
risk of your child being killed or wounded?"
Some things are sacrosanct.
WMP was
founded by Rev. Victoria Booth Demarest to foster world peace
through the work of mothers. The organization was discontinued in
October, 1971 |
Since the dawn of time and the dawn of war, mothers have fought
against war. Their children suffer. The enemies'
children suffer.
Not to discount the men who feel the sorrow of
death, men are usually the combatants of war, and women--the mothers
of warriors--pray and suffer the sorrow of the deaths of sons,
husbands, daughters.
A Mother Of Peace is not a war protestor,
for she knows it is far too late once war commences to argue against
it. A Mother of Peace is a Peace Promoter, who, during the
time following war, reminds all those around her the importance of
promoting Vigilance so that war will not break out.
Julia Ward
Howe called for a Mothers Day for Peace |
I find it interesting that the news reports little of the mother's
viewpoints on war. There is an occasional splurge, a
spattering, but nothing that allows one to sink his or her teeth into.
Julia Ward Howe who wrote the
"Battle Hymn of the Republic," called in 1870 for a Mothers Day for
Peace each year, that women might gather together to do something to
put an end to violent conflict. In her words; "Let [women] meet first,
as women to bewail and commemorate the dead. Let them then solemnly
take counsel with each other as the means whereby the great human
family can live in peace."
Today, I believe Julia Howe would be asking
for a Mother's of Vigilance Day, a day in which each mother would be
asked to vow to battle the Beast of Terror for another year.
Violence, a mother knows, begins at home. It begins with one's
thinking, one's actions, and one's reactions to other actions.
Against Terrorism" handing out yellow ribbons |
Last Friday I went to Rockefeller Center where Mothers For Peace were
passing out yellow ribbons to passersby, promoting support for the
troops. The group, "Mothers Against Terrorism" was formed
after the Nine Eleven attacks. The issue of pro- or
anti-war was not part of their message. "We want our troops and
their families to know that we support them," said member Hillary
Markowitz. "I feel that if mothers would come together from all
different races, religions and ethnic backgrounds, there is not a
mother on Earth who wants her child killed."
Yellow Ribbons
decorate Rockefeller Center |
These Mothers for Peace ("Mothers Against Terrorism") tied the yellow
ribbons to trees across from NBC and Radio City, on trees along Fifth
and Sixth Avenue. The group's goal is to have them put up around
New York and the tri-state area.
Women have been a vital part of the process of
finding peace in the world. The following have fought for
an end to violence, both of the emotional and physical kind.
They have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.
Baroness Bertha von Suttner - Nobel Peace Prize in 1905
Jane Addams - shared Nobel Peace Prize in 1931
Emily Green Balch - shared Nobel Peace Prize in 1946
Betty Williams and Mairead Corrigan - Nobel Peace Prize in 1976
Mother Teresa - Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
Alva Myrdal - shared Nobel Peace Prize in 1982
Aung San Suu Kyi - Nobel Peace Prize in 1991
(on cover)
Rigoberta Menchύ Tum - Nobel Peace Prize in 1992
As there are more and
more demonstrations in America and around the world between factions
seeking to divide societies into two camps, pro- and anti-, and not
just war, but regarding America, the Administration, the military, the
President, the United Nations, ad infinitum.
One might say that the Iraqi War has opened
up many pro- and anti- doors, and has set one neighbor against
another, and one nation against another when it takes sides in
opposition to another.
But there is one constant in the cleavage,
one main artery flowing through the midst of all the veins.
That is the Mothers of Peace.
Be a Mother of
Peace, a Mother of Vigilance |
Mother Teresa may not
have given birth to a physical child, but for millions upon millions
she was a spiritual mother, offering solace and comfort to those worn
weary by wars of poverty, wars of ignorance, wars of famine, wars of
disease and wars of violence. She was a Mother of
Vigilance, holding up a Sword and Shield of Vigilance, pleading with
the world to stop, measure, look at the pain of war before it could
get started.
Mother Teresa as well as the vast majority
of all mothers knew the only way to keep war from happening was to
corral the Beast of Terror.
Fighting Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
with Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the Children's
Children's Children is the only way to neutralize the Beast.
Mothers know this.
Be a Mother of Peace.
Become a Mother of Vigilance.
Take the Pledge of Vigilance today.

Mar. 30--The Peace of War
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