To The VigilanceVoice
Theme Directory
To assist you in navigating our website--which includes
more than 1,000 different stories and some 2,000,000 words written
daily after the Terrorist attack of September 11, 2002--we
have categorized various subjects and themes into groups to
help you study and apply our Principles
of Vigilance. While
not every story may exactly fit a category, we have done our
best to place those stories in what we consider to be “appropriate
Also, you may traverse the site
reading either from the most current date back, or, the earliest
date forward.
We invite your feedback.
Should you read a story or article you feel belongs in another
category, please forward your thoughts. You, the readers,
are the most important group to decide the right placement.
Thank You,
Cliff McKenzie, Editor,
Click on any of the following themes to go directly to that
particular theme page. Or, scroll down and read a quick
overview of each theme section and pick the one you like the
of Vigilance...
In this section we have collected various stories that include
the history of Vigilance, tracing its roots back to the Spartans
who established the “Sentinel of Vigilance” legacy through Simonides,
a Greek poet who reminds us of the importance of being alert
to the dangers of Terrorism. We also include various stories
and articles defining Vigilance such as the Formulas For Vigilance
and the evolution of the Pledge of Vigilance. This section
informs readers of the roots of our thinking, and helps establish
a solid understanding of how Vigilance must override Terrorism.
To Foundations of Vigilance page
Many stories we have address the whole of Vigilance, how it
permeates a person, or should, and the values it creates in
those who apply its Principles.Go
To About Vigilance page
Triad Of Terrorism And How To Battle It... The
Triad of Terrorism is a combination of Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency, designed to oppress and tyrannize a person, group,
society, nation or world. How do these three elements
of Terror – Fear, Intimidation and Complacency – work to destroy
or cripple a person’s self-worth, self-value, self-esteem so
that he or she allows the tyranny and oppression of self-defeat
to pulse through his or her veins? And what are the counter-measures
to fighting these Triads of Terrorism? These stories offer
readers a powerful tactics and techniques to conquer Self-Imposed
To The Triad of Terrorism page
And Memorials... There are many heroes in life
who may be called “Sentinels of Vigilance,” those who guard
and protect not just the present values of a society, but go
beyond that to protect the future rights of the Children’s Children’s
Children. Some give their lives to this end. In
this section you will find an array of stories dealing with
both the heroes and memorials, guarded by living Sentinels of
Vigilance and by the Spirits of Vigilance who hover over Ground
Zero, reminding us all to not succumb to the Complacency, Fear
or Intimidation of The Beast of
Go To Heroes And Memorials page
on the World Trade Center Attack... As a survivor
of that horrible day when America was attacked. I have
a special interest in relating my person experiences and weaving
them into various stores regarding Vigilance vs. Terrorism.
Here, you will find a combination of my earliest reflections
on that day, as well as articles and stories that evolved over
the next 1000 days.
Go To Reflections on the WTC Attack
Grandparents, Relatives, Loved Ones of Children of Vigilance
Nothing is more important than fighting for the rights
of the children when we think in terms of Terrorism. It
is easy to get trapped in the political, social, economic and
religious aspects of whether the War On Terrorism is right
or wrong, and there is a danger in steering our opinions and
thoughts to any of those narrow categories. In this section,
we can arrange stories for your review that deal with the importance
of the Big Vigilant Picture – what is right for the Children’s
Children’s Children. It is our belief that one day,
when individuals and nations make decisions not of selfish interests,
but rather on behalf of all future generations, then we will
have moved ahead at full steam toward being Individuals, States,
Nations and a Global Community of Vigilance.Go
To Parents, Grandparents, Relatives, Loved Ones of Children
of Vigilance
Message To The Children...Here you will find
stories written to the children regarding the Principles of
Vigilance. The Sophia Wisdoms, written by G-MA Lori, supply
a rich supply of how to convey Vigilance to a child. Other
stories you will find are directed both to parents and children,
and their relatives and loved one, about how to impart
the Principles of Vigilance to the young so they may be protected
from the wrath of the Beast of Terror.
Go To Vigilant Message To The Children
With God... Sometimes humorous, sometimes prayers,
sometimes earth-shaking, these “conversations” are between Cliff
and the Almighty. They cover many questions and fascinating
answers that provide readers with another dimension of understanding
the Role of Vigilance, and how God may view human behavior today,
some five billion years following the existence of the earth.
Conversations With God
and Not-So-Peaceful Demonstrations Against Vigilance Millions
of people throughout the world have marched for and against
the War on Terrorism, some advocating the necessity for it,
others hurling invectives against it. New York City
is one of the world hubs of protest, and a host of stories on
this subject are available for review and comment. Peaceful
and Not-So-Peaceful Demonstrations
Media And The War On Terrorism... Daily, we are
bombarded by a cornucopia of information regarding the War on
Terrorism, from the radical conspiracy theories that suggest
our single intent is to capture the Mid-East oil and rule the
world, to the right wing conservatism of Rush Limbaugh saying
that American prison guards in Iraq were just “letting off steam”
when they tortured and humiliated prisoners. On top of
the list of personalities to address in this section is the
role of the Press. You’ll find the history of the media
and a variety of stories to chew on about the role of the media
in the battle between Vigilance and Terrorism. The
Media And The War
On Terrorism
Of The War On Terrorism – i.e. President Bush et al...President
Bush is the target of much critique about the War On Terrorism.
What is his role regarding Vigilance? Is he on the right
or wrong road? What kind of leadership do we need today
to advance our evolution toward peace? These stories address
the politics of Vigilance, and reveal how easily we can be seduced
by them. Politics
Of The War On Terrorism
bin Laden/And Other Beasts of Mass Destruction...Evil
has an eye. Sometimes two. Figureheads of Terrorism
sprout up, and we can label this one or that as the fountainhead.
But behind these figures are other figures, sometimes waiting
to step in or replace their leaders with their own leadership.
Enjoy these stories of “living evil.” Beasts
of Mass
out those stories we think are among our finest!Go
To Favorite Stories
to most recent story)

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