On Thanksgiving Day, many chairs at the table will be empty of the physical
body, but full of the spirit of those who lost their lives on September 11.
But what about the countless millions of children who have no parents, or whose
mother or father doesn't show up to celebrate Thanksgiving? In this
touching but telling story, GMa Lori shares with Matt and Sarah the meaning of
Thanksgiving, and calls upon the Parents Of Vigilance to fill the empty chairs
of those who are gone, or those who are still here but who have forgotten to
remember their children
A Thanksgiving story by
G-Ma Lori
“Matt, Matt, Matt, could you stop talking for just a teeny-tiny bit to let
me ask you what was exciting or interesting at school today?”
I spoke rapidly and loudly, jockeying for position against the
high-pitched resonance of my five-year-old grandson’s one-sided
conversation as we walked home from his school. He was ‘on a roll’ today.
Even his usually vociferous three-year-old sister, Sarah, couldn’t get a
word in.
“Ummm…well, we worked on math and Ms. McMahon
says I’m very good doing it, and…we had music today…and…um…uh…we talked
about the Indian Harvest.” He skipped along beside me, constantly pulling
on my arm as he expounded on his version of the First Thanksgiving.
“Did the Indians and the Pilgrims eat at the
same table?” I asked, curious to hear how he had understood his
Kindergarten teacher explain the historical event.
“Well, G-Ma, I don’t know that, but I know they
had lots to eat…the Pilgrims did…and they were friends with the Indians…so
they had them come and help eat it all. And, you know, G-Ma, it’s called
Harvest Time because all the crops…like the corn and stuff…are grown and
ready to be picked. That’s called harvesting.” He carefully
enunciated the word so I would understand.
Sarah charged into the conversation as Matt
took a breath. “We had a Winnie the Pooh story about the Harvest, G-Ma;
‘member, Matt? Piglet, Tigger, Christopher Robin, Owl, Eeyore, and…”
Sarah took a big breath as she hurried to finish before Matt launched on
another expository…”and Kanga and baby Roo ate lots of food. Did
they eat the same dinner as the Indians, G-Ma?”
“No, my sweet one, the dinner Matt is telling
us about happened over 400 years ago. It was a very special dinner given
by the Pilgrims who were celebrating their freedom. They sailed to America
in 1620 on the ship, the Mayflower, and landed at Plymouth, Mass. They
wanted to make a new home in America, so they worked very hard, planted
many crops, and ate a big feast to celebrate.”
Matt’s little chest puffed as he started to talk
to me as though he was the teacher and I was the student. “The Indians
became their friends, G-Ma and so that must be why they were invited to
the Harvest festival. And the first Harvest festival was
the same as the First Thanksgiving, ‘cause they all
said a prayer to thank the Great Spirit.” Then he leaned forward as we
walked and looked at Sarah,. “The Great Spirit is the God of the
Indians, Sarah” “The Indians weren’t happy at first when the Pilgrims
used their land, were they, G-Ma?”
We dodged some people bustling down the block
with grocery bags. Sidewalks in New York reminded me of the freeways in
Southern California at rush hour. You couldn’t take your eyes off the
“road” for fear of a collision. I thought about all the times I had car
pooled after school and picked up my daughter—Matt and Sarah’s mother—and
chuckled as I was now “driving” my grandchildren down the “freeways” of
the East Village.
I continued with the answer to Matt, and, of course, glancing at
Sarah who was a little sponge soaking up all the information.
“No, it took some time to make peace. The Indians were from the
Patuxet Tribe of the Wampanonag Nation. The Indians called the place
where the Pilgrims landed, Patuxet, which meant ‘little falls.
Thanksgiving, means just that, Sarah and Matt; giving thanks, and that’s
what the Pilgrims and hopefully, the Indians did. They all got together
and were thankful for their plentiful harvest and their families and
friends. The day became a Tradition and we celebrate it every year.” I
had grown up in Montana, in a very small town, East Helena, and history
stuck with me. It was paying off now as the ancient memories found their
way to my lips.
Conversation waned as we scrambled to get home
avoiding all the other busy East Village New Yorkers trying to do the
same. When we arrived at their apartment, Matt showed me how to make a
turkey by outlining my hand with a crayon. We all made one and colored in
our “hand turkeys.”
“G-Ma, will Thanksgiving be different this year
from other times.” The fun was interrupted as Matt transformed to “Mr.
Serious”. He moved closer, a sign he was upset, perhaps slightly
terrorized by some thought or feeling hidden deep inside his sensitive,
innocent being.
“You mean because of the families who will have
an empty chair at their dinner table for a missing father, mother, uncle,
aunt, or special friend because of the September 11 tragedy? Is that what
you mean, ‘little man’, I took his hand. Sarah’s eyes widened as she
attempted to understand what we were talking about.
“Jason lost his special ‘Daddies’ in the
building crash,” she ventured timidly unsure if her comment was
appropriate. “Jason had lots of firemen friends and they can’t be his
friends any more, right G-Ma?”
“Sadly enough, dear girl, you are right. I
know he is extra sad right now and will miss them on Thanksgiving. He
usually gets to go to the firehouse for their ‘Harvest Dinner’.”
Matt’s Voice was low. “G-Ma, that really makes
ME even sadder. I heard Jason’s mommy say Jason needs a
daddy, and that she can’t be his daddy…and she is trying all the time to
find one for him…and the firemen were kind of like ‘daddies’ to him. Now
they are gone.”
I knew Jason’s mother well. She was struggling to raise her
son properly, even though he had no “father”—at least one that talked to
him, or called him, or gave him presents on his birthday. She had become
close friends with many firemen, working as a volunteer for various
events, adopting them as her “brothers” and surrogate “fathers” for
Jason. We had gone to lots of events at the firehouses with Jason, and
then September 11th had taken away so many of Jason’s
“fathers,” and so many of his mother’s “brothers.” Matt and Sarah knew
more than most children about impact of the tragedy because of their
friendship with Jason.
I searched Matt's innocent and sensitive eyes, as
clear and blue as the morning glow in the Big Sky of Montana, and wanted
to reassure him his friend would be fine. His sadness was his way of
letting me know when he needed an extra special hug and lap spot. I
quickly and lovingly obliged. His face was all scrunched up, nose pinched
and his tears already had wet his cheeks. At five he exhibited amazing
compassion for others.
“Matt, Matt, my most special boy, one moment you
are a hungry Allosaurus, Destructasaurus and,” I paused, “…a sweet loving
honey-bear the next.”
Pooh's Hundred Acre Wood |
I recalled when he was three and playing at Tompkins Square
Park. A few boys were were playing Power Rangers and “flying” to their
‘bases’. They invited Matt to play and wanted to know what Ranger he was
and where was he going. To their surprise, Matt announced he was
Winnie the Pooh and he was
headed to the ‘Hundred Acre Wood’. In contrast he has more than once raced
to the rescue of his little sister (even though she probably didn’t need
rescuing). He’s most definitely not a wimp and has a beautiful soft heart
inherited from his loving mom and dad. I could feel his wounds as he
thought about Jason.
“Well, G-Ma, Will doesn’t have a Daddy either
and he wants our Daddy Joe to be his Daddy. Can Daddy Joe be his Daddy,
too, and be Jason’s too?” anxiously inquired Sarah.
Matt spoke softly, measuring his words. “I
already told Will that Daddy Joe can be his Daddy…but he can’t live so far
away…because Daddy Joe can’t visit him way up in Canada. And, Sarah…” He
turned to his little sister as though he were correcting the errant
student…”Jason goes to a different school now so that won’t work out.”
Matt was perturbed since he knew Sarah’s solution was neither practical
nor realistic.
Will and Matt had been friends since birth. They were just a few
months apart in age. Will had been adopted by a single mother an old
friend of Sabra and Joe’s. Will had lived in the East Village until last
year when his adopted mother moved to Canada.
“G-Ma, maybe the kids not having both a mommy
and daddy could have some of the ‘Parents of Vigilance’ be mommies and
daddies for them.” He flashed his blue eyes up at me, searching for my
approval. “And since Will doesn’t live here and Jason isn’t close by,
they can have a ‘vigilant parent’ come to Thanksgiving Dinner?”
His eyes began to twinkle. It was as though he knew I would be
pleased with his solution. “Some of the Parents could come to dinner and
sit where the missing mommy or daddy, or whoever would be. Hey,” he
started excitedly… “maybe the kids could even…on another day…go to the
Zoo… the dinosaur museum…the playground…or wrestle (Matt and Will wrestled
all the time since they had been babies)…and best of all…some could say
nighttime prayers and tuck them into bed. You know, stuff like that.”
His eagerness and excitement as the ideas grew, caused him to slur
some of his words and a light spray of ‘drool’ showered me.
My mind began to whir. I thought about the terror of a child being
“fatherless” or “motherless.” Earlier in the week I had looked up
statistics on the subject just for my information.
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
released a report signifying since 1995 the proportion of children living
with a single parent had dropped by 8 percent; and a Child Trends study
reported that between 1997 and 1999 the proportion of children living in
single-parent families dropped from 27 percent to 25 percent. It seemed
as if the situation was possibly getting better since for the very first
time in two generations, the negative family disintegration trends that
scholars thought unstoppable, had suddenly stopped getting worse. It might
have meant that for the first time, we could begin to focus good
old-fashioned American know-how on the more optimistic side - that is,
until our country’s September 11 tragedy skewed the statistics with the
loss of mothers fathers, uncles, aunts, etc.
I wished Matt were a little older. It would have been interesting to
talk to him about the philosophy of Thanksgiving - like the similarity
between this Thanksgiving versus the Pilgrims first Feast Of The Harvest.
They sought freedom from religious persecution and the terrorism of their
rights and independence. Today, we were seeking freedom from the
persecution from the Terrorists. The Pilgrims risked their lives to live
in a better place. Thousands gave their lives at the World Trade Center in
the fight for their freedom. The parallels were synonymous.
I decided it would be good to remember the
firemen, police and emergency workers on Thanksgiving. The topic of the
fateful day is bound to come up at or near the dinner table. When we got
together with family at Matt’s great uncle’s house, I decided we shouldn’t
dwell on the sadness, but promote how we’ve all been drawn together. The
children should hear how grateful we are, how powerful we have become out
of the rubble. I noticed a number of signs of optimism even though there
is uncertainty in our future. I had read there was an increase in the
sale of engagement rings after September 11, a revival of religious
beliefs, more families were reuniting, and, hopefully, there would be a
large increase in the population nine months from mid-September – an
increase in the birth rate providing a genuine testament of faith in our
future. Matt’s question snapped my attention back to the ‘little man’
sitting in my lap.
“It’s a really good thing there are Parents of
Vigilance, G-Ma. Will there be enough of them to go around?” Matt frown
was replaced by a wide smile.
“I think so, Matt. Yes, the Parents of
Vigilance can step in and act as a missing parent and be calming for kids
who haven’t a mommy or a daddy. We have to tell more people how they can
become Parents of Vigilance so there will be enough ‘extra’ mommies and
Matt’s chest puffed out again. “I helped G-Pa
pass out his cards telling about Semper Vigilantes and the Parents. Maybe
some of those people will help the kids who don’t have mommies and
daddies, or have only one. Sarah and I are giving thanks for our whole
family and for the Parents of Vigilance too.”
Over the past few weeks I had watched big, ol’ G-Pa and Matt
walking down the street passing out Vigilance Cards. The card gives a
short explanation of the Parents of Vigilance and the history of Semper
Vigilantes. Matt fearlessly hands out the cards, as though somehow in his
own, innocent way he understands the importance of a Parent of Vigilance
in his life, and in his friends’ lives who are deprived of a “father
figure.” When he’s passing out the cards, I wonder if he wasn’t the true
author of the Pledge Of Vigilance. Certainly, he was a prime motivating
force behind its construction.
I was relieved my ‘little man’ was not upset
anymore. His sense of wanting happiness for his friends overshadowed his
concern. I only hoped that the other little ones would find a Parent Of
Vigilance on Thanksgiving.
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