Article Overview:
Why does Kim Jong Il shudder when he hears the word "decapitation
strike" in reference to U.S. attacks on Saddam Hussein? Why
hasn't Kim challenged the U.S. while it is busy in Iraq, and moved to
build nuclear materials? Could it be Kim Jong Il doesn't want
what Saddam has? See if you think he's giving
Terrorism a second look. |
7, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 572
Why Kim Jong Il Doesn't Like U.S. Capitation Policy
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Apr. 7-- Kim Jong Il shudders when he
hears the words, "decapitation strikes." The two
words make him not
want to move his nuclear production plan forward. He likes the
feel of his neck attached to his shoulders.
Besides Kim Jong Il, the leader of Iran and other
nations bordering on the razor's edge of Terrorism, are glued to
the CNN, Fox and MSNBC 24/7 coverage of the Iraqi War.
strikes in Iraq |
They are watching what can happen to their
country. The words "decapitation strikes" also ring in their
Before the U.S. was forced into a
unilateral actions against Iraq because of the Security Council's
denial of support for military action against Iraq, there was an
unwritten law that protected rogue states. That law flimsily hid behind the word
For North Korea, Iraq and Iran, this
was comforting. Not only did they feel safe the Security Council
wouldn't authorize military action, they were also also confident that
China, France, Germany and Russia would block any U.S. effort to rally
support from other members of the Council.
For a while, it seemed America had
been Intimidated by the Security Council. The Terrorist
rogue nations didn't count on America breaking free of the U.N.'s
attempts to emasculate its war on Terrorism.
was not intimidated by the United Nations or The Beast of Terror,
Saddam Hussein |
All safe havens for Terrorism
come to a brutal end. When the U.S. and Britain launched
their unilateral attack in late March, the Terrorist safe house
Now, Kim Jong Il, the leader of
North Korea, is facing the raw truth--that no matter what the U.N.
Security Council says, it doesn't mean the U.S. is going to kow-tow to
That's good.
Bullies like Kim Jong Il who
defy world sanctions against development of nuclear and mass
destruction weapons are nervous they are next on the list, slated for
If Iraq serves as an example of
modern U.S. urban warfare, it validates the ability of the U.S. to
surgically destroy not only major command communications in minutes,
but also shows how the massive firepower of the U.S. destroys the will
and resolve of loyal troops who face annihilation if they resist.
War planes
readying to bomb statue of Saddam |
In less than three weeks, U.S.
forces have swept through Iraq and into the streets of Baghdad, entering Saddam
Hussein's primary presidential palace, pulling down statues of him all
over the country. In some battles, the casualties have
been 1,000 to 1, bad odds for any gambler.
Kim Jong Il is a gambler.
He loves Las Vegas and all its glitter. At heart, he's a playboy
who uses the coffers of his nation as his golden goose.
Some claim his use of more than 50 percent of all national revenues
for defense is his way of protecting himself from assassination and
defending his tyrannical regime that denies North Koreans basic
comforts and forces large numbers to boil grass for food.
But, as Iraq proves, no nation
is strong enough to thwart a U.S. blitzkrieg assault.
Iraq, claiming the world's fourth largest army, has been impotent
against American swiftness, accuracy and its supreme air power.
Worse, protestors who
questioned America's right to go to war prior to the war's launch have
shifted dramatically. Those who support America's war
efforts have risen to over 80 percent of the population, a reflection
of American approval of use of force against rogue nations.
That brings sweat to Kim Jong
Il's brow.
The Iraqi war
is swiftly proving successful and now North Korea no longer
stymies America |
As it should any Terrorist
nation who thinks world opinion and internal U.S. anti-war opinion can
thwart U.S. intrusion into their country for the sheer purpose of
removing one type of leadership for another.
In Kim Jong Il's case, he
can provoke the U.S. to attack him and remove him from power in one
great thrust of military power, or, Kim Jong Il can start to bend and
return to state of nuclear non-proliferation and keep his tyrannical
grip on North Korea--at least, for the moment.
In that sense, the Iraqi
war has been a gleaming success. It serves an example to the
North Koreas and Iranians that the U.S. can and will attack any nation
that defies it. The U.S. has tasted blood. It has
sharpened its teeth on Iraq, learned how to do the job of attacking
the next nation that defies it with even more precision, more effect.
In the area of "rogue
nation policing" no nation can compete with America, Britain and
Australia. America's swift deployment of ground forces, its
superb air command, and its massive skill to coordinate logistics,
including hauling around on its hips a radical press corps, should
make Kim Jong Il and others like him very nervous.
Yesterday, Kim Jong Il lashed
out at the U.N. Security Council slated to meet this Wednesday to
review the North Korean issue of expanding its nuclear production in
violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. The
Security Council wants North Korea to sit down with a multi-national
panel representing nations such as Russia, China, Japan and South
Korea to work out the details. Kim, however, wants
one-on-one talks with the U.S., claiming that any discussion with the
Security Council means nothing unless the U.S. is in full agreement.
In other words, the bully
knows he can't bully-sheet the U.S., while he might the U.N. Security
Council. Those days are over. The bully knows
Kim Jong Il
knows he can't bully America |
It is changing the face
of Terrorism.
Prior to Iraq, a
terrorist nation counted on the slow engines of world opinion to favor
the proliferation of Terror. The idea no nation had the
right to tear down one regime--no matter how cruel and indifferent--to
replace it with another was honored by the United Nations with the
same strength that Mafia bosses honor the pact not to kill one
That legacy is now history.
Any prior belief in the
illegality or immorality of one nation to impose its will against
another nation has evaporated. France, Germany and Russia
saw to that when they literally forced the U.S. to act unilaterally with
Britain when the Security Council denied supporting military action
against Iraq as the key enforcement teeth of Resolution 1441.
Now, that's all moot.
Kim Jong Il isn't looking
at the paperwork or political pundits who are scuttling over ink and
paper to define who was "right" or "wrong." Kim Jong Il is
looking at the burning presidential palaces in Baghdad, and the
toppling of statues of Saddam Hussein being dragged through the
streets. He's still waiting for that loyal elite
Republican Guard to attack the Americans and spill their blood into
rivers of red, but that's not happened.
It makes Kim Jong
Il wonder how quickly his own special elite forces will crumble when
the Tomahawk missiles start flying and leave him alone to be
"decapitated" by U.S. Special Ops teams.
Many thought he
would use the war in Iraq as an opportune time to crank up his
production of nuclear materials, but he hasn't. He's
looking down the barrel of the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Rifle.
He sees its crosshairs intersecting on his image.
Kim Jong Il
sees he is a wanted Terrorist |
He sees a bully.
A Bully of Vigilance. As a Bully of Terror, Kim
isn't too happy about facing someone who has the ability to fight just
like he does--in total defiance to all the rules and regulations.
Terrorists have
enjoyed the sluggish reaction, and often non-reaction, to any buildup
of weapons or policy by the world community, especially the United
Nations. Now, the Terrorists know there is a Sentinel of
Vigilance on the prowl.
He carries with him
the Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the Children's
Children's Children to act without world permission. He
doesn't have to wait for the consensus, or worry what others are going
to think of him when he's done.
Kim Jong Il
is watching the U.S. start the process of installing an interim
government into Iraq even before the last bomb has fallen.
He sees Iraq being scooped up and its wounds treated and healed by
nation-builders who will race in with money and aid to bring the
country's many factions into a working harmony.
Kim Jong Il knows
that could happen in North Korea virtually overnight. If
he was removed, the South would swallow up his dynasty just as West
and East Berlin blended from two opposites into one equal.
For dictators
and tyrants like Kim Jong Il, the way the game is playing out in Iraq
is disheartening. In fact, it's utterly frustrating.
It seems the worst damage done to coalition forces has been accidents
where friendly fire has reigned down on its own troops.
Then there is
Jessica Lynch. Kim Jong Il, as well as other Terrorists,
had hoped that al-Jazeera news and other anti-American propaganda
would drive a huge wedge between the pro- and anti-war protestors
inside America. He hoped for an internal revolt similar to
that of the Vietnam Era, but the fuel to fire such a cleavage has been
diluted so that it hardly ignites.
Pfc. Jessica
Lynch |
Pfc. Jessica
Lynch has stolen the stage. Americans, instead of wailing over
the pictures of twisted and torn Iraqi bodies--some real, some made
up--are cheering the rescue of Pfc. Jessica Lynch.
They see how the Iraqis treated our prisoners, and how they brutalized
the young 19-year-old. Whatever measure of dissent
they hoped for internally in America has been reversed and turned into
rallies for, rather than blasts against, American military troops.
journalists have helped, not hindered, the support of the public not
only in America but around the world. Riding on tanks,
walking in sandstorms, interviewing troops, civilians and presenting
their own opinions, the American press has "humanized" the war.
Instead of seeing American and British troops as war mongers, they are
average men and women trying to win a war and get out.
Anyone who thinks America or British troops want to stay in Iraq any
longer than necessary to win the war, quickly realize they want to go
home. The concept of imperialism or colonization
The war
in Iraq is more than a war in the Middle East. It is a signal to
Terrorism, and to those who support Terrorism globally that their days
are numbered. If they attack or attempt to attack, they
face the same fate as Saddam--decapitation.
is a brutal word |
Decapitation is a strong word. It is far more brutal than
"neutralize" for "decapitation" means ending, eliminating, smashing,
grinding, shredding any possibility of future life.
Kim Jong Il doesn't like the word "decapitation." Neither
do any of the Terrorists. It "terrorizes" them. They
don't like being bullied.
Below, are two news releases from North Korea. They give a
flavor for the kind of language Kim Jong Il likes to issue against
America. It also sounds strikingly similar to
anti-American protest chants.
But those words are falling short these days of their mark.
Instead of promoting the cause of Terrorists by demoting the cause of
Vigilance, attacks on America are fueling support for it.
The world is looking at America in different ways these days.
Those who saw it as an arrogant tyrant, as France and Germany tried to
paint the U.S., are seeing it as a true nation of liberation, composed
of people like Jessica Lynch willing to give their lives for others,
and then return home.
That image of a Warrior of Vigilance is more than Kim Jong Il can
He's scratching his head.
The Vigilant
Eye (of America's Bald Eagle) watching Kim Jong Il |
He's not sure how to fight a nation of Vigilant Warriors, willing to
die for the children of another nation.
But, he's smart enough not to tempt the wrath of the U.S.
That's why he's just watching today, and not trying
to make hay when the U.S. has its eye on Iraq. Kim Jong Il
knows there is a Vigilant Eye left over for him.
Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- The United States started
the Iraqi war, once again laying bare the despicable true
colours of the U.S. imperialists who have indulged in all wrong
doings, ignoring the UN and violating international law. Rodong
Sinmun today says this in a signed article. It continues:
The U.S. is going to use more than 300 types of ultra-modern
weapons in the Iraqi war and has already used the "massive,
ordinance, air blast (MOA)" bomb.
This is hideous war crimes, crimes against humanity as they
diametrically run counter to all international laws and
regulations and the humanitarian principles of Red Cross
including the 1949 Geneva convention on protecting civilians in
wartime, the international convention on prevention and
punishment of massacre and the Vienna convention on diplomatic
In order to impose its will upon the world the bush
administration is perpetrating deliberate military attacks on
other countries to infringe upon their sovereignty in violation
of international law, projecting the U.S. government as a world
government standing above the un.
The U.S. is, therefore, indifferent to the UN Charter and
resolutions, international law and norms governing the
international relations. The U.S. imperialists have become so
arrogant as to contemplate the second Korean war after the Iraqi
There is no other imperialism of brigandish and roguish
nature on earth than U.S. imperialism.
The world people should deal blows at the U.S. through their
united actions and make positive efforts to realize the
democratization of the international community including the UN.
Minju Joson on U.S. loudmouthed "terrorism"
Pyongyang, April 5 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today in a
signed commentary denounces the U.S. for continuing the Iraqi
war, the final purpose of which is to remove the Iraqi
leadership including President Saddam. The commentary goes on:
As the state leader of every country is the supreme
representative of power elected according to the will and demand
of its people, they have the right to elect a state leader.
It is not written in any article of the international law
that the U.S. has the right to remove the supreme representative
of power in the other country.
Nevertheless, the U.S. made it a state policy to kill the
leader of the other country and is pursuing it in broad
daylight, which clearly shows that the U.S. is the kingpin of
state terrorism and a rouge state.
The point at issue is that the U.S., which commits all sorts
of terrorism, dares to raise a hue and cry over someone's "issue
of terrorism".
It is not for fear of terrorism itself that the U.S. has
termed other countries "terrorism sponsors" or "dangerous terror
states." under the pretext of "prevention of terrorism" the U.S.
is keen to justify its policy of aggression and interference in
other countries and attach some "propriety" to its criminal
The U.S. serious state terrorism, which harasses the
security, peace and human lives of other countries, will be
bitterly punished by history.
April 6--Jessica Lynch, America's 21st Century Sergeant
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