Article Overview:
Who are the Women Warriors of Iraq? Why do American
Mothers suit up in uniform and fight for the freedom of Iraqi women
and children? Why would a woman die for her country and
for the children of another country?" |
3, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 568
Why American Warrior Women Are Willing To Die For Freedom
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Apr. 3--Why would an American mother
travel thousands of miles to a foreign land and be willing to fight to
the death to protect an Iraqi mother from Saddam Hussein's Beast of
Iraqi mother
and child in need |
That's a big question most American war protestors won't go near with
a ten-foot pole. They don't want to hear the answer.
They don't want to know that America's Warrior Women are Mothers of
Vigilance--that they are willing to risk their lives to offer the
women and children of Iraq the same freedoms their own children enjoy.
American war protestors make a grand
attempt to demoralize their audiences by promoting that war is not
only bad, evil, corrupt, vile and illegal, but it is ruled by "evil
men of power." They paint a picture of American male leaders as
Hitlers, who direct a military of puppets blindly following orders
because they are uneducated dolts, victims of society who find harbor
in the military.
What the protestors don't tell the public
is that America's military is composed of 15 percent women, and that a
large number of them are mothers. They don't promote that
since 1980 the number of women in the military has doubled, and that
women are increasingly seeking and serving in key combat roles.
They don't tell you that women boast
about giving their lives for freedom, and are willing to die for
people in far off lands to help insure that Terrorism doesn't spread,
and that freedom has a chance of growing in lands where Terrorism once
Spc. Shoshana
Johnson after capture - she has a two year old daughter |
Pfc. Jessica
Lynch newly sworn in |
The recent attack and abduction of Pfc. Jessica Lynch and Spc.
Shoshana Johnson, plus six men in the women's tank maintenance
unit, illustrates the vulnerability of support troops to combat.
All, men and women, support and front-line troops, become targets in a
guerrilla, Terrorism War.
There are no battle lines. A
vanful of women and children recently tried to run a checkpoint,
forcing the Marines to fire warning and then fatal shots to stop it.
At another base, a civilian truck driver rammed his vehicle into a
line of soldiers waiting to purchase items at a camp store.
War's deadly scythe cuts a swath
through all, regardless of sex.
Terrorism turn
every square inch into the front line |
This lack of front-line definition makes every woman a combat
soldier by default. Currently, women are
restricted from about 30 percent of active duty positions, including
Special Operations and ground-combat roles. But the
reality of "front lines" is evaporating.
Terrorism turns every square inch
into the front line.
Rescue of Pfc.
Jessica Lynch by special ops force after 10 days as a POW |
Ask Pfc. Jessica Lynch. The 19-year-old was wounded
and captured. She was freed by a special ops force after 10 days
as a POW.
Jessica Lynch is only one of many
women fighting the war in Iraq. Ann Scott Tyson, a staff
writer for the Christian Science Monitor, published an article today
"The Expanding Role Of GI Jane."
In the article, Tyson interviews a
number of women fighting the war, including Lt. Sarah Fritts, one of
two female combat pilots flying Kiowa choppers for the 3rd Infantry
Division's 7th Calvary. In response to the question about
limiting women's combat roles, Lt. Fritts said:
"I don't see why a woman's life is so much more
important than a man's life. For a woman to gain full
citizenship, she should be able to die for her country."
Lt. Sarah
Fritts, Kiowa chopper pilot |
I found
it interesting and illuminating that Lt. Fritts chose the words
"should be able to die for her country..." Her view
of citizenship, full citizenship, is the right to give one's life for
freedom. To her, the great sacrifice is life. And she is
willing to give it."
Sgt. Raja
Valenzuela Arab linguist for the army |
women Ms. Tyson interviews include, a nurse and an interpreter.
One is the mother of a 2-year-old. In each case, there is
a strong emphasis on the willingness of the person to fight and die
for the liberty and freedom of the Iraqis.
Spc. Stephanie
Keenan, a medic, has been under fire a number of times.
She sums up her presence in Iraq in deference to the protestors. Her
words: "I know there are still a lot of people who believe
people shouldn't be here. But we're here, and we're doing a great
Spc. Stephanie Keenan, Medic |
I have a
special interest in women willing to give their lives in combat.
Both my daughters have offered
their lives.
One of my daughters is a peace
activist. A decade ago she went to then war-torn El Salvador to
help protect villagers being threatened by the military.
Along with other members of humanitarian team, she lived with the
villagers and staved off military retaliation against them.
Ultimately, the military deported the observers, but others followed,
and the villagers survived.
My other daughter is a
federal special agent. Each day and night, she goes into
the Crime Terrorism world, on the front lines with those who would cut
her throat in a New York minute, or shoot her without the twitch of an
She carries weapons with
her every day, and understands the criminals she faces have a history
of killing without compunction or concern. Most of
her work is undercover. She infiltrates the "enemy lines" and is
most at risk in this environment.
She is one of the
few women in her field. Like the women in the military,
she is a combat pioneer. She sees no difference between a
man's right to die and her right to die. When you
question her about why she should be treated differently than a man in
a combat situation, she gets angry.
"That suggests I'm
not as capable, not as smart, not as effective as a man when it comes
to survival. I assure you, I am as capable or more."
If a war
protestor were to shove an anti-American poster in the face of a woman
soldier, or in my crime-fighting daughter's face, I'm sure the
protestor would be met with something more than silence.
I'm also sure that
protestors shy from attacking the Women Warriors of Vigilance.
Especially, the ones who are Mothers of Vigilance.
Woman Warriors of Vigilance |
Today, a critical issue on the table is the "moral
nature of the Iraqi war."
There is a cloud hanging over this war, questioning its
authenticity, it legality, its moral right.
I believe the cloud can lifted by talking to the Women
Warriors of Vigilance who are fighting in Iraq.
The women, the mothers, are offering their lives just
as any other soldier.
Why would an American mother offer her life for Iraqis?
Perhaps the answer lies in what Lt. Fritts said:
"For a woman to gain full citizenship, she should
be able to die for her country."
I wonder if Lt. Fritts really meant to say, "For
a woman to gain full citizenship, she should be able not
only to die for her own country, but to die for the people
of any country who seek the same freedom and liberty that
we in America have."
The highest level of motherhood, I believe, is when a
mother dies for the children of another land, as well
as for her own.
This, however, is information the protestors will never
really promote.

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