Article Overview:
Why do parents ship their kids off to prison-like schools in foreign
countries where they are treated like Terrorist prisoners, forced to
sleep on bare concrete with their faces down? And why do
they spend $30,000 a year to have someone teach their child
"Compliance?" Find out how Terrorizing The Child is supposed to
drive away the Beast of Terror. |
9, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 604
Locking Up America's Teenage
Terrorists In The Name of Vigilance
Cliff McKenzie
Editor, New York City Combat Correspondent News
GROUND ZER0, NEW YORK, NY--Hundreds of American
teenagers are being locked up, forced to sleep on cold, bare concrete
floors with their noses buried on the floor, in an attempt to drive
from them the Beast of Terror. Their "torture" is
sanctioned by their parents. In fact, their mothers and fathers
pay up to $30,000 a year to insure the Beast of Terror is exorcised
from them.
That's the
latest "ripped from the headlines" news about how some frustrated
parents are dealing with their children whom they can't manage.
Many are kidnapped in the middle of the night, put in handcuffs and
sometimes leg irons, thrown in the back of vans, and driven to foreign
countries such as Mexico where they receive treatment equal to or far
worse than any Terrorist being held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Guantanamo Bay
prison for suspected Terrorists |
Frustrated parents
unable to control their children's recalcitrant behavior, often those
in the midst of divorce and wealthy enough to afford it, are shuffling
their kids off to "behavior modification" schools that operate under
U.S. regulatory radar. Free from U.S. watchdogs, the schools can
dispense what some call "cruel and unusual" punishment to students who
don't comply with strict, often harsh behavior rules.
Prison-camp type schools exist in Mexico,
Jamaica, and Costa Rica where youths move up through "levels of
compliance." They are forced into submission by harsh
rules that supplant their parents' lack of discipline, or, are
corporal systems to treat drug abusers.
The behavior-modification business is
booming at Casa by the Sea, on Mexico's Pacific Coast, the largest of
11 affiliated programs with roughly 2,200 youths, about half of them
in Mexico, Costa Rica and Jamaica. There are also schools in the
Czech Republic and Samoa. The programs are run by a small
group of businessmen based in St. George, Utah, under the banner of
the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools, or
Wwasps, and Teen Help, the programs' main marketing arm.
Wwasps claims
to have helped thousands of struggling teens and their parents |
Popularity of the
programs have nearly tripled since 1998 when the schools had about 200
youths enrolled. There are more than 570 being subjected to what
some claim is "prison-like" management by handlers with little if no
education training experience.
Fraidenbergh,16, was sent by his parents to a camp in Mexico where
he was treated harshly by the camp workers |
Arguments for harsh
treatment of the teenagers fly in the face of those trying to
eliminate the schools. According to the Wwasps internal surveys,
98 percent of the families are satisfied with the results.
Compliance rather than education is
the keynote of the training. Youths are put in solitary
confinement for violating rules, made to stand with their noses
against the wall, or to sleep with their faces down if they violate
Patti Reddoch of Sweeny, Texas, had
her son handcuffed and hauled off to one of the schools. He
cursed and spat at her. But months later, the now 17-year-old
praises the school, saying he would probably still be doing cocaine
were it not for the harsh rules he was forced to follow.
Aaron Kravig, now 19, offers a
contrasting view. He claims the Jamaica school he attended
fed him meals of watery porridge and fish entrails, and that he
contracted scabies, untreated for six months. He testified
against the school in a Virginia court last year.
Bottom line, parents who send their
children to discipline schools have one goal in mind--to drive out of
them the "Beast of Terror."
Through usually mismanagement on the
parents' side, the child has enjoyed defiant freedom, unsupervised
evolution where the child rules in spite of his or her role to mature
in an orderly, reasonable, civilized way.
The Beast of Terror reigns in such
Ryan Pink,19,
became a junior staff member by cooperating with the staff and in
turn disciplined lower-level youths |
seeking to neutralize their own lack of management, pay outside forces
to "knock some sense" into their children, and further that goal by
sending them to schools outside the purview of America's highly
concerned "children's rights" system. Abuse, as we might
term it, is the key to making a child surrender. Cold, icy
punishment breaks the will to defy, and forces compliant behavior, if
for no other reason than to avoid punishment. If there is a lesson to
be learned by these children, it is "harsh punishment" is the key to
"good behavior."
I find it difficult to think
that one, letting a child fly out of control, and two, paying $30,000
a year for the child to be tortured back into compliance, can further
the child's sense of self-worth, or, in any way effect long-term
positive parenting techniques the child will use later when he or she
becomes a parent.
This isn't to say that some
children might become "miracles" regarding turnaround behavior.
Sometimes desperate parents seek desperate measures, but when traced
back to the origins of such bad behavior, it is easily identified as
an "original parenting problem." That is, the child became what
the parent didn't manage.
Essentially, neglecting a child's
development increases the child developing as an Adolescent of Terror,
a sort of mini-Beast of Terror, a Fledgling of Terror.
The more removed a child is from the
duty and responsibility to himself and others, the deeper into the
dark and dank caves of Terror he or she falls. Becoming an
"outsider," living on the edge of life's mainstream, often attracts
the child who seeks recognition, love, admiration, support.
The outlaw behavior of most children is
considered a plea for recognition, a need to align with some cause, or
to seek role models to fill the vacancy the parents lack of love and
care have left. This includes drug abuse, anti-social
behavior, and alignment with many call the "fringes" of society, the
disenfranchised, marginalized elements who revolt against the norm in
dress and music and behavior, standing out against normalcy with
defiance or depression.
Some children
surrender to the Beast's Shadow of Intimidation |
Not all children who
are alienated seek to surround themselves with others like themselves,
and to dress in bizarre clothing and listen to dark music. Some
retreat to deep bouts with depression, isolating themselves in the
closets of their mind, shutting the curtains to life in a quiet
surrender to the Beast's Shadow of Intimidation, and surrendering to
the Complacency of life itself.
Unfortunately, these children often receive
medication rather than prison schools. Instead of being
physically forced into compliance, they are chemically seduced with
medications parents talk doctors into administering.
A Parent of Vigilance is one who recognizes that
these children described above are extreme examples of what all
children can become if left in the emotional cold of non-Vigilant
Inside all human beings is a Beast of Terror,
that part of us that isn't loved enough, cared for enough, appreciated
enough or respected enough. Human beings are driven by a
desire for recognition, just as a wild tom turkey is driven to display
his tail feathers to attract the attention of females, or a woman is
driven to apply more and more makeup to make herself more attractive,
or a child is driven to rush to someone they love with open arms to
receive the thirst-quenching hug of confirmation that the love is
In business, employees hungrily await raises or
pats on the backs for jobs well done, and CEO's often cook the books
to make themselves "look good" to stockholders, or to hide misdeeds so
they won't be castigated for mismanagement.
Doctor Freud, said that all humans are driven by
conflict, the push and pull of plus and minuses within the emotional
chemistry, seeking always to affirm the positive side, and when that
is repelled for whatever reason--either from the outside or
inside--the individual retreats into dark caves of aberrant behavior,
often leading to what the above teenagers exhibit--depression,
defiance and often drug abuse.
facilities in Southern Utah: One for Boys........ |
A Parent of Vigilance
recognizes the Beast of Terror is doing push-ups inside us all, no
matter how small or tall. He awaits those moments when the
human being crumbles from within, when the castle walls of self-worth
are smashed by events, or the lack of them, and the icy air of feeling
unloved, unworthy, unequal rushes through the breech, making us feel
naked, alone, frightened we might never rise above the salt, forever
trapped in the demise of the self.
And it all happens in little degrees.
A lack of attention here, a lack of love there, a lack of concern
here, a lack of a hug there, all mount up and force a child to form
defenses against the cruelty of Complacency, for the lack of love to a
child is nothing more than the result of parental selfishness.
When parents, rich or poor, are too busy to nurture the child's
flowering personality, then the Weeds of Terror take over. They
choke off the child's senses of value and strangle out the good and
sprout the weeds--the things that parents send their children to
foreign lands to have clipped and stomped in hopes the child will
return free of the anguish that drove them to recoil from authority
they never learned to respect.
..................and one for Girls |
While most parents
might quickly discard the recalcitrant behavior of the teenagers noted
in this story as being extremes that do not apply to their own
children, the odds are such denial suggests a blind eye to their own
A Vigilant Parent is one who wakes every
morning knowing that there aren't enough hours in the day to love
their children, or guard them against the Beast of Terror's wrath.
He or she recognizes that a child's evolution to the highest level of
human dignity can be accelerated by constant parental reinforcement of
the values in life, and a constant reminder to the child who is
evolving about how to combat the Beast of Terror.
No one graduates from evolution.
There is no legal age for reaching
self-sufficiency or "absolute maturity."
When parents "wash their hands" of managing
a child, they are simply turning the child over to the Beast of
Terror. This includes taking a child to a doctor to get
pills for bad behavior, or putting a child in a special school for
children with behavior problems.
The truth is the parents need to go to such
schools. Parents need to have their own Beast of Terror brought
into control, for when a parent abdicates his or her responsibility to
manage a child, it is nothing more than an admission that the parent
is operating out of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
It is an admission the parent knows nothing about parenting, and has
failed miserably at his or her duty to teach a child how to climb the
ladder of self-worth and self-respect because they themselves have
forgotten how, or, worse, were never taught.
Parents don't stop being parents.
They go on to become grandparents.
And, sometimes, great grandparents.
They are also uncles and aunts, and their
actions and behaviors become role models for other children aligned in
their filial communities.
The Parent of
Vigilance has a daily duty to keep his or her Sword and Shield of
Vigilance ready |
When dissected,
the average Parent of Vigilance has a daily duty to keep the Sword and
Shield of Vigilance at a ready position. He or she has an
obligation to keep Fear at bay by the promotion of Courage, to hold
back Intimidation with Conviction, and to drive off Complacency with
Right Actions that benefit future generations.
That's why every parent needs to
become a Citizen of Vigilance and a Parent of Vigilance. Only by
taking the Pledge and Vow of Vigilance, can a parent or loved one keep
a watchful eye on a child, guarding it against the rapacious appetite
of the Beast of Terror who slips into all vacancies left by a child's
sense of alienation.
The kind of love a Parent or
Citizen of Vigilance offers is not forcing a child to lie on the cold
concrete with his or her nose to the ground, or eating fish entrails.
It is about hugs and loves, and sharing one's deepest emotions with a
child so that the child learns how to trust the insides of himself or
herself, and not rely on the outsides.
Vigilance comes from within,
but it doesn't come easily.
A Parent of Vigilance learns to
pry open the child's walls, and expose the Beast of Terror so the
child knows how to defend himself or herself against its wrath.
The Parent of
Vigilance must teach the child to ward off the Beast of Terror |
This makes
the "cold, cruel world" much more palatable, much more "user-friendly"
because by enhancing a child's self worth and dignity, the Parent or
Love One of Vigilance is thickening the steel on the Sword of
Vigilance, and increasing the strength of the Shield of Vigilance the
child must learn to use to ward off the Beast of Terror's Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency.
Think about the children
above. Think about how Complacency can lead a child into a
prison of the self.
Free yourself and your
Take the Pledge of
Vigilance today.
8--Cutting Off The Arm Of Terrorism
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