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Today is Flag Day. Is it it a lucky or unlucky day for the
red-white-and-blue? For the world? Or, is it a day of glory for the Beast of Terror's flag? |
14, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 640
Flag Day--A Lucky Day for Vigilance
or The Beast of Terror?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, New
York--June 14, 2003-- Today is Flag Day in America.
Was the first official Flag Day observed in Philadelphia,
1893 a lucky day for Vigilance or for the Beast of
On one side of the coin,
America's anti-Terrorism hard-liners would argue the rug
has been pulled from under the feet of Terrorism's living
On the other side, the argument
goes all that has been done is to stir up a hornets nest,
enraging the Beast to attack with more ferocity than ever.
Seven Deadly Sins of Terror, evidenced in the Terrorists
of today, are being hunted by Vigilance
Long ago
in Greek mythology, Pandora's Box was opened. Out
of it flew Pride, Anger, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony and
Sloth. As these Seven Deadly Sins screamed
out, attacking human beings and stinging them with vile
defects of character, Hope was shut in the box by accident.
The person who opened Pandora's Box was afraid what was
left was just another Beast of Terror.
Today, the Demons of Terrorism
are being hunted, and as they are driven into corners, they
turn and fight like banshees, unwilling to bend or concede
to the cries of civilization that bemoans death and destruction
as a solution to human conflict.
These Demons are deaf.
They are also blind.
All they see is hate and
anger, and breed that into their children, emboss it on
their genes so that each new generation of Demons spew more
venom of even deadlier and irresponsible degrees.
It is one thing to fly a
plane into a financial building in New York City as a statement
of Terror against the institutions of financial power.
It is quite another to board a bus with a bomb strapped
to you and kill innocent men, women and children--and perhaps
even your own allies--in senseless bloodshed.
representatives of South and North Korea hold the
Korean Peninsula flag in a ceremony marking the Liberation
Day ceremony in Seoul on Aug. 15. 2002
Then their are
leaders of nations who force their people to eat boiled
grass and starve as they recklessly marshal the ability
to build nuclear weapons such as Kim Jong Il in North Korea.
They are followed by tribal chiefs in the Congo randomly
killing anyone in sight as pockets of power try to climb
to the top of the tyranny heap on the bones and blood of
all those who get in their way.
In the center of this
vortex of human cruelty is a parent who grabs a child's
hand and twists it, forcing the child to his or her knees
in pain until tears flow, begging the parent to stop.
The parent, angry at the world, shouts at the child to "shut
up or else," and the child cowers, fearful of what
come next if he or she invades the parent's domain one more
In still another arena, a
child rushes home eager to show his mother or father the
"excellent" the teacher marked on a piece of school
work, only to be met at the door with the shouting of his
mother and father at each other, and the cold wall of hatred
and anger being volleyed between them. The child,
once high on expectations of receiving accolades, crunches
the paper behind him or her, realizing that the loving embrace
expected has been lost in yet another emotional battle between
the parents and ducks into his or her room to avoid being
caught in the crossfire.
So whose flag
do we hoist each day, to honor and salute as an icon, an
image of what the world offers us, our children, their Children's
Children' Children?
Is it the Flag
of Terrorism or the Flag of Vigilance?
Beast of Terror's Flag drips blood
Pessimist would
find it difficult to raise the Flag of Vigilance, for to
fly that flag would require that its bearer believed that
Courage, Conviction and Right Actions in behalf of the Children's
Children's Children would surmount Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency by at least One Percent--thus, even laterally,
overpowering the Seven Deadly Sins with the Hope trapped
in the box of human nature.
Those who look at the
world presently, who see the Mid East as cauldron of hate
and anger waiting to explode once again, who see the United
Nations sitting on its thumbs unable or inept to act as
peace broker between tyrants and civilization, would raise
the Beast of Terror's flag to the sounds of a funeral dirge,
heads hung in disillusion and frustration. They would
see Fear, Intimidation and Complacency dominating any spurts
of Vigilance. Once the flag was up, they
would run to avoid the blood dripping from it.
Louis Slama
- Protector of Vigilance
Slama from Holladay, Utah
quietly reflects on the heroic actions during World
War II that brought him a cabinet full of medals.
He immigrated from Checkoslovakia and was severely
wounded, yet ordered back into action. His community
honored him on Flag Day
Day for me is not an annual event.
Each day, I believe,
we must raise the Flag of Vigilance even if the storm winds
threaten to tear it to shreds.
Each day, we
must salute the Principles of Vigilance, and renew our vows
to fight Terrorism's ugly intrusions into our personal lives,
as well as committing to s supporting those victims of it
beyond our borders.
To vow to just
protect ourselves from Terrorism--from the physical and
emotional threats that knock on our private doors--is not
enough. To be a true Sentinel of Vigilance,
we must extend our foresight to the future of all the children,
not just our own. We must be willing to reach
out to the world, to move beyond the barriers of selfish
Complacency and let the world know our Flag of Vigilance
flies not only for our brood, but for all the mothers and
fathers who seek security for their children, and their
Children's Children's Children.
To think that our children
are safe just because we act Vigilantly at home is to deny
they live in a borderless world and to intoxicate ourselves
into thinking that Terrorism will stop its forays to the
far corners of the earth.
The bloodshed in the
Congo is not different than that in the Middle East, or
that spilled on Nine Eleven, or the lifting of tyranny in
Iraq. Neither is the emotional bloodshed
of a parent tongue-lashing a child, yelling at it angrily,
punching its emotional heart with brass knuckles, kicking
its self worth and berating its existence.
Terrorists are
made not born.
The child mistreated,
unloved, uncared for as a human piece of clay to be molded
and shaped into a man or woman of character, becomes fodder
for Terrorism. He or she can easily fall into
the Pit of Terror, picking up the clubs of Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency and marching along with the Beast of Terror
who promotes these Triads of Terrorism as the only way to
"pay back" society for victimizing the innocent,
the downtrodden, the marginalized.
It is easy to
think of Flag Day as some inconsequential holiday where
we parade up a street our national flag, and, if we remember,
wear one or fly one.
It is much harder to
remember that Flag Day is about recalculating one's commitment
to fighting the Beast of Terror.
Nationalism doesn't
exist any more.
the Flag of Vigilance
If we look at
the world, nations are nothing more the composite of families
who seek to provide their children with a better life.
While we have attached borders around these families, and
given one another different names to describe our ethnicity,
our religions, our cultures, in the final analysis we are
all one--Parents of Vigilance or Parents of Terrorism.
We are all Citizens of Vigilance
or Victims of Terror.
We need to think in terms
of one global flag--the Flag of Vigilance.
The more flags we hide behind,
the more differences we propose to separate and divide us.
Fly the Flag of Vigilance.
Not just today.
Not just yesterday.
But everyday.
When the world flies the Flag of
Vigilance, the Beast of Terror will be put on notice that
a United Nations of Vigilance is armed to the hilt with
Sentinels of Vigilance who believe that Hope is more powerful
than all the Seven Deadly Sins combined, and, that each
member of the Nations of Vigilance will fight to turn Fear
into Courage, Intimidation into Conviction, and Complacency
into Right Actions for the sake of the Children's Children's
When that day arrives, which could
be today if you take the Pledge of Vigilance, the Beast
will turn tail and rue the triumph of Flag Day.
June 12--Blood Splattered Road To
Peace Ruled By Beast Of Terror
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