ZERO PLUS 1063 DAYS, New York, NY, August 8, 2004--There
is something special about being on Terror Watch. You are working
for the children.
I've always given high
honor to the School Crossing Guards. If one thinks about it,
a most dangerous act for most children is crossing a street.
Cars whipping madly here and there to shove themselves and thousands
of pounds of metal to work often are too busy drinking coffee,
talking on cell phones, and a myraid of other things careening
about their minds to be alert to children crossing the street.
unarmed School Crossing Guard is the real unsung hero
of the TerrorWatch Group |
Parents may bow to the
men and women in blue, the police who patrol with guns and batons,
but the unarmed School Crossing Guard is the real unsung hero
of the Terror Watch Group.
Their job is keep children
from being run over by the madding crowd of trucks, cars and
buses hurling from point "A" to point "B."
According to the U.S. Census Bureau there are 53.3 million children
-- 36.8 million of elementary school age (5-13 years) and 16.5
million of high school age (14-17 years). Their lives, in part,
are being protected by the School Crossing Guard.
We don't think of drivers
as potential Terrorists until a drunk driver kills someone we
know (about 24,000 a year to be factual), or a big truck turning
a tight corner catches a child standing off the corner under
its wheels and drags him or her for a block while people on
the street scream (This recently happened in Brooklyn.)
The point of the story
is simple: Do you know your School Crossing Guard is a Sentinel
of Vigilance, on constant duty as a Terror Hunter, warding off
the invasion of vehicles eager to run a red light or forgetting
to pay attention?
If not, give your School
Crossing Guard a salute next time you see one and say thanks.
Vigilance is about recognizing
the little things in life...and honoring the people who do the
most for the future of the children.
owes the School Crossing Guard the tribute of Sentinel
of Vigilance |
Crossing the street
is like swimming with sharks, and the School Crossing Guard
knows better than to trust any driver. He or she guards children,
grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbor kids, loved ones. Everyone
owes the School Crossing Guard the tribute of Sentinel of Vigilance.
Salute them next time
you see them.
And, most importantly,
be wary of children on the streets.
To August 7 "American Pregnant With Terrorism Is Giving
Birth To Vigilance"

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