When warriors stand on
the edge of war they shed their morality, their sense of humanity, and
focus on one singular goal--"kill or be killed." No matter
how moral their intent, the Beast of Terror morphs them into killing
machines, equal to or greater than the Beast of Terror they fight to
overpower, to obliterate, to decimate. Look at the box
Saddam Hussein is in, and how Complacency brought us to the point
where we all become the Parents of the Beast. |

19, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 494
Suicide And The Beast Of Terror
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Jan. 19--The war in
Iraq boils down to two options--suicide or exile. It seems
suicide has the upper hand.
Breaking news reports today are
filled with headlines about how the Saudi government has offered
Saddam Hussein and his family amnesty if they agree to leave the
country to avoid war. The proposal offers
Hussein, who has commanded the country for more than 23 years, exile
in perpetuity--an agreement that extends beyond current Saudi
leadership to the next rulers, protecting Hussein's
children's children's children from harm.
Neither Bush
nor his own government will convince Saddam to leave Iraq |
However, most Iraqi observers believe
Hussein will never voluntarily leave Iraq. Instead, they
predict, he will commit what is called "national suicide," fighting
until his last breath regardless of the waste to his life, his family,
and a mass number of Iraqi civilians who will be caught in the
crossfire should the U.S. go to war to unseat him.
Both Crown Prince Abdullah and the
Saudi foreign minister, Prince Saud al-Faisal, made public
statements in recent weeks that Arab states should be given an
opportunity to provide an exit strategy for Hussein if Iraq is judged
by the Security Council to have failed to comply with Resolution 1441,
which demands a full accounting of its secret weapons programs.
"I don't think Saddam will leave his
country," a senior Saudi diplomat said, "and the history of efforts to
remove him is not a history that has revealed success."
Amnesty has also been offered to senior
Iraqi officers who help oust the Iraqi leader. Little hope is
held that this will happen.
Then, there is the ultimate solution,
national suicide that comes in the wrappings of war. It is at
this point that the two forces--Iraq and the United States, plus any
allies, become equal Beasts of Terror, each eager to die for their
causes. For Saddam, it means suicide. For the
U.S., it means becoming the Beast again.
Anti Iraq War
Protest in Washington, D.C. |
Equal pressure to
launch war is being put on Saddam
Hussein, and President George Bush in
America. In America, that pressure was exerted yesterday when thousands of anti-war protestors marched on Washington, as well as in other major cities across the country.
The "No War For Oil" theme struck at the
primary strategy of the U.S. as seen by anti-war protestors, that the
U.S. is poised for war from a myopic strategy based on controlling the
rich oil fields in Iraq. Synchronizing with Martin Luther
King Day being celebrated this weekend, marchers made their way
through Washington's Capitol, including a San Francisco Stroller
Brigade of parents pushing their children up Market Street and through
crowds. In Tampa, Florida, protestors rallied outside
Mac Dill Air Force Base as military jets took off nearby.
Globally, coordinated anti-war protests were held in Tokyo, Paris,
Cairo and Moscow.
It is obvious the pressure is mounting on
both sides. On the one side, the Beast of Terror in Iraq is
being pushed into a corner--surrender of die is the option being
given. On the other side of the fence, America is
being pushed to launch war. The louder the protestations
ring, the more pressure is put on President Bush to launch the war to
quell the protests. He cannot afford to back down to public
pressure, for if he did, he would signal to the people they have more
power than the President, and even in a democracy such as ours, that
would violate Executive Privilege. It would emasculate a
President's "right to rule" despite the people.
Unfortunately, power is vested in
leadership without restraint in America. Like Saddam, the
only way to stop the war machine from launching is to oust Bush, and
that is not possible at this point. America has positioned
itself as the "World's Terrorist Savior," and little if anything can
stop the gravity of war except Saddam's capitulation, his
assassination, or a coup that would force him into exile.
America cannot
serve up Saddam's head on a platter |
One of Terrorism's chief components
is Complacency. The two others are Fear and Intimidation.
It seems that America is currently head-locked in the Complacency hold.
As a result of Fear and Intimidation, Americans rushed to support the
attack on Iraq under the thesis that if we cut off Saddam's head, we
would show the world we would go after any leader who planned to
Terrorize the world.
As the momentum grew, the power of
the government to launch war expanded. Now, all the army ants
have been sent to surround the Iraqi Terrorist Nest. They are
snapping their jaws, thirsty to taste blood. Tens of
thousands of American airmen, Marines, army and navy personnel are
poised to use spears and swords to wash clean those who defy the U.N.
and pose a future threat to world security.
Even if Saddam seeks exile or is
ousted, American troops will probably swarm into Baghdad to insure the
next regime conforms to the dictates spelled out by the U.N., and also
to occupy the country as a symbol of American influence in the Middle
And, of course, there is the oil
rights issue. Who will get what? Whether the
war is won with much bloodshed or little, the prize will go to those
who dominate the next regime's ear, or, lace their pockets.
Our relationship with Saudi Arabia is one of symbiosis--while our two
cultures may not agree on how to run a country--we do agree on the
flow of commerce.
American Complacency, however, is the
real issue. At this point, even ten thousand
Stroller Brigades would have little impact on Washington policy.
Our own Beast of Terror has grown to match and surpass that of the
Saddam Hussein's, for in war, it isn't the "good" versus the "bad"
that fights, but it is one Beast of Terror versus the other Beast of
Terror that battles it out.
In battle
killing becomes our goal |
As a
warrior I understand the change that occurs in the average,
peace-loving human who holds a weapon in his hand and fixes the
bayonet to the rifle muzzle. Something changes.
Inside the soft, pliable soul of the citizen who wears a uniform, the
child of innocence dies when the first bullet is fired.
Whatever pathos/ethos
combination existed in the chemistry is frozen. A cold
indifference takes control of the system. Killing becomes the
singular goal, without thought, without remorse, without guilt or
shame. One becomes a Beast of Terror, willing to
sink his bayonet into another's chest and twist and shove until the
other human being's guts pop out. And then on to the next,
and the next and the next until the pools of blood no longer look red,
but become a noxious slime one has to wipe from his eyes so he can see
the next person he has to kill.
Complacency removes options.
It freezes one's morality, suspends it, anaesthetizes it.
That's the danger of war.
Once it begins, morality ends.
Rights and wrongs cease to
exist. Killing for killing's sake rules, for the primary purpose
of war is to destroy the enemy. There are no other options.
It is not unlike a mother being
attacked by thieves and robbers who seek to slay her children.
Give her a knife and she will slice every throat without a blink of
any who come within her knife's range, and she will shed no tears in
the process.
A mother
becomes a Beast of Terror when combating another Beast that
threatens her young |
Her Beast of Terror will match
and often exceed the Beast of Terror she is fighting, for Nature must
protect itself from Beasts by installing into those under attack the
same primal lust for killing as the killers have. Otherwise,
everything is unfair.
The issue at the present is
America's Beast of Terror has matured. While we may have
started out in our war planning by taking the "high moral ground" of
"world protector," we now have morphed into a Beast of Terror, equal
to or greater than the Beast of Terror we call Saddam Hussein--a man
capable of killing tens of thousands of his own people, the Kurds.
A man who will sacrifice the lives of thousands of innocent civilians
in his last-ditch stand to remain "King" of his Iraqi kingdom.
Hitler took the same attitude.
As the German Army was defeated, Hitler demanded that every soldier
and general fight to the death rather than give up. Surrender
was not in his vocabulary. In the final moment, he killed
himself rather than admit defeat.
To drive him to such a
decision, Allied Forces virtually destroyed Germany--fire bombing
Dresden and other civilian targets, unleashing the Beast of Terror in
full form so that our Beast was bigger and uglier than Hitler's.
So it will be the same scenario in
Iraq if Saddam Hussein and his troops make a pact to fight to the
death. Beast will battle Beast, not good versus bad, right
versus wrong, East versus West. It will just be Beast vs.
War cannot be
stopped until all the blood has been spilled and the Beast(s)
sated. |
the blood flows, America and the rest of the
world will stand Complacent. It will
be too late to stop the Beast or Beasts once the dogs of war start
fighting. Only death will answer the call of the wild.
Once the taste of blood has been sampled, the only way it can be sated
is to hold up the beating heart of the victim for all to see.
Only then will the last bullet be fired, the last bayonet be thrust.
At least, for the moment.
The Beast(s)
of Terror will proudly display the spoils (human hearts) of war |
Complacency rises to the surface when
Fear and Intimidation no longer have a course to run. We
have tried to drive Saddam to the wall with Fear and Intimidation, and
now resignation sweeps our nation. We have spent our
efforts. We have given power to our own Beast.
Had we started off with a
strategy of Vigilance rather than one of Vigilantee-ism, we might have
another situation to consider. Revenge was our goal in the
beginning. Obliteration is our goal today.
If we had sought a Vigilant
Solution in the beginning, we would not have Stroller Brigades
marching across America as we are on the Eve of War.
The Stroller Brigades would
have started on September 12, 2001. We would have marched
across America and the World when our Sentinels of Vigilance were born
at Ground Zero. We would have screamed for their help to protect
the Children's Children's Children from the Beast of Terror, and
engaged the motherhood and fatherhood of all Parents of Vigilance
Had we all been subscribers to
the Pledge of Vigilance on the Second Tuesday of September 2001, we
would not wait until the 12th Hour to show our concern for our
children, or their children, or the concern for Iraqi children, or any
child in any land suffering under the thumbscrew of Terrorism.
Complacency held us back. It
settled into our marrow, it held us back because we didn't have a
balance for Fear which is Courage, or a balance for Intimidation which
is Conviction, or a balance for Complacency which is Right Actions in
behalf of the Children's Children's Children.
Vigilance and protest the Beast of Terror for our children's
children's children |
Had we practiced
the Principles of Vigilance prior to Nine Eleven, our
families would have taken the March to Vigilance then.
It would be the Parents, Citizens, Loved Ones of Vigilance
who stormed the streets in protest against the Beast of
Terror in Iraq. We would not be protesting
war, we would be protesting the Beast of Terror.
We would call a spade a spade, and not hide behind labels
or causes.
Our goal would
have been not to force Saddam out of office by a military
coup, but to engage the Parents of Vigilance in Iraq to
hoist their children's future to the world, and to cry
out for help.
The world would
have rushed to the aid of Iraq.
All the mothers
and fathers would be engaged in the battle to free the
children and the Children's Children's Children from harm.
If Iraq is
a lesson, it is one of being prepared for the next Beast
of Terror.
To be prepared,
we must all subscribe to the Pledge of Vigilance.
We must realize
our worst enemy is not Fear or Intimidation, for they
are just roads to the most cruel of all enemies--Complacency.
When we do not act promptly as Citizens of Vigilance then
our governments act for us. Once they start
to act, they become the worst they can be--killers, not
leaders. And we feed them that right by not acting.
We turn ourselves through them into Beasts of Terror.
Let us learn
to not wait.
Let us learn
to not be Complacent.
Let us Pledge
Vigilance so that our Beast may remain under leash.

18 -- The Beast Of Cancer's Terrorism
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