Article Overview:
Mad Cow disease has found its way to America--an invasion of our
Homeland Security in the food arena. It is symbolic of the Beast
of Terror eating holes in people's brains with Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency--the Triads of Terrorism. But, there is a solution
to TerrorThoughts. There is a way to combat Mad Cow of the Mind.
Find out what it is
If you haven't read the Legends of Vigilance: A Christmas Story
of the Gift of Vigilance, use the following links to review it:
Legends of Vigilance: Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Go to Part V |
26, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 835
The Mad Cow of Vigilance
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Dec. 26, 2003 --
Vigilance is not immune to Mad Cow disease. Our minds can
be diseased physically by what we eat, and emotionally by what we
think, for thinking Terrorizing Thoughts is not unlike eating infected
Mad Cow diseased meat.
Unlike the
physical Mad Cow Disease, Emotional Mad Cow Disease is
treatable |
Unlike incurable Mad Cow disease--the physical
form--the Emotional Mad Cow disease is treatable. It can
be neutralized with Principles of Vigilance.
How can the threat of one's safety from the
Beast of Terror and Mad Cow be compared on an equal playing field?
Let's take a look at what's happening on the physical side.
Recently, the first cow in America was
found to contain signs of the disease that threatens meat eaters,
(bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE)
The first cow
in American has been found with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy |
BSE is not a friendly disease for cows or
humans. It chews holes in the brain, making it look like a
sponge. If infected, it can take up to 18 months to die.
There appears to be no cure as yet.
The disease is transferred to humans from
eating infected cows. In humans, the infection is called variant
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, vCJD, as the lingo goes. The
disease, it is thought, got its origins from cannibalization.
Slaughterhouses ground up the offal--brains, spleens, spinal
cords--that wouldn't sell in the butcher shop and fed them to cows.
Eating another's brain seems to trigger the disease.
Mood swings, numbness and uncontrollable
body movements are symptoms of the deadly infection that has
killed 80 people in England and three from France so far as part of
the European epidemic. Germany, which recently found 25 cows
infected, slaughtered 400,000 suspected cows causing 34 countries to
ban the import of their beef. Sales of German beef dropped to 50
percent of normal levels.
The U.S. federal government has
banned blood donations from people who have lived in countries where
Mad Cow disease exists. Some of the donors donors include
those who have lived more than ten years in France, Portugal or
Ireland. People who have lived in Britain for six months or more
are on the no-donate list. Other nations where the disease has
appeared include Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg,
Liechtenstein and Denmark.
Nature has a
way of shocking us into a Terror state |
Nature, it seems, has a way of shocking us all
into a state of Terror. Whether it is the flu virus, war,
or Mad Cow disease, there is an ever-present threat of Mother Nature
turning on us and making that McDonald's Big Mac or juicy T-Bone
appear to have the makings of a Grim Reaper's scythe.
But, Mad Cow disease is a blessing in
one sense of the word.
It reminds us that ingesting fatal
foods can burrow holes in our minds and turn us into babbling,
pain-wracked creatures bound for agonizing death without any hope of
If we were to think of our thoughts
in the same terms as our caution in eating meat--fearful that if we
ate the wrong kind our minds would be shot full of holes--we might not
let the Beast of Terror cannibalize our emotional health from the
inside out.
Think about it. Our brains can be
attacked by a disease from a cow and turned into a sponge in months
simply by eating the wrong kind of food. Similarly,
the Beast of Terror can rip and tear holes in our brains by hacking at
the synapses with Fear, Intimidation and Complacency, and render us
the "walking dead" just as ferociously as any Mad Cow disease.
It all comes down to what
we eat.
TerrorThoughts are those
beliefs, ideas or feelings we harbor that come from the infected brain
of the Beast of Terror. The Beast wants us to cannibalize
ourselves. If he has one goal, it is to turn a perfectly
normal, healthy child into a cowering, fearful, complacent adult,
afraid of his or her own shadow.
Children who learn
from life's brutal experiences that they are vulnerable to emotional
attacks cannot defend themselves against the Mad Cow Disease of
Take the case of parents
tell a child he or she isn't as good as, as smart as, as good looking
as, as gifted as other children. Do those thoughts burn
holes in a child's brain? Do they disease the child's self
image? Cannibalize his or her self worth?
Does neglect
of a child's Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies eat holes in
his or her brain? |
What about the child whose parents are "too
busy" to give them a hug at night, or read them a bedtime story, or to
sit and do homework with the child and urge the child to believe he or
she can do things that seem insurmountable? What about the
wealthy parents who purchase a child all the things one could imagine
and yet don't have time to crawl into the child's heart and soul.
They are far too concerned with "what others think" than what the
child thinks? Does the neglect of a child's Fears,
Intimidations and Complacencies invite the Mad Cow Beast to eat holes
in the child's brain? To make it think he or she isn't loved
enough, cared for enough, thus infecting the child's inner self just a
brutally as Mad Cow disease might the physical organs?
One quick test any parent
or loved one can perform upon a child to see if there is a chance the
Mad Cow of Terrorism is eating holes in their child's sense of self,
well-being and emotional chemistry is to list down the child's Fears,
Intimidations and Complacencies.
A Fear list is a quick test of yours and your
child's self worth |
What is your child most fearful of? Physically and
What is your child most
intimidated by? Physically and emotionally?
What has your child
resigned himself or herself to believing will never happen--at least
not to them?
More importantly,
do you, the parent or loved one, know your own list? Have you
identified the Fear, Intimidation and Complacency that may be eating
holes daily into your self worth? Do you know the rocks
hanging around your neck, the levels of Intimidation you feel toward
others, and the degrees of Complacency you have that you'll never,
ever be able to do this or that?
Odds are, the
Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies you hide from yourself are part
and parcel of your child's store of them, plus, he or she will have
his or her own personal storehouse.
Children are
mirrors of their parents and guardians. But, they are
Terrorism is
cannibalistic in its purpose. It seeks to eat us alive from the
inside out. It hopes our Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency will consume us, render us unable to stand up to the Beast
and turn us into slaves of our own impotencies.
How many
parents are willing to share their Fears, Intimidations and
Complacencies with their children? Unfortunately, few.
So then, how can a parent expect a child to be willing to share his or
hers with the parent?
Trust cuts two
When you ask a
child, "How are you doing?" and the child answers, "Fine!" you have
asked a question of Complacency. You get an answer that tells
you the child believes you don't really want to know how the child
feels because you haven't told the child how you feel. Why
would anyone tell you how they really felt if you didn't tell them
first? The Beast of Terror counts on this
cannibalization. Eating one's self up from the
inside out is its strategy.
Vigilance, on the
other hand, denies the silence between lamb and the ewe, between the
child and parent. Vigilance says that one must fight
Fear with Courage, and Intimidation with Conviction, and Complacency
with Right Actions for the Children's Children's Children sake.
requires that the holes in the soul of a child be repaired daily |
Vigilance requires that the holes in the
soul of the child be repaired daily, that any TerrorThoughts the child
receives that wound his or her well-being or threatens self worth be
sewn back, sutured by the parent's love and caring for what exists
within the child-- this child's being, wholeness, unity with the world
and his or her primary purpose.
Each of us, adults
or children, encounter countless feelings each and every day.
As an example, we speak on average some 30,000 words a day.
How many thoughts do we think? How many times a day does the
Beast of Terror run through our minds with Fear of this or that,
Intimidation or Complacency?
And, at the end of the
day, do we bury those feelings? Do we hide them from others or
do we expose them and nurture their ragged edges back to health?
The Pledge of Vigilance
provided below is a guideline to inoculating a child and yourself from
the Mad Cow disease of Terrorism.
In sharing our
experiences with our children, we repair any holes in their minds
and souls |
It asks us to
pledge each and every day to protect our children from the Triads of
Terrorism--Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. It asks us
to be willing to sit with our child in a quiet moment and share with
our child how we used Courage to overcome our Fear, how we applied
Conviction to upstage Intimidation and how we fought Complacency by
thinking about doing the right thing for the Children's Children's
As we share our experiences with our children
or loved ones, we repair any holes in the child's mind and soul that
may have been cannibalized that day by the Beast of TerrorThoughts.
You can be assured each
day your child or loved one, just as you experience, has battled the
Beast of Terror in many different forms. But, you can't be
assured your child has won the daily battle until you climb inside.
Mad Cow disease was
exposed by examination, by looking inside the animal's tissue, the
parts that hold it together.
Fight the Mad
Cow of TerrorThoughts with the Pledge of Vigilance |
Humans can bridge the gap of ignorance between
one another by looking into one another's souls, hearts, feelings and
sharing how they can help one another in building fortresses of
Vigilance against those notions which depreciate the self.
Children who are loved
are those whose insides are loved. The outside of us all
changes, but the inside remains the same unless we make an effort to
Leaving ourselves and our
children to walk the earth without guarding them against the Beast of
Mad Cow ThoughtTerror is as irresponsible as feeding a child lots of
meat known to be infected by the disease.
Fight the Mad Cow
of TerrorThoughts. Become a Parent of Vigilance, a
Grandparent of Vigilance, a Loved One of Vigilance. Print, sign
and apply the Pledge of Vigilance.
And, stay away from
meat for a while.