Article Overview:    What is a resolution about Vigilance?  How do we feel when there is one, if only for a moment?


Tuesday, April 13, 2004—Ground Zero Plus 944
How Sweet It Is!

Cliff McKenzie

 GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--April 13, 2004 --  This is just a happy day.  
      There has been some resolution in my life, a page turned, a chapter finished.
      But there are new ones ahead.

A page has turned in my book of life

      Perhaps if all of us were living out chapters in a book, we would accept the presence of the Beast of Terror as part of the continuing drama of life, knowing that the Sentinels of Vigilance, the protagonists, would eventually win over the antagonists, that good would ultimately triumph over evil, that right will outweigh the sledge of wrong and that the clouds of guilt and shame and devastation would one day part and the sunlight would stream through.
       Resolution is coming to grips with chapters of Terrorism and turning them into Shields of Vigilance.

Resolution means I can end the drama in my life and move on

       Resolution is about realizing life is an adventure in keeping our focus on the things that are right for the Children's Children's Children more than just those things that sate our immediate gratification.   These things such as Truth and Justice and Fairness and Hope cannot be abandoned without endangering the future, and Resolution is about knowing that in the ultimate seam of things, the needle stitches our present to our future, so that how we act today will be the future.
       Resolution means we can end dramas in our lives and move on. 
       It means, we can rest for a moment for turning the page and starting the new chapter.


April 11--Easter At Ground Zero Plus 942 Days

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