Article Overview:
What is Hobson's Choice? Does Vigilance have an option with
Terrorism? Or can Terrorism defeat Vigilance by grinding away at
answers to a question that already has been answered? Find
out if Hobson's Choice is the right one for America, for the World,
for the Children's Children's Children. |
6, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 540
The Hobson Choice--
War With Iraq or ?
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Mar. 6--Thomas Hobson owned a livery stable in Cambridge, England in the
16th Century. When people came to rent a horse they would muse over
which one to select, only to be challenged with what has come to be
known as the Hobson’s Choice.
That “choice” was “no choice at all.” Thomas Hobson
(1544-1631) didn’t hobble his customers with decisions. The sign
above his livery stable shouted the facts of life as Hobson saw them:
"Take the horse nearest the stable door or none at all."
In life, politics or war, the Hobson Choice offers no
alternative. It is either "X" or nothing. There is no
alternative. This makes the War On Terrorism a Hobson’s Choice.
Terrorism by its very nature must don the shirt of "no
alternative" |
There is no alternative but to wage it. Nine Eleven proved
that truth for America. Hitler proved it for Europe. Kim Jong Il
is proving it in Asia. Emperor Hirohito proved it Japan. And Saddam
Hussein is living proof of it in the Middle East.
But many nations, including former allies of America on
critical issues such as war and peace, are refuting Hobson’s Choice.
They suggest there is an alternative and struggle to butt White
against Black and squirm to mix the two opposing colors into some
degree of gray. They believe you can negotiate with Terrorism, and,
during the negotiations, trust what the Terrorist says as truth. (Trust
me, I will disarm…but only if…)
Ironically, most nations advocate a policy of non-negotiations
with Terrorists. Russia recently killed 90 of its citizens when it
assaulted the Chechnyan Terrorists who seized the Cultural Center near
Moscow and held 750 people hostage. The Terrorists threatened to blow
it up unless Russia changed its policy in Chechnya. Russian
authorities used Hobson’s Choice to deal with the situation.
Thirty-one years ago, eleven Israeli Olympic athletes were
murdered at the 1972 Olympic Village in Munich, Germany, when Israeli
officials elected Hobson’s Choice over negotiating with the
Despite the sweet sounds of serenity sung by those who do not
face immediate threat, or have the courage to foresee it, rabid
animals cannot be lured into a cage with food, soothing Voices, or a
hand of peace. They will bite the hand that tried to feed them
viciously, and their venom can maim and kill. Rabid animals that kill
out of madness and perversion must be eradicated, as cancer must be
cut away or it will spread to the rest of the healthy body. One
doesn’t negotiate with cancer. Hobson’s Choice is employed.
There is a sound reason the policy of non-negotiations with
Terrorists exist. That is, Terrorists operate under the Hobson’s
Choice. They demand satisfaction but offer no alternatives. Suicide
bombers are prime examples of the Hobson Choice. They seek to kill
the innocent without alternative. Wanton destruction of others is
their choice, as was with the 19 Nine Eleven Terrorists.
Saddam Hussein used the Hobson's Choice against thousands of
Kurds when he gassed them to death. There were no negotiations with
them, no viable alternatives sought. He loaded up planes with lethal
gas and showered his people with their deadly toxins. He didn’t even
America has followed the Hobson's Choice in its pursuit of
toppling Iraq. In 1991 Saddam Hussein agreed to disarm as a
concession for the Allies to not sweep into Baghdad and finish what it
started. For the past decade he has violated that agreement, as any
Terrorist would be expected to do. Latest intelligence reports by
Colin Powell state he is still manufacturing Al-Samoud missiles while
he pretends to crush a few for global show.
Will America be forced to concede as the world's watchdog? |
Unfortunately, most of the world leaders are back-peddling on their
anti-Terrorism policy. It seems they’ve thrown Hobson out with the
baby bath. They want to negotiate with Terrorism, to “give it more
time” to concede to the concessions they have already made to
disarm. One might think nations like France, Germany and Russia
aren’t so much concerned with bringing Terrorism to its knees as they
are to humiliating America so it will lose its power as the world's
Watchdog Of Vigilance.
France, Germany and Russia issued yesterday an 11-page letter
stating they will veto any "use of force" proposal presented to the
U.N. Security Council. What happened to Hobson’s Choice? Suddenly,
we are negotiating with Terrorism!
It makes one wonder whether Europe is on the side of Vigilance
or Terrorism, working for or against Saddam Hussein. It is as though
the U.N. Security Council never unanimously voted in Resolution 1441.
This brings up the issue of Vigilance.
Is Vigilance a negotiable principle or a Hobson’s Choice?
If Vigilance is negotiable, then Terrorism must also be, for
the two are opposites and equals in nature—one seeks to destroy
unconditionally, and the other seeks to preserve and protect
Terrorism comprises the acts of an individual, group or nation to
inflict Fear, Intimidation and Complacency upon others. It seeks to
render its victims powerless, and like the rabid dog, will bite anyone
or anything within striking distance for no other reason than to
inflict the greatest possible pain and anguish upon them in hopes they
will run, cower, stick their heads in the sand and shake while they
urinate upon themselves in Fear.
Vigilance, on the other hand,
is the composition of Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the
Children's Children's Children. It demands that one face
Fear with One Percent more Courage, and to conjure the Conviction to
stand tall in the shadow of Intimidation attempting to drive one away
from the Right Actions that will displace the powerless of Complacency
and achieve ultimate goals that favor not the self's security, but the
security of the Children's Children's Children.
Vigilance, properly
employed, is not a proactive response to Terrorism. It is a
constant state of readiness, a relaxed tension of the will and spirit
that recognizes the omniscient presence of the Beast of Terror, and
accepts the fact that when the pressure is relaxed on the Beast, the
Beast will pop to the surface and slash its fangs at the jugulars of
all those Complacent enough to think his thirst for power can be
Cain, seeking
the glorification of power, slays his brother Able |
History should be
enough evidence to remind all nations that Terrorists will never go
away. Despots and tyrants are born every moment of every
day. They are the weeds of humanity, seeking to choke the
nubile shoots of grass to death and to take over the land with a
strangle hold usually dominated by weapons of mass destruction.
It may have all
started with Cain and Able. Someone is out there willing,
ready and able to smash another's head to pulp for no other reason
than the sheer glorification of their own power, totally negligent to
the safety of others, and obviously unconcerned about the security of
the Children or the Children's Children's Children.
Were this not the case,
we would not have locks on our doors, or police, or military, or
establish moral guidelines for human behavior, or have courts and laws
to mete out justice against those who violate human rights.
Mark Twain
wrote of necessary moral guidelines |
Still, despite all the
tons of historical facts that tell us Terrorism constantly evolves as
humanity evolves, as though the burr under human beings saddles, the
U.N. Security Council "bullies"--France, Germany and Russia--are
tossing out the baby with the water when they deny the use of force
against Saddam Hussein.
A decade ago they rallied
against him when he invaded Kuwait. Now, they seem to be
standing behind him, washing him clean of any sins and suggesting that
he is no longer a Terrorist of the rabid order, and that he can be
coaxed into concessions, lulled and seduced into turning over his
Terror helm he has spent over two decades building.
In a play filled with twists
and turns to excite the audience's attention, the Security Council has
made it appear that America is the Terrorist and Saddam Hussein the
Prince of Vigilance. Why else would Europe's power nations
seek to protect him unless they decided he wasn't what America claims
him to be?
Are the nations of France,
Germany and Russia then our true Sentinels of Vigilance? Are
they usurping that role by throwing their bodies between the U.S. and
the Iraq issue?
It would seem that's their
They want to negotiate with the
rabid dog. They want to mollify him with time, and to "work out
a plan" for him to do what he has agreed to do but refused to do
according to U.N. Resolution 1441--disarm. They are not
employing the Hobson's Choice as they did in Munich in 1972, or
recently against the Chechnya Terrorists who held Russia citizens
hostage at the Cultural Center just outside Moscow.
continually chooses to switch horses |
They are allowing Saddam Hussein to
pick any horse he wants from the stable, including the one farthest
back from the stable door. But each time Saddam thinks he has
the right horse, he switches, delaying his ride out into the
Why would a rabid dog want to rush
into a cage and be exterminated? He enjoys snarling and slashing
his fangs at those who threaten him, and wagging his tail lovingly at
those who are deceived by his false conciliations.
Vigilance says the rabid dog will always be rabid,
and that to combat it, a constant state of protection must be
maintained. Hobson's Choice says there is no alternative
to Terrorism. You must take it out.
Terrorism says it will use every nefarious tool
at its disposal to slither and snake its way into society, to
mesmerize the Complacent over and over so they think it is not rabid,
just dysfunctional, just needing a slap on the hand. Then,
while the city sleeps, it attacks. It attacks to create
power, however tertiary that power may be.
Kim Jong Il is
the same kind of cancerous leader as Saddam Hussein |
The suicide bomber has about one second of power,
when he or she pushes the plungers. Then the power
Saddam Hussein thrives on the power of the
second. He fills the tips of missiles with bio-chemicals,
enjoying the thought in the final seconds he will unleash hell on
earth. Kim Jong Il is driven by the same insanity.
Vigilance says these kinds of leaders are
Vigilance employs Hobson's
Will Vigilance win?
Despite the U.N. and
all attempts to make America wrong, Vigilance will win out over the
long haul. History is on Vigilance's side.
Saddam's Terrorism will lose to Vigilance |
When all is said
and done, the world will right itself. The
children will be safe. History will see to
that, but the price of freedom for them may be letting
the rabid dog run free in their nursery.
what the U.N. is suggesting. They are asking the
world to forget Thomas Hobson.

Mar. 5--For Whom Does The Oil Of
Iraq Toil?
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