

Tuesday--February 18, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 524
The Beast Of Terror Laughs
As A Snowplow Crawls Close

Cliff McKenzie
   Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News

GROUND ZERO, New York City, Feb. 18--There is a false sense of security that the storm is over.   The people trapped inside the house look at the mountains of snow that envelope their cars, wondering whether there will ever be a stop to the storm--a respite that will open the roads so that the budding lawyer can return to studying, that the canon lawyer can help people legally protect their faith, that the college professor can conduct her classes, that young pioneers of primitive Christianity can return to serving the poor and living the life of sacrifice, and that young children can return to their cozy warm beds and security of their favorite toys and special friends to live life in the "big city."



Family members spent quality time indoors involved in fun, playing games, food  and conversation




The Beast of Terror isn't dampening spirit or energy for long


New Sophia's Wisdom Story:
"Emotional Band-Aids" 
Click Heart--Go There Now!

Feb 17.--The Beast of Mother Nature Drenches the Land with Snow and Ice

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