ZERO PLUS 1070 DAYS--New York, NY, Sunday, August 15, 2004--There
she was—The Olympic Mother!
She walked down a platform and revealed her naked pregnant
belly…rubbing it lovingly as she strolled slowly into
the water filling the Olympic opening stadium in Athens, Greece.
Olympic Mother rubbed the Light of Life
A billion people watching worldwide saw her rub her
bulging stomach and saw it slowly begin to glow.
It was the light of life.
It shined from deep within her womb, radiating out
for the world to witness that the most precious of all commodities
on this earth is the innocence of an unborn child.
The Greek woman walked through the water as though
she were a queen carrying in her womb the next king or queen
of the future.
It was heralded as the key to everything.
There would be no Olympics without life, and the struggle
to be the best one can be in the fairest and most humane way
Ultimately, the Olympics is all about peace. It is
about the Vigilance necessary for an athlete to maintain his
or her mental, physical and spiritual condition so that he or
she can respresent his or her country and compete with the best
in the world.
The Olympics validates that nations can resolve conflicts
without bloodshed, and that was the ultimate purpose of their
the Olympics came together to prove there are alternatives
to war |
Back in the first days of the Olympics, all wars were
to stop during the Games. Enemies put down their swords, spears
and shields and came together as one competitive group to compete—a
symbol that there were alternatives to war.
The Greek Olympic Ceremony carried that concept one
step farther. It illuminated the Womb of Vigilance.
The message was that we must not fight or compete just
for ourselves, but for the protection of our children, of all
Wars kill the future. They always have and always will,
for they always take the innocent as part of the collateral
damage—mothers, fathers, grandparents, children, and future
flag translates the idea of the universality of the Olympic
.( At least one of
the colors of the rings, including the white background,
can be found on the flag of every nation in the world) |
The glowing belly of the woman walking through the
water reminded me that we all need to see the Womb of Vigilance
If we do, we also see the need to teach our children
and their children’s children’s children to be Vigilant
about the Beast of Terror and how to fight its fangs of Fear,
its talons of Intimidation and its scales of Complacency that
try to smother Courage, Conviction and Right Actions so they
will not rise to the surface.
The Greek mother stroked and massaged the baby within
glowing in the light.
the Olympic womb for the Children's Children's Children
I took it as a message from the Sentinels of Vigilance.
It was that the true purpose of the Olympics was that we all
should take the same vow as the Olympians do: “Let me
be Victorious or my attempt Glorious!”
We can be Victorious by taking the Olympic Pledge of
Vigilance…. and, we can make our attempt Glorious by restating
that vow daily.
Protect the Olympic womb.
Take the Pledge of Vigilance today.
To Yesterday's Story "Rescue Me From Terrorism"

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