Article Overview:
Be a Parent of Drug Vigilance. Guard your children,
grandchildren, and loved ones from the Beast of Drug Terror who awaits
your child's Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. |
16, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 672
Parents Of Drug Vigilance:
Battle The Beast Of Drug Terror!
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--July 16,
2003-- There is no more crippling impact of the Beast of Terror
for a parent than to know his or her child is caught in the grips of
the Beast of Drug Terror.
The war in Iraq and the attacks on the United States on Nine
Eleven pale in comparison to the death, destruction and overall chaos
caused by the infiltration of drugs into the mainstream of our youth,
as well as that of other nations.
Chaos from the
infiltration of drugs is warring on the world |
Drugs kill reality.
Their effect is to spin a child out of the mainstream of life, to
snare the child into a world of emotional dependence to "escape" or
"enhance" reality, stunting the child's growth and ability to cope
with a world standing on his or her own two feet.
There are countless causes for a child's
experimentation with drugs. The most common is peer pressure,
the idea of being "grown up," of being able to make a decision as an
independent person without the experience of age or the wisdom of
life's dangers warning the child of the pitfalls of a chemical that
will alter their mind and possibly hook them into a false sense of
well-being, a world in which they live for the next manufactured
The problem starts at home.
Drugs fill the "hole in a child's soul."
They offer the child a vehicle to accelerate maturity in a deceitful
manner, sweeping the child away from the innocence of youth and
driving him or her like a hammer does a nail into seeking "relief"
from the tensions and disappointments of the world.
Drugs are any industrialized nation's
biggest Terrorist threat, for they sneak up when you aren't looking
and attack the community in insidious ways, virtually cutting away the
safety of society by crippling the young, unsuspecting.
But what is the real source of a
child's thirst to explore the world of drugs? What really drives
a child to seek drugs' seductive illusion, that warms the inner self
and paints the world in colors the child feels safe and secure within?
The answer, I believe, comes from the
lack of Parental Vigilance.
This Vigilance is not just
about drugs themselves, but about the child's vulnerability to all
shapes and forms of emotional Terrorism.
The child
seeks to fill the "hole in the soul" with drugs |
child seeks to fill his or her "hole in the soul" with drugs, to fill
the void of feeling "bad" and move into the false world of
drug-induced "feeling good."
Drugs make the skinny kid
strong, the Intimidated child bold, the Complacent child washed with a
sense of individuality and character strength that he or she hungers
for. Or, most of all they drive away the pain of reality--the
suffering of not being "loved," or cared about, or wanted.
Like a security blanket to a
shivering child running naked in the frightening woods, drugs surround
the child in a world woven with falsities, unreal senses of mothership
or fathership.
All drug users
seek one thing from their addictions or usage--to eject themselves
from reality.
Whether it is mere experimentation or
hard-corps use, the user buys an "E" Ticket to some place other than
the world in which we live, and, if he or she finds that place more
secure emotionally, then the child remains in that world.
Sadly, for some what might
start out as an experiment or a "choice" to use, quickly becomes a
habit, a rut in which the chemical dependencies of the drug interact
with the emotional desire to escape. The child is hooked.
Adults, despite all the
facts of maturity, are nothing more than grown up children.
Haunting them in the hollows of their marrow is their child, those
little creatures who rose up out of puberty into adults, but who
still cling to whatever imprints were embossed when they were
Life's path is
craved from the crib |
Psychiatrists always seek to go back to the nucleus of a person's
being to uncover and discover the sources of emotional pain and
suffering. They are almost always rooted "back
then," when the child was being shaped by his or her experiences.
Life's path is carved from the crib, for the child is constantly
trying to grow up but never can shed the skins of experience when he
or she was in the most formative years of life--that time when the
desire to be loved, cared for and protected was at its zenith.
Parents who were "too busy" to
spend time with their children, or, were more concerned in living
their own lives and thus paid little heed to the child's Fears,
Intimidations and Complacencies, alienated the child.
Some went so far as to beat or
abuse their children, or neglected their vulnerability by expecting
them "to stand on their own two feet" without putting in the effort to
coach and nurture them so their emotional legs didn't wobble.
It was the lack of Parental
Vigilance, the lack of a parent understanding the child's Fear,
Intimidations and Complacencies, that opened the child to the world of
drugs. For within the drug world was the escape from the
sense of worthlessness, a cleavage from the world of feeling "not good
enough," "not smart enough," "not loved enough" that created the
"holes in the soul."
Drugs filled those holes.
I know. For more than
thirteen years I have chosen recovery from alcohol addiction.
Part of my recovery depends on my daily working with
alcoholic/addicts, men, women, boys and girls, who are caught in the
snare trap of addiction. Over the years I have
worked intimately with virtually hundreds, if not thousands, of people
struggling to overcome the Beast of Drug Terror.
Drug addicts
are un-hugged children |
In every case, the path leads back to
a sense of being "unloved," and "unappreciated," stemming from various
degrees of emotional and physical abuse suffered as a child.
Sometimes, this abuse is so innocuous as to not seem remarkable, but
as the onion of life is peeled as part of a searching and fearless
moral inventory of one's resentments and angers, the ultimate source
falls back on the parents, the guardians, who, despite what may appear
on the surface to be "love," was not.
Drug addicts are children of
emotional neglect. Their parents, however well educated or
lacking it, never became part of the child's world. They never
crawled back into the skin of their own Fears, Intimidations and
Complacencies and held those demons in their hands as they walked the
child through the minefields of maturity.
Hug your
children, don't be their drug dealer |
Had they, the child of addiction who
grows into the adult of addiction, would not want to fill his or her
soul with the false hug of drugs. There would be no
resentments, no angst, no anger toward their parents for failing to
"love them" as they sought to be loved.
Drugs love them.
At least, in the beginning.
Then the false "embraces" turn on them, as
any feral beast will eventually. And, they eat them alive,
gnawing at the shards of their self-worth, their self-respect, their
self-determination until either death, incarceration or recovery
Parents, ultimately are the nation's
drug dealers.
They set into motion the conditions
that ripen a child for easy pickings by the Beast of Drugs, and most
do it unconsciously. This is expressed by the shocked parent who
exclaims: "My child! Taking drugs! No way! Not
my child."
Another way of putting this is:
"My child! Unloved and uncared for so much she or he takes
drugs! No way!"
Parents who lack Vigilance--the
constant awareness that the Beast of Terror is stalking their children
from the inside out, not the outside in--become Complacent. They
fall into the trap of expecting their children to ward off the Beast
of Terror's constant attacks, forgetting that they themselves were
scarred and brutalized by their own Fears, Intimidations and
They forget that as adults, they
still live, as all humans, on the roller coaster of emotional ups and
downs, and these peaks and valleys are exaggerated dramatically in the
mind of a child.
If they were subscribing Parents of
Vigilance who took the Pledge of Vigilance and daily worked to expose
and deny the Beast of Terror the freedom of the child's mind, they
would work with their child by sharing their own Fears, their own
Intimidations and their own Complacencies so their children would
trust them enough to share their own Fears, Intimidations and
And then, the Parent of Vigilance
could help teach their child how to use Courage to overcome Fear,
Conviction to thwart Intimidation, and the importance of Right Actions
in behalf of their Children's Children's Children to battle the
nagging gravity of Complacency.
Parents, be
wary... |
But this takes work, dedication, and
the ability of a Parent of Vigilance to be a Sentinel, wary of the
Beast's footprints constantly trying to stomp the child into
The most important issue related to
drug use is teaching the child that drugs are nothing more than the
tongue of the Beast of Terror. Their goal is sweet-talk the
child into a world where the child can shed his or her Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency with "magic," rather than with resolve of
of the Beast |
A Parent of Vigilance can stop the
Terror of drug use at the doorstep by tackling the problem before it
But it demands all parents recognize their
children are potential victim, and that race, color, creed, economic
or social status, has little bearing. There is no
question that the more challenged a parent is with life's burdens, the
less time the parent has to spend with his or her child, increasing
the risk that the Beast of Drug Terror will sink his jaws and claws
into the youth. But, drug abuse is not exempt from the
richest or poorest. A parent cannot buy a child's
happiness, but must earn it with his or her honesty with the child, by
addressing the fundamentals of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency and
counterbalancing them with examples of Courage, Conviction and Right
Actions for future generations.
The most important antidote of all, is of
course the duty one assumes as a human being "to make a difference" in
this world. That is, to learn from all the mistakes others made
before, and to take the best of the qualities to pass on to our
Children's Children's Children.
But these lessons can only be learned if
one is mentored by another who has traveled life's path. Parents
and Grandparents, plus Loved Ones of Vigilance, are the key source.
When the closest members of the family subscribe to the Principles of
Vigilance, they are underscoring their duty to help the child not
become the next victim to the Beast of Drug Terror.
They set an example for the child that
individuality is not about making choices, but about making the
"right" choices that impact future generations. Being whacked
out on drugs disables that ability.
They also remind the child that peer
pressure, the desire to be "part of" the group, falls second to the
duty to be true to one's self. Self-truth often means
standing alone while everyone else goes in another direction.
The right to chose one's destiny is never measured by herd instinct,
but a child does not recognize the danger of "going along" until he or
she is instructed as to its dangers.
Share with
your children and help bridge the gap |
Parents of Vigilance do not tell, they share. They share
their own flaws, their own defects, and how they made mistakes by
following the crowds, by joining in just to be accepted.
Then, in retrospect, they realized that the herd was nothing more than
that. If one stumbled and fell in the herd, the herd kept going,
leaving the straggler to become fuel for the vultures and predators.
Children can be suited in Vigilance
armor by Parents of Vigilance who take the time to become allies with
the child. There is nothing more satisfying for a child
than to have a parent be a friend and a coach--one who is willing to
share his or her innermost feelings, while at the same time setting
rules and guidelines for behavior.
The line is delicate, but it
can be walked by Parents of Vigilance.
At risk, is the child's
emotional life, and, if the child makes an error, such as drug use,
the child's whole life can be at risk. There is
little difference between a parent protecting a child from a molester
and protecting a child from reaching out to take a drug.
To protect the child, one must
constantly work on building the child's character and self esteem, and
be on guard not to chop off the child's hunger for human love so the
child is driven to drugs to receive that love in chemical surrogate.
Help your
child see the future and dream the impossible |
Some tips: Talk to your child not about drugs, but about
dreams. Help your child see the future and dream the
impossible. Don't admonish the child, but reason with him
or her about the importance of being self-determined. Talk about
the issue of peer pressure, and example stories of how you were
afflicted by the desire to "go along," and finally chose not to.
Or, how you suffered the consequences of "going along."
Share your insides with your child so
your child can share his or hers with you.
For a Sentinel of Vigilance to be of value,
he or she must climb into a child's skin. That right is earned.
No child will let another in until trust is built, and that trust
comes only from the honesty and respect shown to the child.
The more you become part of the child's
feelings, the more aware you are of the child's Fears, Intimidations
and Complacencies, the more able you'll be to replace them with the
antidotes of Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for future
Breach the
non-communication gap by reading to your children |
Reading a child a
book, whether bible stories, mysteries and adventures or fairy tales
each night, and talking about the stories is one powerful way to
breech the non-communication gap between one's insides and another's
insides. Hugging your child and verbalizing your love for
him or her in the morning and at night (at the least) arms them to
shoulder the attacks waiting for them when they step outside the
safety of the home.
The Beast of Drug Terror doesn't
He does pushups, waiting.
Be a Parent of Drug Vigilance.
Guard your child's insides so his or hers outsides will be safe.
July 15--Grandfathers of Vigilance:
- 2004,, All rights reserved -
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