Article Overview:
What is the price of war? What is the price of protest?
Why did Congress vote 97% against France, Germany and Russia
benefiting from US funds in rebuilding Iraq? Should war
protestors pay too? |
4, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 569
Do The Crime--Serve The Time
The Price Of Dissent
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Apr. 4-- When France, Germany, Russia and
Syria turned their backs on the United States and refused to support
the war in Iraq, they made a statement to the world--Never hit an ally
when he's down, kick him, it's easier.
The Brits, the
Poles, the Aussies were led by the Americans to take on the Beast
of Terror |
In the battle to get allied support for military
action against Iraq, France, Germany, Russia and Syria used the heels
and toes of their boots to bruise and batter America's image.
France did such a good job, that a recent poll of French citizens
showed two-thirds of them wishing death upon the Americans.
But, the winds of war are changing.
Now that the U.S. appears to be winning the war, the former friends
who kicked around Uncle Sam as an arrogant, imperialistic,
self-seeking tyrant of power are crawling out of their holes.
Rubble in
Baghdad |
They even have the temerity to demand a role in the reconstruction of
Iraq. These name-calling turn-coats who accused America of being
an imperialistic nation seeking to wield power over the Middle East,
are now stomping their feet demanding a piece of the lucrative
$77 billion rebuilding pie that America has budgeted to help put Iraq
back on its feet. Even more egregious, they want a say in
how to steer Iraq's future. Of course, that steerage
includes favorable alliances with France, Germany and Russia.
They want the spoils of war without spilling any blood to get them.
But wait! There's one small problem.
It's called the "Price Of Protest."
"Die-in" in
France to protest America's Coca Cola |
American legislators just put a tariff on the cost of turn-coating America.
That tariff is Zero Trade with the countries that assassinated the
amendments to Resolution 1441--Russia, France,
Germany and Syria--in the rebuilding of Iraq. In a 414-12
vote, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a supplementary budget
amendment excluding the recalcitrant nations from taking part in
US-funded reconstruction bids in Iraq. It also barred them from
accessing information on the reconstruction bids.
China was exempted from the bill.
It was originally included, but removed before the final vote.
"This amendment sends a signal to our
allies that we appreciate those who support us in our time of need and
remember those that have sought to thwart coalition efforts to defeat
Saddam Hussein's regime," said George Nethercutt, a Republican pushing
for the bill which now has to go to the Senate and then on to the
President for signature.
What is surprising about the bill
isn't the idea we should not reward the nations who refused to fight
Saddam Hussein, but the overwhelming majority of U.S. Congress men and
who endorsed it.
The Vote of 414-12 represents over 97
percent agreement that severe penalties should be placed on
protestors of American Terrorism policy. The Congress is
the closest ally to the people. It is the first line of
political sensitivity to the public, and should represent the will of
the people with more precision than any other level.
The dramatic vote to deny
nations who opposed American policy is a message that has it roots in
the heartland of American voters--and that message is--protest fails
against purpose.
United Nations Resolution
1441 was passed unanimously |
Resolution 1441 was originally
passed unanimously, with full support of France, Germany, Russia and
Syria, among others. There was no protest then.
Later, in a bid to exert power over the United State, France, Germany
and Russia blocked all efforts by the U.S. and Britain to garner U.N.
Security Council affirmation of use of force it had originally
Instead of reinforcing the
original contract, France led the crusade to emasculate the United
States by stripping it of U.N. support. It spearheaded
attacks on American power and assaulted the integrity of both the
nation and its leadership. In calumnious rhetoric, France
led the choir to chant dissent against the United States, going so far
as to chide the President of the Untied States for wagging his finger
at Saddam.
Now, when the fruits of
reconstruction ripen on the vine, who wants to be first at the table
to pluck them--of course, the dissenters. The back
turners. The frogs with sticky tongues seeking to feed on
the flies of the dead American and British bodies hop about in glee,
believing that they are "owed" the right.
But are they? Is
there a price for protesting?
For the warriors of war,
there is a price for standing up for what you believe. It's
called death. But what is the price to a protestor? What
risk does the protestor take?
Let's ask some of those
who put their lives on the line in Iraq.
Pfc. Jessica
Lynch |
What would Pfc. Jessica
Lynch say to letting the French, Germans and Russians profit from
rebuilding Iraq? Would she be concerned that her
comrades died, were tortured and wounded in part because the French,
Germans and Russians refused to send any support to Iraq?
Would she think that maybe the Iraqis thought they might have a
chance fighting against the U.S. because Russia, Germany and France
were against the war? Did their refusal to participate
encourage the Iraqis to defy the awesome force and will of American
and British forces?
There's a
good chance that Pfc. Lynch, as well as countless other soldiers,
Marines, air force, navy and coast guard personnel, might just say
that the blood spilled in Iraq by U.S. British, Australian, and Polish
forces, as well as any other coalition members, automatically excludes
the right of any nation who refused to spill its blood from reaping
the harvest the blood creates.
should the life of one American, or one British, or one Australian, or
one Polish warrior be fouled by giving tribute to nations who helped
encourage those deaths?
allies turn against allies they become enemies.
Germany, Russia and Syria all voted for Resolution 1441. Then,
when the going got tough, they backed out. They left America and
Britain dangling. They abandoned ship. They deserted.
They performed acts of mutiny.
It can
be assured their actions fueled the fires of discontent in Iraq.
By turning against the U.S. and British use of force to rid Iraq of
weapons of mass destruction and Saddam Hussein, France, Germany and
Russia allied themselves with Saddam. They became his "human
they kept their word and moved as a unified body against Iraq, the
odds are the leadership would have collapsed with very few shots.
Instead, by
twisting the truth to favor the serpents of Terrorism, France's
anti-American campaign strengthened the resolve of Iraqi tyrants and
cast a false hue on the horizon that America could be defeated because
it didn't have international support.
The countries that kicked sand in America's face want a piece of
the action |
Nothing could
have been more erroneous.
commitments are never based on multilateralism. In the
end, America makes a commitment on the basis that if all others bail
out and America is left, will it be willing it continue on alone if
necessary to achieve the final goal?
Iraq was no
different. America made the decision to move forward with or
without the support of others, and preferably with. It
went back numerous times to get the support originally promised, and
each time was rebuked.
Now, the guys
that kicked sand in America's face, want a piece of Iraq's apple pie.
Now, they are buddies and pals again.
Legislature, however, caught the scent of their vulturesque appetite.
The vote of 414-12 is a resounding, 97 percent rejection of any rights
those nations think they may have upon the "spoils of reconstruction."
Germany and Russia turned their backs on America |
I also believe that Congress's vote is symbolic not only of America's
rebuke of France, Germany, Russia and Syria for turning their backs
on America, but also a message to our own anti-war protestors.
The anti-war
protestors theme has been not anti-war, but anti-American.
The morality
of war has been a minor issue in the protest chants, banners and
themes. What has been the source of vitriolic attack has been
the character of leadership, the intent of leadership, and the
indictments against leadership as being criminal and corrupt.
The face
protestors paint today is not that war is bad, but that the Bush
Administration is criminal, comprising Nazis, capitalistic pigs, and a
host of war mongers.
French and German leaders imply the same. They attack
America's leadership, its arrogance, its unilateralism.
They say it should heel, surrender to the will of a group, should sit
in the lap of the UN, waiting for diplomacy to achieve peace with
Now, the mud
and arrow slingers are paying the price.
percent of America's elected representatives deny the right of our
"turncoats" to profit from the Iraqi war at American expense.
I believe
this near unanimous agreement is a message not only to France, Germany
and Russia, but also one to the war protestors.
Americans have
a fundamental right to protest, but a moral responsibility goes
along with that right |
There is a
fundamental right of all Americans to protest, and then there is a
moral responsibility that goes along with that right to protest to
protest issues rather than personalities.
The current
war protestors have made a vainglorious attempt to criminalize their
protests. Like France, Germany and Russia, they have tried
to make America's actions in Iraq illegitimate, rogue acts of a nation
ruled by fascist tyrants, far more dangerous than Saddam Hussein.
If one
looks closely at the protest theme, it is 97 percent anti-American
versus anti-war. It is a vicious personal attack on leadership,
an attempt to criminalize our actors and their acts, and thus,
criminalizing all the warriors and all their acts. One
would, after listening to a protest march chant, think that George
Bush was Saddam Hussein, and that Saddam Hussein was Rodney King.
But that's
all over.
Congress has made one of the most decisive and clearest votes in
recent history. Its 414-=12 vote was not just a rebuke
against France, Germany and Russia, it was a huge endorsement of the
administration and the its policies, and a resounding reinforcement of
U.S. troops and our allies.
New York City
Anti-American-Anti-War Protestors. What would Pfc. Lynch
say? |
The lives lost in Iraq were given for freedom not for
US greed or power.
I'm glad Congress has decided to bite the hands that tried
to starve it of its right to fight for what is right.
I just hope the Senate agrees.
And for the war protestors?
I'd like to see them surround Pfc. Lynch's house, and
convince her family and friends she is an instrument of
evil and a puppet of corrupt leadership.
I'd like them to tell Pfc. Lynch she works for the evil

3--Why American Women Warriors Will Die In Iraq
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