ZERO PLUS 1096 DAYS,--New York, NY, Friday,
September 10, 2004--There
are those who refute that the war in Iraq was a war against
Sentinels of Vigilance consider Terrorism a reason to
spill blood to protect the Children of any land |
critics are quick to lambaste the current administration for
engaging in what they call an illegal war, one based on lies
and deceit. They further claim that the 1,000 plus American
lives have been lost in vain.
do not ask the 2,948 Sentinels of Nine Eleven who died on
September 11, 2001 what they think.
they were courageous enough to dig up the souls of the victims
of Nine Eleven and place them in a Town Meeting, they would
be shocked to find that those who died consider any and all
forms of Terrorism worthy of spilling blood to protect the
children of any land from the Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
that Terrorism breeds.
was a nation ruled by Terrorism. The vestiges of that Terrorism
still exists.
Iraq represents today is not just a retaliation against those
who planned and executed the Terrorist attack on September
11, 2001, but a much broader and inclusive example of Vigilance.
is not discriminatory.
America were to limit its moral duty to defend only certain
nations from the threat of Terrorism, it would be like a parent
choosing to only stop someone beating on a child if that child
fit a certain demographic.
has, throughout its history, spilled barrels of Vigilant blood
in countless nations and far distant lands for far less reasons
than the current war in Iraq.
that's not the point.
would the Sentinels of Vigilance say to America's presence
in Iraq?
they cheer or jeer?
The 2,948
souls who died on Nine Eleven gave their lives to shock
the world to face up to Terrorism |
2,948 souls who died on the second Tuesday of September 11,
2001 gave their lives for a reason. The reason was to shock
the world into facing up to the bully Terrorism represents
in all four corners of the earth.
led the charge despite all the critics attempting to thwart
the invasion of Iraq. Toppling Saddam Hussein was symbolic.
It told the rest of the Terrorist world that America was not
afraid to go anywhere and fight anyone who directly or indirectly
threatened the children of America, or for that matter, the
children of the world.
attack on the World Trade Center was not just an attack on
America, but an attack on virtually every country. Nearly
500 foreigners died that day representing 91 different nations.
attack on the World Trade Center was an attack on the world.
It was an alert that any nation and all citizens were targets
of despots who would, in the blink of an eye, destroy the
innocent to further their own cause.
toppling of Saddam put the world on notice that America
is not afraid to fight anyone, anywhere for the Children's
Children's Children |
Hussein was one of the world's great Terrorists. His fame
as a leader who would rape, torture and maim his people was
known to all four corners of the earth. His voracious appetite
to invade other nations and dominate the Middle East was also
well known. Plus, there was evidence he would be willing to
use weapons of mass destruction to kill--as he did thousands
of his own people.
Terrorist in the world looked up to Saddam Hussein who flaunted
his power and thumbed his nose at the world. He refused the
United Nations weapons inspection teams access to his country.
He boasted of his desire to rule the Middle East and attempted
to assassinate former President Bush.
might be one thing to capture Osama bin Laden and drive his
decapitated head down the shaft of a large pointed stick and
parade it around the world as evidence that America could
indeed hunt down and capture a Terrorist, but Osama's head
was just one of many.
one had, in modern times, deposed a tyrant of another nation.
No one had attacked Terrorism's core until American, after
exhausting its efforts to seek support in the United Nations,
gathered a few bold nations to show the world that tyrants
cannot hide behind national boundaries--not when they Terrorize
their own people and threaten to Terrorize all others the
same way.
flaunted his power and thumbed his nose at the world
reluctance of nations to use full frontal force against Terrorism
is evidenced in Russia. Attempts to placate the Terrorists
with non-violent negotiations has resulted in more Terrorism.
When Terrorists believe they can get away with their violence,
they create more and uglier violence.
a school and using children as shields validates the endless
thirst Terrorism has to ravage anyone in its wake. But, when
the core of that Terrorism is crushed, another signal is sent.
crushing of Saddam Hussein sent a fierce signal to Kim Jong
Il of North Korea. The North Korean leader prior to the assault
on Iraq was rattling his war swords, trying to Intimidate
the world with his threats of nuclear weapons. He was sure
no one would dare challenge him.
he's not so sure.
same is true of countless Terrorists around the world who
understand that if they attack anything American, or under
America's protection or allegiance, that the full frontal
force of America's wrath will descend upon them.
would the victims of Nine Eleven have to say about a nation
that is willing to spill its blood for Vigilance?
The victims
of Nine Eleven would cheer a nation that is willing
to launch a War on Terrorism while the rest of the world
did nothing |
those who died on September 11, 2001, discriminate against
their murderers because they belonged to a certain cell, or
tribe, or group? Or did they consider them simply "Terrorists,"
as an inclusive description for anyone who will indiscriminately
kill innocent women and children as Saddam Hussein did when
he gassed tens of thousands of Kurds?
the victims of Nine Eleven cheer the fact that America was
one of the few nations in the world brave and courageous enough
to launch a War On Terrorism while the rest of the world sat
about twiddling its thumbs, or would they boo that effort?
have always considered the role of America in the war aginst
Terrorism as setting an example to the Bully of Terrorism--whomever
and where ever he exists--that if he dares to attack or otherwise
threaten the security of America or its allies, that every
ounce of retaliation available will be used to hunt such Terrorism
to the ends of the earth.
also believe the Sentinels of Vigilance--those who died on
September 11, 2001--rally in support of any and all efforts
to nullify the Fear, Intimidation and Complacency the world
has previously shown to Terrorism.
of thousands of Russians in Moscow and throughout the
country recently protested against Terrorism while only
a few months prior Russia refused to join the United
States in a stand against Terrorism in Iraq |
attack on the Russian school children furthers the belief
that Terrorists in that part of world haven't yet learned
that nations will force the highest penalty upon those who
endanger their children.
did not wait for its children to be attacked.
lack of support against the War on Terrorism may have been
a signal of weakness to Terrorists who considered its policies
"soft" and therefore felt that by attacking children
in a school, the message of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
could leverage their demands.
the Russian people have shown another side. Hundreds of thousands
of them protested in Moscow against Terrorism, while only
a few months prior, Russia refused to join the United States
in a stand against Terrorism in Iraq. The people of Russia,
based on the bloody bodies of their children, have stood up
against Terrorism.
insanity of the critics of America's efforts in Iraq claim
that there is direct evidence linking Al Queda to Saddam Hussein,
and, as a result, we have no right to be in Iraq and the deaths
of 1,000 Americans have been lost for no sound, justifiable
same people forget that Saddam Hussein provided a $25,000
reward to any martyr who strapped a suicide bomb on and blew
up himself or herself while killing innocent people in Israel.
Saddam Hussein wasn't the premier Terrorist, then who was?
Osama bin Laden, it has been said, was a mere puppet, a figurehead
of Terrorism being orchestrated by much stronger forces who
fed him money, weapons and resources.
the best he was the capo of Terrorism, not its don.
Hussein was the don of Terrorism. By tracking him down and
cornering him in a spider hole, America proved its willingness
to emasculate Terrorism even at the risk of alienating the
other nations who would have preferred to endorse Saddam's
sadistic tactics under the veil of soverignship.
has spilled the blood of a thousand warriors in Iraq
to prove to the world that the Blood of Vigilance is
not being wasted |
has spilled the blood of a thousand warriors in Iraq to prove
to the world that the Blood of Vigilance is not being wasted.
The world watches daily as America maintains its commitment
to fight Terrorism, not just in Iraq, but throughout the world.
would serve the World of Terrorism better than to have America
withdraw from the War on Terrorism with its tail behind its
legs, whimpering and whining. Sadly, there are those in this
nation who promote such a tactic, arguing that our economy
is more important than the War on Terrorism.
will argue against the War On Terrorism until the next Terrorist
attack that kills their children, or their loved ones, and
then they will rush to Pennsylvannia Avenue as the Russians
did in Red Square to protest Terrorism.
has sacrificed 1,000 young men and women in Iraq. For what?
What did they give their lives for?
they gave their lives for school children in Russia. The attack
on that school was what our troops die to avert. They are
dying to protect the children from Terrorism's fangs.
blood they spill in Iraq has had some detrimental effect on
Terrorism in the United States. There has not been an attack
on America since September 11, 2001, and a major part of that
reason is the blood of 1,000 Americans in Iraq.
thinking about attacking the United States know that our nation's
crack forces will hunt them down like mad, rabid dogs and
make them pay for their crimes.
fact alone has been ignored by the critics of the War On Terrorism.
see our troops dying in waste, and promote that to anyone
foolish enough to listen to their bile.
they don't see are the thousands of lives the troops have
saved by warning any Terrorist who dares to attack America
that they will die by the scores to avenge any deaths.
Nine Eleven Sentinels of Vigilance know the blood spilled
by Americans in Iraq is the Blood of Vigilance |
fear Courage, Conviction and Right Actions. Terrorists are
bullies, and only respect those who will stand up to them
and fight them to the death.
Sentinels of Vigilance who died on September 11, 2001 know
the blood spilled by Americans in Iraq is the Blood of Vigilance.
honor each warrior's death, for they know the difference between
a Beast of Terror and a Sentinel of Vigilance. One attempts
to destroy the safety and security of the children and the
future, and the other restores and reinforces it.
on this Eve of Vigilance, when there is much consternation
over whether American deaths in Iraq have any legitimate purpose,
let me assure you that the Sentinels of Vigilance salute all
who have given their lives in the War on Terrorism.
know the Blood of Vigilance is the nectar of peace and security
for the Children's Children's Children.
Sentinels of Vigilance welcome those who died in Iraq
and Russia to the Circle of Vigilance |
they welcome the 1,000 Americans who have died in Iraq to
the Circle of Vigilance, along with the 350 who died in Russia
last week. They all hover over their respective Ground Zeros,
reminding the world that only by standing up to Terrorism--all
types, sizes and kinds--will the Beast of Terror ultimately
be driven into oblivion.
Blood Of Vigilance flows for the Freedom of all--especially
the Children's Children's Children.