Article Overview:
The Vultures of War sit on the stoops looking down at the bloody
bodies of the victims, licking their chops. They do
nothing to stop war, and in fact, feed it, promote it.
They don't realize that preemptive strikes cut out the heart of
Terrorism, or that War Protestors should be called Complacency
Protestors. |
16, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 581
War Vultures Swoop Down
On Weapons That Won Victories
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZERO, New York City, Apr. 16--The global military world
shuddered as America's precision military tactics emasculated the
Iraqi military in less than thirty days and produced only 114 American
deaths, the majority of which were non-combat based.
Russian made
grenade launchers |
Russian made
gas masks |
One of the biggest spectators of America's
swift victory was Russia. Russia led the pack as the most
frustrated and disappointed nations over the quick collapse of the
Iraqi military. The reason--Russia trained and supported a
large portion of the Iraqi military. The defeat of Saddam
Hussein's forces was a signal of the inherent weakness in Russia's own
military, and a sign of its fallibility were it to engage any hostile
"The Iraqi
Army was a replica of the Russian Army, and its defeat was not
predicted by our generals," says Vitaly Shlykov, a former deputy
defense minister of Russia.
Since the collapse of communism in 1989,
the Russian military has been on a steady decline. Its
current 1.2 million force is half its original size.
Conscripted members of the military earn 100 rubles a month, roughly
$3, and more than one-third of the officers live below the poverty
Vitaly Shlykov
speaking at the Center for War, Peace and the News Media |
The big blow to Russia's ego in Iraq was a
false belief that Soviet strategies were effective. Early in the
Iraq war, the Russian online newspaper reported that two
retired Soviet generals may have played a key role in designing Iraq's
defenses. The paper published photos of Vladimir Achalov, an expert in
urban warfare, and Igor Maltsev, a specialist in air defenses,
receiving medals from Iraq's defense minister two weeks before the war
began. Russian TV later quoted General Maltsev as saying "the American
invaders will be buried in the streets of Baghdad."
Instead, Russian military analysts stood
with mouths agape as military history was written before their eyes.
Fast, mobile, surgical U.S. attacks crippled Iraq's leadership in days
rather than weeks. The hand-to-hand, door-to-door
combat Russia counted on to slow down American forces and drag the war
into a prolonged battle of wills between the Iraqi people and Western
culture, failed to materialize. In its place were thousands of
liberated Iraqis pulling down statues of Saddam and cheering in the
Russian made
anti tank missiles |
If there was one major benefit for Russian
hawks, it was in the boost in arms sales. Reports that Iraqi
forces used Russian-made, laser-guided antitank missiles to destroy
several Abrams tanks during the US attack has led to a surge of orders
for the weapons by worldwide buyers. This could boost profits for
Russian armsmakers, who are already receiving inquiries from Syria and
Iran, said General Vladimir Shamanov, who commanded Russian troops in
two Chechnya wars.
At the same time, Russia's deployment of arms to
Iraq has strained U.S.-Russian relations. President Bush
warned Russia about selling Iraq radar jamming equipment as well as
providing arms support.
But the lesson to Russia--a well as other nations
who had hoped America would get entangled in a quagmire similar to
Vietnam--is that modern U.S. warfare is swift, efficient and deadly.
Abandoning the old paradigm of heavy troop forces on the ground, the
U.S. has proved the refined 21st Century mobile strike forces similar
to the model General George S. Patton used in World War II where he
went around various targets to attack key, central strongholds.
Despite initial critics who claimed the tactics wouldn't work, the
U.S. stuck with its plan. It worked.
The Council on
Foreign and Defense Policy ruled The Kremlin drop pretenses Russia
remains a superpower |
Nations such as Russia with a population larger
than the United States, are being forced to revamp their entire
military strategy. Last week, the independent Council on Foreign
and Defense Policy - a group of top Russian military experts and
former policymakers, met to assess the implications of the US triumph
in Iraq for Russia. Their conclusion: The Kremlin must drop all
post-Soviet pretense that Russia remains a superpower, and make
rebuilding and redesigning the nation's military forces a top
priority. "We cannot afford to postpone this any longer," Boris Nemtsov, head of the liberal Union of Right Forces, told the meeting.
There is another student of the Iraqi war
glued to the Iraqi war maps-- North Korea. Prior to the
war, North Korea was banging its chest and challenging the United
States, refusing to meet in multinational discussions to resolve its
nuclear production. It wanted one-on-one meetings with the
U.S., a sign of its negotiating power. The U.S. refused to
meet with North Korea as an equal force.
Today, North Korea has agreed to meet with the
U.S. and China, a victory for American diplomacy. The
victory in Iraq tells North Korea's dictator, Kim Jong Il, he could
face the same fate as Saddam Hussein should he push too many U.S.
Kim Jong Il
could face the same fate as Saddam Hussein |
The pre-emptive strike diplomacy--a new and bold
approach to rogue nation management--is quieting the roar of
Terror-inclined lions.
Today, oil pipelines flowing to Syria from Iraq
were turned off--which some consider an act of aggression against a
nation accused of harboring Terrorists. Syria is considered the
next most likely target of America's pre-emptive diplomacy.
In a nutshell, the world is dazed by America's
success in Iraq.
protestors were surprised at photos and news coverage of scenes
like the celebration above |
Anti-war protestors in both America and France
are as confused as Russian military strategists over the speed of
victory. Protestors had planned on a long attack on
America's underbelly--chewing on the criminality of American
leadership and likening the war to the quagmire in Vietnam.
No one was more surprised than the anti-American, anti-war protestors
who stood in shock and awe watching Iraqi citizens dancing in the
streets, jerking down statues of Saddam Hussein, and young children
kissing Marines as the city was liberated.
Nothing could be more frustrating to
someone seeking to bury America in the bile of protest than a swift
victory that limited the number of casualties on both sides, and, to
top it off, to see the people leaping for joy over the freedom and
liberty American brought to them.
All these Vultures of War starved over
Russia had hoped America would be blasted
out of the streets of Baghdad as the Russians had been ripped and
lacerated in Chechnya.
North Korea wanted the U.S. to be
humiliated so it could swagger and boast and call the shots on
negotiating its "evil axis" status.
Anti-war and anti-American protestors hoped
for a Vietnam quagmire to prove America was seeking a "war for oil."
They were thwarted by a cheering, liberated population pulling down
statues and shouting freedom.
These Vultures of War found no free lunches
in Iraq.
There are no
free lunches for the Vultures of War in Iraq |
Syria's oil dried up. Russia's
underestimation of American strategy backfired. North
Korea did an about face. American protestors fell silent, Voices
muffled in the wake of victory.
It would be easy for me to gloat.
As a TerrorHunter, I know better.
Gloating over a victory in Iraq is not much
different than being a Vulture of War.
War is not a moment of victory or defeat.
War is a symbol of Complacency.
War is all about the people of a nation and
a world giving up their duty of Citizens of Vigilance to powers above
them--to the military and political leaders. War is about
relinquishing the responsibility to protect one's children, and one's
Children's Children's Children from harm.
War is letting Tyrants of Terrorism
take command of a society.
War is kowtowing to Tyrants of
Terrorism such as Syria or North Korea.
We forget that war is the end
of the road. It is the final straw. It when the failure of
Vigilance is most apparent.
War is not the result of
preemptive attacks, as some would have it sound.
War is the result of not being
Anti-War protestors need to
think in terms of Anti-Complacency.
If the Anti-War protestors were
to should out cries against Complacency, there wouldn't be any wars.
Complacency, giving up the fight to
maintain peace, creates wars.
It's when you turn your head to
what's right and capitulate to the enemy.
It's when you know the Beast of
Terror is stalking you and your children and the world, and do
nothing, that War really begins.
War begins
when you are Complacent as the Beast is stalking you and your
children |
The United Nations is not a
Peacekeeping body, it is a war-making body. By the nature of its
Complacency, by its unwillingness to act, by its nature to wait until
the smoke turns into fire, it is a fuel starter of war, it is the
fodder of war, for it is a United Nations of Complacency rather than a
United Nations of Vigilance.
Vigilance requires pre-emptive
strikes against Complacency.
The U.S. struck
Complacency in the heart.
It kicked away the foundations
of Terrorism. It sent Terrorism crashing to the ground.
Still, the Vultures of War sit
on their stoops, necks craned, hissing and cawing, trying to find
fault in acts of liberation, in actions of Vigilance.
France, Germany and Russia
recently met without the U.S. or Britain to talk about the
reconstruction of Iraq. Three nations who chose
Complacency over Vigilance now want to grab the reins of
These are the true
Vultures of War.
The true
Vultures of War are the nations who chose Complacency over
Vigilance |
They want the glory
without the blood.
They want the fruits
without the sweat.
What they need to learn
is what Russia knows--that War today is not a reaction to Terrorism,
but a preemption of it.
America knows that.
America knows Vigilance
isn't about waiting for things to get so bad that disaster forces
action, but to act before disaster.
I hope the Vultures of
War starve a slow and painful death.
And I hope the Sentinels
of Vigilance keep their eyes to the horizon, and their willingness to
be more pre-emptive than reactive to the dangers of the Beast of
15--Women of War--Heroes Of Vigilance
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a ((HYYPE))
