ZERO PLUS 1088 DAYS--New York, NY, Thursday,
September 2, 2004--Nine
days from today, horror will return to those of us who were
at Ground Zero on America's "day of infamy".
September 11,
2002 is the Day of Awakening when America realized that it
was no longer a Virgin of Vigilance but instead a Rape Victim
of Terrorism.
On NineEleven,
the Beast of Terror violated the body of America |
Terrorism, like
rape, occurs against the will. On NineEleven, the Beast of
Terror violated the body of America. It took by deadly force
the innocence of a nation that thought it was free from the
violence and horror so common in the rest of the world.
It caught the
nearly 300 million citizens of the United States by shocking
surprise and video-taped the entire ravage of America's innocence
to the world, scene by ugly scene, so there would be mistake
that our land, our citizens had just been brutalized by the
lascivious desire of Terrorism to "take" what it
wants at will.
Statue of Liberty wept as Terrorists ravaged her people |
Sadly, this all
happened in view of the Statue of Liberty, who, in her own
way, represents the "Mother of America." She watched
helpless on Liberty Island as the Terrorists ravished her
people, and the torch in her hand dimmed as her tears flooded
with the blood of thousands who died that day.
She wasn't crying
for the loss of life as much as she was the loss of innocence.
As the Mother of America, the Statue of Liberty saw the children
of the rape victims no longer safe and secure from the groping,
ghostly claws and fangs of the Beast of Terror who now stalked
the streets of America as he has the dark alleys of third-world
nations for millenniums.
Then the light
of Liberty's torch grew bright.
The mother of
any rape victim can chose to fall in sadness and depression--or
even denial, guilt and shame--or, she can use the horrible
experience as a guiding light to help her daughters and loved
ones grow taller and stronger as a result of a violation to
their body, mind and soul.
Light of Lady Liberty's torch brightened as a guiding
light for Vigilance |
Over the past
three years, Mother Liberty has been broadcasting to the world
the need for Vigilance despite the fact that many have chosen
to protest rather than commit to this need.
In many ways,
America has turned on itself, dividing its family into two
camps. On one side of the family is the group who seeks to
avenge the rape of America by hunting down the rapists and
destroy their nests of rapists not only here in our own land,
but any where in the world.
This family faction
has been called "Terrorists," and accused of self-serving
goals that put at risk the whole of America's economic and
political stature by those who want to find wrong in the avenging
The other side
of the family is into rock hurling. It's position is to find
fault with almost everything the avenging side has done, and
claims that the goal of hunting down and eliminating the "Rapists
of America" is a waste of time and energy, and is causing
America to lose sight of its selfish domestic goals of "taking
care of its own" by lowering poverty and increasing jobs
and financial security.
Both have points
to be made.
But neither of
them make the Mother of Liberty stop crying. In each case,
neither side is asking the average American, the mothers,
the fathers, the grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, relatives
and loved ones of the children to become Citizens of Vigilance,
Parents of Vigilance, Loved Ones of Vigilance.
rape of America will be halted when we awaken to Vigilance
to combat the Beast of Terror |
Each faction
is telling America that they--as political leaders--know what's
right for the citizens of America. This makes Mother Liberty
cry the hardest.
The truth is
that rape occurs in neighborhoods not in nations. Most rapes
are within the confines of a family--some acquaintance, friend
or even relative. The same is true of molestation--the violation
of innocence by someone trusted.
Government of
and for the people cannot effect government by the people.
Only when people charge themselves with the duty to become
Citizens, Parents and Loved Ones of Vigilance can they truly
provide homeland security for their children and their children's
children's children.
Only then can
the "Rape of America" be halted. Only then will
the Beast of Terror realize that America has truly been awakened
and is prepared to fight Terrorism in the living rooms and
neighborhoods. And only then will the Beast of Terror be driven
from our land, because he knows our backs are not turned,
and that we haven't turned over the duty of Vigilance to government,
or expected the "leaders" to protect us when we,
the true "leaders," have taken on the role of Sentinel
of Vigilance.
The in-fighting
America suffers today will not resolve the issue of Terrorism.
That's why Mother
Liberty's light beams bright.
She is hoping
that Vigilance rather than Politics will rise out of the din
of political conflict within our nation, and from the ashes
of Nine Eleven will be heard the cry of the Victims who died
that day.
They are crying
out the warning: Semper Vigilantes! Semper Vigilantes! Always
Vigilant! Always Vigilant!
They are not
crying out Republican or Democratic. They are not crying out
"Who's right?" "Who's wrong?" They are
shouting out "What's Right!"
The answer to
making our land safe from the Rapists of Terrorism is the
Pledge of Vigilance.
yourselves Sentinels of Vigilance and join Mother Liberty
to protect your loved ones |
If we want to
secure the innocence of America for the future, then we must
make bold stands today. That stand is not how one votes for
a politician, but rather whether one casts a vote for Vigilance.
If one is willing
to go to the ballot box on September 11, 2004 and cast a vote,
it should be to elect themselves to the role of Sentinel of
Vigilance, and to realize as Mother Liberty does on Liberty
Island, that no one can protect the family or the children
better than the Parents and Loved Ones of Vigilance.
Then the blood
flowing from Mother Liberty's eyes will stop. And in their
place will be the clear tears of joy, for Mother Liberty will
then know that America is safe from Complacency.