Article Overview:
Daily, the Beast of Terror attacks in a thousand different forms.
He or She lays siege to the world. Our Castle of Defense is
Vigilance. Vigilance is the mortar, the glue that holds
back the Beast's assaults. See how you can be the Glue of
Vigilance, protecting yourself, your loved ones, and the Children's
Children's Children from harm. |
Thursday--July 17, 2003—Ground Zero Plus
Vigilance: The Glue That Holds
Back The Beast of Terror's Attacks
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--July 17,
2003-- "I'm not a superstar. But I am the glue that holds
together our team."
"I am the glue
that holds our team together" |
That was the comment
delivered to me from a close friend thinking about shifting jobs.
I had asked her if anyone she worked with knew she was leaving for
another position, and what impact her absence would have.
There was a twinge of remorse in her Voice, as
though she might have thought that being the "glue" of her group of
workers wasn't as glorious as being the "superstar."
I interjected: "You know, superstars
come and go. But the glue people stick. They hold
all the parts together. Nothing is more important than being a
glue person. Nothing is more valuable, not even a superstar."
She thanked me for the comment.
I wasn't being solicitous.
In a world often measured by who climbs to
the top rung of the ladder, we often forget about the people standing
below, holding the ladder stable so it doesn't fall. We
glorify the one at the top and forget about those below grunting and
throwing their shoulders against the gravity of the teetering ladder,
insuring that someone else rather than they can become the hero.
That hero is often the
person who stands in the spotlight before it vanishes, garnering his
or her "fifteen minutes of fame." The spotlight,
unfortunately, never coruscates the people holding the ladder.
These anonymous players are the "grunt people."
Often, they are the strongest
of all in virtue for while many of them could climb the ladder, they
elect to support it rather than mount it. They secure it, without vainglorious attempts to reach
the top and wave at the cheering throngs who hunter to extol one person
for victory, unconcerned that it took virtual hundreds, or thousands
for that one angel to climb upon the head of the pin.
These people are the "glue" that binds all
the pieces together. They secure the pieces to insure the ladder
is strong. They design and construct the ladder so that it is safe to
climb, and cheer on the climber without regard for their own
Then, when the battle is over, the
glue people slip back into the shadows of anonymity, never resentful
they weren't at the top. But they are forever grateful they could be the "mortar of
A Parent of Vigilance is like a glue
Parents stand up to the Termites of Terrorism: Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency |
His or her job, duty, role in life,
is to build the mortar between the bricks of a child's character so
that the ladder the child climbs will not be weakened by the Termites
of Terrorism-- those creatures of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
that gnaw at the foundations of a person's being and drive him or her
into a hermit crab's shell, fearful of any shadow that appears on the
America's current surge of political
candidates for the President of the United States reminds me of the
Termites of Terrorism. Each is attacking the foundations
of a Vigilance Ladder, trying to topple the leader who boldly climbed
onto the parapet of Terrorism and stormed the walls virtually single
handedly to send a message to all the world's Terrorists that a few
nations--America, Britain, Australia and Poland, to name the few, were
willing to cut the legs off the Giant of Terror.
The expression, "It's lonely at the
top," isn't quite correct. No one gets to the top without
the "glue people" standing below, scurrying around to reinforce the
ladder, insuring its ability to withstand the stress and shear of all
opposition trying to oppose its penetration of the Beast's Castle.
The CIA, among other "glue people" is
under attack for the "yellow cake" incident. The "yellow cake"
refers to information in the President's State of the Union Speech
referencing Iraq's alleged efforts to acquire material from Niger to
build nuclear weapons.
It isn't the critique of opponents both
within the United States and abroad that is disconcerting.
Slinging arrows and dung is the sad handmaiden of all politics.
What is disturbing is the lack of reference to the "glue people," the
lack of recognition that it was the American popular support that
backed the war in Iraq, not the "yellow cake" sixteen-word line that
wormed its way into the President's speech.
The vast majority of Americans supported
the war long before the "yellow cake" comment. If one were
to look at the world from a Sentinel of Vigilance's viewpoint, the
surveillance would reveal that Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents,
Brothers, Sisters, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and Loved Ones of Vigilance
were sick and tired of a world without a David to fight the Goliath of
The US
family became the "glue people" holding America's ladder so Bush
could climb up and face the Beast of Terror |
The family of the United States
became the glue people, holding the ladder so President Bush could
climb up and face the Beast of Terror.
It takes guts to see the future
beyond the vote, especially if you are a politician.
Those vying for the President's job
are doing their best to cripple the Administration's integrity,
shouting "foul" and trying to turn the Sentinel of Vigilance into the
Beast of Terror, out to deceive the Mothers and Fathers, the
Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins and Loved Ones of Vigilance who
supported him.
What folly.
Citizens of the world who care about
their children's future, and their Children's Children's Children's
future security, either publicly or privately hail the acts of the
United States as a symbol to all Terrorists that anyone who seeks to
destroy, tyrannize or oppress a society will be met with the full
force of Vigilance.
This includes West Africa, North
Korea and all points in between.
They say a politician does what is
necessary to get the next vote, and a statesman does what is correct
for the future regardless of the vote.
President Bush
and his "glue people" took a great risk to gum up the Beast of
Terror in Iraq |
Few people on this earth can challenge the great risk President Bush
and his "glue people" took when they attacked Iraq. The
United Nations was shrinking back in its hermit crab shell, ducking
its duty to protect the world as is the nature of the United Nations.
Dissenters marched and held up signs
likening the President to Hitler, and holding effigies of his thirst
for "blood for oil," as though he were the Beast.
All Bush's critics, including his
political opponents, rooted for the failure of American foreign policy
to crash so that they might leap upon the broken, mangled mess and
shout: "Told you so!"
Allied with Bush was Tony Blair,
Prime Minister of Great Britain, who stood against a hailstorm of
angst against the war, and endangered his political future by refusing
to buckle to the dissent. He climbed with Bush up the ladder.
Unlike their critics, both
leaders saw the future as more important than the political present.
They were both willing to risk their political lifeblood to do battle
with Saddam, not just as a man, but as a symbol to all future
Hissing on the heels of Saddam
was Kim Jong Il, the despotic leader of North Korea who today still
flaunts his nuclear weapons like a bully in the streets with a gun
pointed at the heads of the innocent neighborhood children, warning
all who might challenge him that he will willingly kill all the
children if anyone attacks him.
Despite Kim Jong Il's
bravado, he shudders today.
Kim looks at the death
warrants on the heads of Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, some $25
million, plus the full forces of a nation with the most advanced
Terror-Hunting Tools nipping at the heels of these Terror bandits, and
Kim Jong Il has to wonder if he really has any power when it is all
said and done. America and Great Britain have set an
example that they are the "glue of Vigilance," willing to climb the
ladder and storm the walls of North Korea's Castle of Terrorism and
Oppression, and then sic all the hounds on Kim when he tries to
America and
Great Britain have the resolve to sic the dogs on Kim |
The glue for all
this resolve flows up the ladder.
It comes from
average people who intuitively know the Beast of Terror will keep
chewing and gnawing its way to their doorstep unless stopped.
The names of the Beast aren't as important as the goal of the
Beast--to endanger the future of all, especially the children.
But, the candidates
in America vying for President seem to have missed the whole point of
the war on Terrorism. While they try to impugn the integrity of
the President and his "glue staff," the people are sitting back
wondering how these Termites of Terror would act in the fact of danger
to their children.
They know how the current
President would act, for he is continuing to act not just for America
but the world. His thrust to grapple Terrorism into the dirt, to
handcuff it and stuff it in a prison heavily guarded by Mothers,
Fathers, Grandparents and Loved Ones of Vigilance, is working.
But the critics seem
blind to the big picture of Vigilance.
"glue staff" is sticking it to the Beast of Terror |
if they took the Pledge of Vigilance, they would see how Courage is a
much greater political tool to fight Fear, and how Conviction is much
more palatable than Intimidation expressed by those who duck and weave
away from risk. Most importantly, they would see how Right
Actions in behalf of the Children's Children's Children are a far
richer source of defense against the Beast than the Complacency of
Critique, which is nothing more than spitting out sour grapes.
I would love to see all
the politicians climbing the ladder of Vigilance, or, holding onto its
Unfortunately, all I see
is their Termitic Mandibles of Terrorism busily chewing on the rungs
July 16--Parents of Vigilance: Battle
The Beast of Drug Terror!
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