Article Overview:
What would President Bush say to usher the Era of Vigilance into the
world? Find out in his Era Of Vigilance Speech below.
If you haven't read the Legends of Vigilance: A Christmas Story
of the Gift of Vigilance, use the following links to review it:
Legends of Vigilance: Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Go to Part V |

December 31, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 840
President Bush's New Year's
Message: "The Era Of Vigilance"
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Dec. 31, 2003 --
The following is our draft of what we would like to hear
President George Bush deliver on New Year's Eve.
delivered by George W. Bush, President of the United States
12:01a.m., January 1, 2004
fellow Americans and fellow Parents, Grandparents, Citizens and Loved
Ones of Vigilance throughout the world, greetings.
One minute ago our world
ushered in not just a new year, but a new era. The Era of Global
Family Vigilance. This Era of Vigilance marks the beginning of the end of the rule of
the Beast of Terror.
"The Beast of
Terror fights to drive the world into a state of Fear,
Intimidation and Intimidation" |
Let there be no
doubt in anyone's mind that Terrorism is a Beast. Like any
Beast, Terrorism seeks to rip, shred, destroy and maim all in its
path, regardless of their innocence.
A deadly virus released by a
Terrorist does not discriminate between a mother's newborn and a
patrolling soldier. A land mine poised in the ground
waiting for someone to step on it does not have eyes to distinguish
whether a young girl's or boy's foot is stepping on its trigger.
A rocket screaming through the air doesn't know that children may be
playing a few feet from the landing zone. Those arming the dirty
bomb--designed to spread nuclear death to anyone in its reach--pays
little attention to the fetus growing in the pregnant mother's belly
who happens to live within a block of the bomb's deadly nesting place.
The Beast of Terror is blind with
hate and rage, blind with anger and selfishness. The Beast of
Terror denies the rights
of others while elevating his own right to use tyranny and oppression
as fangs of subservience.
This Beast has and will destroy
the peace and security of all people in his pursuit to rule with the
Triads of Terrorism--Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. He struggles to drive the
world into a state of Complacency, wearing down the Sentinels of
Vigilance who oppose him. He
hopes we will withdraw our TerrorHunters and leave him free to murder,
rape, pillage and plunder civilization with impunity. He
believes if he keeps chipping away with a bomb here, a rocket there,
that we will tire of spilling our blood in order to contain him, to
expose his nefarious lairs.
will not be driven back" |
I assure
you the TerrorHunters will not be driven back. I assure the
Mothers, Fathers, Grandparents, Loved Ones and Citizens of Vigilance
that the Beast of Terror will be stopped at every bend in the
road where he seeks refuge. I pledge this not as a
commander in chief, but as a Parent of Vigilance who considers the
Beast of Terror a threat to not only my children, but to all the
children of the world, and to their Children's Children's Children.
And, I speak to you now as a Parent
of Vigilance.
We, the Parents of Vigilance, will
not negotiate with the Beast of Terror. Our resolve to end the
Beast's rule will not be weakened by sideline critics who falsely
claim the Beast can suddenly transform from a feral, senseless killer
into a sane, civilized creature who cares more about the future of the
children than he does his own greedy goals of domination, bullyism,
and the oppression of others.
On March 20, 2003, America and allied
forces, launched surgical attacks against one of the most noted Beasts
of Terror, Saddam Hussein. The mission was to stop the
threats of Terrorism aimed at the innocent--the mothers, fathers,
children, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, loved ones and
citizens of the world. The global community knew that Saddam
Hussein had used Weapons of Mass Destruction against his own people,
and threatened to use them against anyone at any time who challenged
his right to rule with tyranny and oppression.
Our purpose as Sentinels of Vigilance in
Iraq was not singular to removing Saddam and his tyranny of millions
of people. It pitted the will of the Sentinels of
Vigilance against the will of the Beast of Terror. It was not
the beginning of the War on Terrorism, but rather the launching of the
Era of Vigilance.
War is ugly. No civilized nation or
person wants to promote war as a solution to differences between
peoples, cultures or nations. War scars all who are part
of its wake, no matter how righteous they may be in their intent to
create peace out of conflict.
Vigilance, however, is not war.
Vigilance is the act of pursing the Beast of Terror and neutralizing
his ability to inflict Fear, Intimidation and Complacency upon the
innocent, the weak, the unprepared.
"On March 20,
2003, we launched the Era of Vigilance, not the War on Terrorism" |
War is a reaction to Complacency.
Wars are fought when people turn their heads to the power of the
bully. After World War I, the world allowed Nazi Germany to
accrue more and more bully power. It turned its
attention away from the tyranny and oppression brewing in Berlin until
the Terrorism finally exploded, sweeping Europe and creating one of
the great holocausts of human history.
It wasn't until the darkest hour that the Parents of Vigilance
reacted to the Beast of European Terrorism. They realized
that the Beast was threatening not just some nations, but all
nations and launched a full force to exterminate the Beast.
On March 20 of 2003, America
and its allies elected to no longer turn a blind eye to the horrors
and threats Iraq posed to the Iraqis and the children of the world.
The lessons of history told us all that Iraq was an axis of Terrorist evil. Its leader vowed
to destroy anyone with any weapon who opposed its goal of domination.
Despite the Complacency of
certain nations to act as Sentinels of Vigilance, America and its allies chose
to neutralize the Beast of Terror. This meant the mission
was not to wage war on Iraq, but rather to rid the land of Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency that its tyrannical leadership had forced
upon the children and parents of Iraq.
Fighting a Bully Terrorist,
a Beast of Terror, is not waging
war against a nation. Terrorism is a
twisted way of thinking that presupposes the Terrorist has a right to
rule others with tyranny and oppression that creates a state of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
Wars are fought over territory,
over land, over real estate. TerrorHunting is a battle
with a state of mind, a way of thinking, a way of acting that robs
people of their dignity and rights to live and evolve in a state of
peace and prosperity.
Vigilance denies that peace is
the end point of war. There is a delusion that war will bring
about peace. War, unfortunately, is the result of
unbridled, unchecked Fear, Intimidtion and Complacency.
Wars happen because of a lack of Vigilance, a lack of constant
awareness that the Beast of Terror will appear when ever the world
turns its head away from the bullies.
Vigilance means we, as a
global community, must no longer think we can win a war and then
retreat from the battlefield and assume that the forces of evil and
the seeds of the Beast will not rise out of the blood-soaked earth, to
sprout again when people relax their grip on the Sword and Shield of
The allied troops in Iraq
are not soldiers, sailors, marines, air force personnel. They
are not military marshals. They are, Sentinels of
They are like the school guards
who stand at the corner of the local community insuring the safety of
children crossing the street. They are 911 Emergency
teams constantly on patrol to insure swift reaction to fires that
ignite, to people who are hurt, to dangers that threaten the
"Our allied
troops, Sentinels of Vigilance, never sleep" |
never sleep. Sentinels of Vigilance are duty bound to
remember that the Beast of Terror never dies, he just does pushups in
the darkness, waiting for a prime time to reappear and grasp the
throats of a society that has falsely assumed they are safe from his
Our presence in Iraq is
not an occupation force of a land we seek to control or manage.
Our presence is that of Sentinels of Vigilance, guards posted around
the land to alert the citizens of the constant threat of Terrorism, and how to
deal with it before it consumes their children, and their children's
children's children. We know that if we ignore the
children of Iraq, eventually the Beast will come for our children.
The presence of our
Sentinels of Vigilance in Iraq is
also a message to the World of Terrorism that America and its allies
will not allow Beast of Terror to tromp on other lands and molest or
abuse the children of those nations.
There are other Beasts of
Terror, some in command of nations, others planning to rule by Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency. They have been put on notice that
the Sentinels of Vigilance will not allow them to endanger the future
of the Children's Children's Children.
Libya's recent disclosure
of its Weapons of Mass Destruction and agreement to destroy them is
but one example. Those who might have once believed
they could sneak arsenals of mass destruction into the living rooms of
the world community are now taking second, hard looks at such
They know the Sentinels
of Vigilance are searching them out. They know the parents,
grandparents, children, brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, uncles,
aunts and loved ones of the world will support all who oppose the
proliferation of weapons of tyranny and oppression, especially those
which indiscriminately attack and kill the innocent.
But let us not forget
that the most vicious of all Weapons of Mass Destruction is Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency. When a child is
threatened, intimidated and robbed of his or her rights to evolve in a
free society that nurtures rather than oppresses the child's
potential, then such tyranny and oppression is far more threatening
than nuclear or biological weapons. When a society robs a child
of its manifest destiny, the crime it commits is Terrorism of the
highest level. This freedom to evolve is the goal of the
Sentinels of Vigilance.
"We are not
waging a War Against Terrorism but acting as Sentinels of
Vigilance" |
Again, we are not
waging a War Against Terrorism. We are acting as Sentinels
of Vigilance, understanding that there is no end to the threats of
Terrorism. We are aware we can never sleep, never shut our
eyes or turn our heads to the potential danger of the Beast of Terror
who waits for the world to become Complacent, who waits in hopes we bury
our heads in the
sand and allow him to grow strong while we sleep.
Each of us must be the
Eyes of Argus. We must keep our focus not on winning a
war, but on the importance of being constantly Vigilant in all things
that matter most to us--the
To effectively battle the
Beast of Terror at home and abroad we must all become Sentinels of Vigilance.
The duty of fighting Terrorism cannot be left to one nation, or group
of nations, or to the military or political leaders of the world.
The Terrorism in Iraq is only a shadow cast upon the world. It
is a warning that what we do in Iraq will set in cement how we deal
with all forms of Terrorism in the 21st Century.
This defines our actions
as the Era of Vigilance. It means the best any nation can
offer another is the right of its children to be free from the tyranny
and oppression of the Beast of Terror. This right to
be free from Fear, Intimidation and Complacency is a natural right that knows no
borders, no ethnicity, no cultural differential, no political
The duty to protect these
children falls upon the Parents of Global Vigilance, all of us who
care about the future of this planet, who believe that the legacy of
human beings is the freeing of the children from poverty of both mind
and body. While the physical threat of a bomb or
biological weapon hangs in the air, we cannot ignore the emotional
threat that suffocates a child's right to evolve in a free society,
void of tyranny and oppression that amputates a child's right to grow
and prosper.
We, the Parents,
Grandparents and Loved Ones of Vigilance, must be the ones who fight
the Beast of Terror in our homes by teaching our children how to have
more Courage than Fear, to employ more Conviction than Intimidation,
and to take Right Actions that benefit the future generations of all
children rather than to fall Complacent to selfish, personal, secular,
political, social, religious or cultural agendas.
"We must use
our vision to look into the future and see the Children's
Children's Children" |
If we all ask: "What is the right thing for
the future of the Children's Children's Children--all of them?" then
we are forced to set aside selfish issues, national concerns and
political agendas that might skew our answer to favor our particular
culture or our particular creed.
Fighting Terrorism requires
that we become
Sentinels of Vigilance and arm ourselves with the Principles of Vigilance
to neutralize the Beast of Terror. Where
the Beast seeks to strike Fear, we must employ at least One Percent
more Courage to show our children the Beast has no real power
over us. Where the Beast tries to cast his
Shadow of Intimidation, we must muscle our Conviction to stand up to him
by at least One Percent more commitment so the Beast doesn not reduce
us to a cowering mass. And, where the Beast
seeks to make us think we are not responsible or duty bound to act, or
urges us to think we have other priorities of more importance, we
must not succumb to such Complacency. Instead, we must use our
vision to look into the future and see the Children's Children's
Children, and take the Right Actions, at whatever the price, that best
insures the safety and security of future generations.
The Battle against Terrorism
begins in our minds and is won through our Vigilant Actions.
As 2004 begins, I ask all
people of all nations to become a Sentinel of Vigilance. I
ask this of all the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins,
nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, grandparents, loved ones throughout
the world.
Each of us can start by taking the Pledge of Vigilance. It
is a simple Pledge. We
Pledge to protect the children, and their Children's Children's
Children from Fear, Intimidation and Complacency by employing Courage,
Conviction and Right Actions that benefit the Children's Children's
Children. We recognize that the worst of all enemies is
Complacency, the belief that someone else will do what we should.
Only when all of
us--Citizens and Parents of Vigilance--stand up to the Beast of Terror,
will Beast
will run and hide.
But, he will not give up.
"Usher in the
Era of Vigilance" |
He will wait
until we become Complacent. Then, he will rise up again
from bowels of Hell.
That's why, if we Pledge to be Sentinels of
Vigilance, and retake our vows to protect the Children's Children's
Children each and every day, the Beast will eventually starve.
He will not have Fear to consume, or Intimidation to breathe, or
Complacency to refuel his bile.
I urge you on this New Year's Eve to usher in the Era of Vigilance.
Become, a Parent, Grandparent, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Cousin,
Loved One or Citizen of Vigilance today.
Do it for the Children's Children's
Do it for your own children.
May you and your family have a Vigilant New