ZERO PLUS 1108 DAYS,--New York, NY, Friday,
September 24, 2004--John
Kerry, Democratic Presidental candidate, ran into a womb of
a wall the other day. His campaign found the women's vote
was slipping away and siding up with arch enemy, incumbant
President George Bush.
have been a stable of Kerry's voting block |
have been a stable of Kerry's voting block, especially mothers
concerned with domestic issues such as welfare, wages, cost
of living indexes and the overall emphasis on spending more
money on bombs and bullets than butter and bread.
then some things happened to shift the ground on which Kerry's
women voters stand.
was a Terrorist attack on a school in Russia.
The Terrorist
attack on a school in Russia caused more mothers in
America to worry about the safety of their children
than 350 people were killed a few weeks ago, over half of
them children. Many were shot in the back trying to escape
the Terrorists. Others were blown up in a gymnasium where
they were held without food or water, and stared into explosives
wired on the basketball hoops.
young boy, Georgy Farniyev, escaped and shared his story with
the world about how a Terrorist continually stuck a gun to
his head in front of the other children and told him how he
was going to kill him in retribution to the deaths of his
children by the Russians.
Farniyev with a picture of himself at the feet of the
gunman |
of American mothers were glued to the television, praying
for the safety of not only the captive children, but for the
safety and security of their own as well.
didn't take expert analysists on Fox News Network to suggest
that Terrorists might try the same approach in America now
that a new low standard of Terrorism had been set. Prior to
the Russian siege, Terrorists hadn't zeroed in on children
as primary "soft targets" to inflict Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency--the Triads of Terrorism--on all those within
reach of their demands.
felt their guts twist. So did Fathers, Grandmothers, Grandfathers,
Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Brothers, Sisters and anyone who cares
for the safety of their own or other children.
kind of a leader would you want in place if Terrorists snatched
your child off the street, shoved him or her in a gymnasium
with hundreds of others, and barked demands that unless certain
conditions were met all the children would be killed?
Kerry didn't make the Sentinel of Vigilance list.
least, that's what the pol pundits are saying. The New
York Times reported a major drop in Kerry's "women
stats" over the issue of Terrorism. In a recent poll,
Bush has 48 percent of the registered women's vote and Kerry
only 43 percent. In August Kerry had 50 per cent and Bush
36 per cent. This is in stark contrast to last election when
Presidential contender Al Gore racked up 54 percent of the
women's vote.
Kerry appeared Tuesday on "Live With Regis And
Kelly" to try to impress the women audience |
can pin down exactly why the women voters are ducking and
weaving from Kerry's camp and slipping one-by-one toward George
Bush except to note that the notably egress began almost immediately
following the assault on children by Terrorists in Russia.
It also began following Nine Eleven. The 'soccer moms' appear
to be worrying more about the safety and security of their
disasters force people to toss aside selfish concerns and
become selfless, espeically mothers. Even a radical anti-Bush,
loyal Democratic woman who eagerly marches in peace parades
suddenly questions her decisions to back a man whose heroism
is questionable.
met with the North Vietnamese |
Kerry promotes his heroism in war, but he also has a long
history of radicalism akin to what a Terrorist might express
against the "establishment." Throwing his medals
away and meeting with North Vietnamese while still a U.S.
military officer while Americans were fighting and dying,
makes a mother wonder what kind of backbone the Father of
the Nation would show if their children were sitting in a
circle with Terrorist's holding guns to their heads.
makes diamonds. It also crushes the unstable, the vascillators,
the untested, the untrue.
can argue the position that George Bush has taken against
Terrorism, even if they do not agree with him politically
or economically. One thing stands above all others--George
Bush won't be bullied.
one knows if John Kerry can be bullied.
bunch of mothers have decided the risk is too great to take
when the lives of children are at stake. They know where George
Bush stands, even if they can't personally stand him.
they know he is a Father of Vigilance, a Sentinel of Vigilance,
willing to fight and even die for his beliefs.
of those beliefs is that he is more than willing to protect
the rights of children not only here in America, but in far-off
know that George Bush won't be bullied by the United
Nations or any Terrorist |
matter how harsh the media batters George Bush's politics,
mothers know the women in Iraq are freer than they were, and
that the children of Iraq have an opportunity to achieve goals
far beyond anything they ever had before.
also know that George Bush won't be bullied by the United
Nations or any Terrorist. Standing up for what is right is
a hallmark of Bush, even if a particular mother may refute
what Bush stands up for. It is the act of standing up for
something at the risk of being criticised that makes George
Bush loom large on the horizon and dwarfs John Kerry.
one knows what John Kerry will stand up for when the bullets
start flying. In the past, he's chosen to throw his nation's
tribute down the toilet, and side with enemy in illegal discussions
while still a military officer--an act that questions his
integrity to support his role as a Sentinel of Vigilance.
for a mother--regardless of her politics--her children's safety
comes foremost.
true Parent of Vigilance faces tough decisions when it comes
to adhering to the Principles of Vigilance, for they require
in the final analysis to chose actions that benefit the Children's
Children's Children.
Bush versus John Kerry is not a conundrum for Mothers of Vigilance.
They know where George Bush stands in relation to Terrorism
and their children.
someone threatens the children, he will act with great conviction
and immediate action to destroy any threat to the children.
world knows where George Bush stands on Terrorism. He will
hunt down Terrorists who threaten America and chase them to
the ends of the earth, and then deal harshly with them.
The world
knows where George Bush stands on Terrorism |
want the bullies to know that anyone who attempts to lay a
hand on their children will have it cut off.
aren't sure if John Kerry is capabable of such an act. They
are when it comes to George Bush.
course, this is conjecture for anyone who wants to refute
this logic. If I were a promoter of John Kerry, I would shoot
holes all over the place, hoping I might undermine the fundamental
logic of a mother concerned about the protection of her child.
would try to convince people that John Kerry is the man to
hire to stand between Terrorism and your child, even if he
has never done that.
thing the John Kerry camp can't do is make any attempt to
force people into believing that George Bush would cut and
run to protect his own self if the Beast of Terror tried to
attack children. Everyone knows that wouldn't work, because
Bush has made it clear to the world he's not backing down
from any form, shape or size of Terrorism.
includes threatening children.
would you trust to protect your children most?" |
can agree or disagree with his point of view, but, no matter
what, ask yourself this big question: "Who would you
trust to protect your children most from threats of Terrorism--George
Bush or John Kerry?"
answer, regardless of your politics, is who you should hire
as your Sentinel of Vigilance on November 2, 2004.