Ground Zero--040724--New York, NY--1048 Days From Ground
Zero Plus One--"When is the Right Thing to do
the Right Thing?"
This moral and ethical question has haunted mankind and womankind
since the dawn of thought, but its answer is quite simple: The
Right Thing to do is what is right for the Children's Children's
The simplicity of this answer is befuddling to those who are
interested in today more than tomorrow, for selfishness seems
to overpower selflessness like a rock falling from the sky.
To shift one's thinking as to what is right for future generations--espeically
for three generations from now--tends to evaporate one's vision
when the bottom line is staring one in the face and the need
for food or profit or power or success seems to be the only
worthy goal at the moment.
We tend to become blinded to What's Right For The Future in
favor of What's Right For Us--NOW!
That doesn't diminish the need for the question to be posed,
for in the question lies the answer, as it does for all things.
The top CEO of the biggest company in the world can use that
question in forming "today's" decision with the same
alacrity of a parent deciding how to form an opinion that will
shape the future of a child.
There is a compromise always between the needs of the future
and the needs of the present, but if the decision is made for
today with a consideration of "What's Right" for the
future generations, the odds of a perverted, selfish decision
that serves the immedate and not the future will be limited.
Ask yourself: "How many decisions do I make that don't
include the question of what's right for the Children's Children's
If you find that few decisions employ this introspection, try
thinking through the next dilemma, the next challenge with this
question rolled into the process. By thinking through a situation
with the future generations in mind, the idea of "Selfish
Terrorism" is balanced by "Selfless Vigilance."
Enjoy the day. Let it be one of Vigilance.

To Story For July 20, 2004--Corporate Insurance Terrorism
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