Article Overview:
Today is the birth of World War I--the Great War to end all wars.
It is also the hallmark day of the death of a man who created the
starship Enterprise for Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek. Find out
how both events can help you protect your children today, and far into
the future. |
Monday--July 28,
2003—Ground Zero Plus 684
The Birth Of World Wars Is Today:
A Date of Infamy or Vigilance?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--July 28,
2003-- July 28, 1914. It was the first day of the First
World War.
commemorates the first day of the First World War - The Great War |
It was the day
Austria-Hungry attacked Serbia. For some, it was the
ultimate day of "infamy" because it ushered in "world wars," wars
fought by nations against nations.
America sent 4.7 million to battle the Beast of
Terror in Europe. Over 50,000 died in battle, and another
60,000 died of diseases. World War I was fought in
trenches, with a greater chance of dying from infection than by a
German bullet.
The U.S. wasn't alone in that war.
Other brave nations fighting to keep tyranny and oppression at bay
lost far more of their Soldiers of Vigilance. Great Britain
battle deaths ranged at 900,000, France at nearly 1.4 million, Germany
had 1.6 million and Russia, 1.7 million. Again, total deaths due
to disease doubled the number that died in battle.
Official WWI battle deaths are reported at 7,485,800
- but to be realistic, push that total to at least 15 million to
include the non-combat deaths resulting from diseases attacking
soldiers in the trenches.
But war doesn't limit its blood to just the military.
Conservative estimates of non-combatant deaths in WWI equal over 6
Called the Great War, World War I was touted as
the "war to end all wars." It was thought that once one beat the
Beast of Terror, forcing its surrender, the Beast would be tamed and
conform to the world. The Beast, it was thought, would seek peace and prosperity
rather than dominance through bloodshed. The idea was the world
would turn against any nation aggressor, that everyone would band
together so that bullies could be squashed.
But the Beast of War had other ideas.
It knew that over time, nations would duck and hide behind the Wall of
Complacency and tire of sending their young to die in foreign lands.
In less than a generation, WWII
was launched. More than 16 million Americans fought in the
Second World War; 292,000 died in battle deaths, and another 115,000
died of other deaths.
Non-combatant deaths in WWII are
estimated to be 26 million, including 6 million Jews exterminated in
the holocaust, and Russia's loss of more than 7 million citizens
warding off German attacks on its Eastern Front.
Following WWII was Korea, then Vietnam and the Gulf
War, and now, the War With The Beast of Terror.
The original idea that the "Great War" was
supposed to end the next war has almost evaporated.
Americans in 1914 traveled thousands of
miles to die in the Great War to end all wars. The U.S.,
unthreatened by the enemy, stood by its allies in Europe. Many
citizens who remembered the horrible losses of WWI
were reluctant to declare war against Germany as Hitler's shadow cast
its tyrannical spell on all of Europe. Vigilance won over
Complacency, for again, the U.S. was not under direct threat.
Churchill's "Hands Across The Sea" message brought America into
the Great War |
Winston Churchill's famous radio message to the
American public, "Hands Across The Sea," shoveled America into the
war, forcing the Complacent out of their chairs and into the fires of
combat Hell.
Today, the war news in Iraq is about the on-going hunt for
Saddam Hussein. Saddam's sons were killed last week, and a
special operations assault on the suspected hideout of Saddam failed
again today.
But snipers didn't.
Like being bitten to death by ducks,
American troops are being systematically killed, in groups of ones,
twos and threes at a time. It is a war of attrition, with
the enemy hoping that Americans will tire of their brothers and
sister, sons and daughters, husbands and wives, buddies, uncles
and aunts, and even grandfathers and grandmothers being shot or blown
up trying to bring freedom to tyranny's former lair.
Then there is Africa and North Korea, both
raging fires of violence that need to be doused.
The Great War ended not with a bang, but a
Moans of the
dead in the trenches can still be heard |
Moans of the
dead in its trenches can still be heard by Sentinels of Vigilance who
cock their ears and listen to the words: "The Beast is
coming...beware the Beast."
Paradoxically, today is not only the
birthday of the modern World War, but it also hallmarks the birth of
future wars, especially those that reach far out into centuries ahead
when men and women patrol the universe looking for the Beast of Terror
in deep space.
The famous television series, Star Trek,
later turned into a wealth of movies, was about a group of Sentinels
of Vigilance patrolling the universe to keep the Beast of Terror, i.e,,
the Klingons, from attacking the weak and vulnerable.
The starship
"Enterprise" intercepted "evil" throughout space |
Led by
Captain James Kirk and his right hand man, Dr. Spock, the starship
Enterprise shot at warp speed to intercept "evil" where ever it stuck
its ugly head.
Today, the birthday of the onset of
the first World War, also marks the death of 82-year-old Matt
Jeffries, a Bronze Star Medal winner who was a flight engineer on B-17
bombers during WWII. The B-17 is immortalized for being a
"flying coffin" in one of the great books stabbing at the insanity of
war--Catch 22.
But the legacy Matt
Jeffries leaves is not of his heroism in WWII. He was an
art director, and working with Star Trek's creator, Gene Roddenberry,
drew the starship Enterprise. He designed it--a battleship of
the universe, a chariot for future Sentinel's of Vigilance. The
crew of the starship sought to protect the Children's Children's
Children from all harm, alien and domestic.
Star Trek art
director Matt Jeffries died today |
1921 - 2003 |
I thought it
fitting that Matt Jeffries would select a monumental day in history to
die. His magical art captured the minds of millions and
flung them at warp speed into the reality of the future--where the
threats by Beasts of Terrors from other worlds reign as strong as the
ones earthlings are facing fro Kim Jong Il, or any of the tyrants of
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency poised to unleash violence
indiscriminately to seek power over others.
Jeffries was
the designer of the Starship Enterprise "To boldly go where no man
has gone before" |
In the evolution of
Star Trek, the series Voyager, continued the saga of deep space
Vigilance. The crew of Voyager was commanded by a woman
captain, Katherine Janeway. Instead of Klingons, now
allies, the enemy was the Borg, machines that assimilate humans and
turned them into robotic slaves.
Jeffries had an eye to the future, and it wasn't
one without the Beast of Terror or the need for Parents of Vigilance
to remain armed against the crippling Triads of Terrorism--Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency.
The crew of his starship used Courage to battle
Fear, Conviction to thwart Intimidation, and kept their focus on the
prime mission, to do the Right Actions that protected the universe's
Children's Children's Children rather than fall into the quagmire of
Today, the United State is like Star Trek's
"Federation." In a yet unheralded way, it is the starship
Enterprise, seeking to protecting the Earth from the Klingons and Borg
who threaten the security of our earthly "universe."
served as a flight engineer on a B 17 bomber in Word War II and
received a Purple Star |
Critics of America's foray
to face off the Beast of Terror chide our actions. Many
sit on their hands, refusing to support the U.S. by sending troops or
money to help defray the battle with the Beast. These nations
hide behind technicalities while Americans die daily, giving their
lives so the Beast will not spread to the safety and security of those
who watch the blood being spilled.
It takes great Courage, Conviction and a
dedication to Right Actions for Americans to shoulder the duty to
battle the Beast almost single-handedly. This is not to take
away any of the glory deserved for those who support the U.S. such as
Poland, Britain, Australia and soon Japan. But it does beg
the question about France, Germany, Russia and other nations
threatened ultimately by the future "Klingons" and "Borg" who seek to
assimilate our children and enslave them to their will.
If Kim Jong Il, the leader of North Korea, sets
an example of tyranny where his people boil grass and starve as he
funnels precious resources to build nuclear weapons and fund a
military whose single purpose is to keep his people enslaved in
poverty, then we have many miles to go before we can patrol the
universe to keep alien invaders away from earth's children.
Matt Jefferies knew the Beast of Terror could
never be killed.
When one Beast dies, another is born.
When one Beast
dies another is born |
The starship's
mission was to bring the Sentinels of Vigilance to the doorstep of the
Beast, and let the Beast know he would have to fight through all the
Parents of Vigilance to reach the children. The starship
Enterprise was and is, the futuristic symbol of Vigilance.
So, today, on the birth of the true Great
War and death of the creator of the Ship of Vigilance, we all need to
think through our roles in protecting our children.
To arm ourselves, we do not all need guns.
But we do need the Shield of Vigilance.
Great armies such as the Romans marched
into the sun during battle, holding up gleaming shields they had
polished the night before so that the sun blazed off them, blinding
their enemy.
Each Citizen of Vigilance can carry a
brilliant Shield of Vigilance by signing the Pledge of Vigilance
below. Once it is printed and signed, and the
Principles of Vigilance understood, the Parent of Vigilance can hold
it up so that the sunlight bounces off it and blinds the Beast of
Terror seeking to assimilate their children.
today to be a crewmember on the Ship of Vigilance and help blind
the Beast of Terror |
Today is a
great day to start. It is the day we remember the onset of the
First World War, the birthday of the Great War against the Beast of
Terror and a tribute day to the creator of the starship Enterprise,
the Ship of Vigilance.
Take the Pledge today, and salute
Vigilance. Perhaps one day, the wars will be over.
But right now, they aren't.
Climb aboard the Enterprise.
Be a crewmember on the Ship of Vigilance. Matt Jefferies
is already aboard and waiting to greet you.
27--Japan Wages War On Iraq's Beast of Terror
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