ZERO PLUS 1119 DAYS,--New York, NY, Tuesday,
October 5, 2004--Millions
of Americans will make a choice tonight--Presidental Debate
or New York Yankees baseball division playoffs. I know the
Beast of Terror will pick the Presidental Debates. They are
all about his favorite subjects--Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
not torn over which of the two to tune in. I'm going to watch
the Yankees. They are the Sentinels of Vigilance, promoting
Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the Children's Children's
not going to watch the Presidential Debates because I'm not
concerned about the future of America but because the speakers
vying for the World Political Championships are swinging their
bats at each other and not the baseball.
debate speakers from last week swung their bats at each
other |
grown men stand up and berate one another it reminds me of
two baseball teams pouring out onto the field in a slugfest
that has absolutely nothing to do with baseball or professional
sports, and has everything to do with promoting Terrorism.
can be delivered by the brass knuckles of one's tongue, as
well as from the end of bat or club, or the muzzle of a rifle,
or the shards of metal compressed in a land mine.
the goal is to rip, tear, destroy, denude and otherwise shred
the reputation and character of another, nothing more than
verbal Terrorism is evidenced.
I won't
be able to stomach John Edwards' "charm" taking
on.... |
Cheney's "experience" |
why I won't be able to stomach tonight's Vice Presidential
debates or the Presidential ones following it, for instead
of attacking the issues the political players attack each
other, using sharp fangs and claws to try and rip the other's
viscera so that his opponent's image bleeds to death in the
public's mind.
the opposite end of the pole, World Championship baseball
playoffs are all about performance. Players can't concentrate
on who is the best player, but instead on playing the game.
is about doing your best but politics is about tearing
down others |
another player makes a mistake on the opposite team, the competition
players don't cheer and jump with joy, because the game of
baseball isn't about not making errors, it's about making
the fewest errors by doing the most right things for the right
is about doing your best. Politics is about tearing down others.
a very sad commentary for our children, because Americans
should prefer to watch the Presidential debates with their
children rather than baseball. But, to tune in the debates
is to teach a child how adults--future leaders of a nation--spend
their time ripping and tearing apart one another, calling
each other vile and corrupt names, accusing them of lying
and cheating, of senselessly killing innocent people, of stealing
from the people their rights of privacy and privileges of
one were to examine closely the arguments listed on the Debate
Batting Roster, one would find a list of horrors, accusations
and indictments made by one man seeking to unseat another
to become the moral, ethical, economic and constitutional
leader of millions.
is a list of reasons why the Debates are "X-rated"
for children |
would be like looking at a list of reasons why the Debates
are "X-Rated" for children, because if they were
to watch the debate, they would wonder why such "bad
men" were running for the office of "Father of the
television, at the sports channel, another game is being played.
Two groups of players are in athletic combat, using all the
skills of teamwork and purpose to win a game, not beat another.
athletes play the game, requiring the unity of all other players,
to excel. No single person can win the game, only the team
can. And any and all energy placed on berating others for
their mistakes subtracts from the game, for it diverts the
focus from doing your best to thinking about who did the worst.
politics wants people to make a decision on who they believe
hasn't done the worst, not the best.
people often vote for the rhetoric |
incumbents, who only flap their lips and haven't led a nation,
vow they are righteous in their skills to lead the nation,
and, with no experience at such leadership, pound their chests
as they point to the mistakes of the current leaders.
people vote for the rhetoric. They focus not on what needs
to be done, but on what others claim they will do to repair
the rips and tears the current leaders have left as evidence
of their flaws of leadership.
day, political platforms will be ruled by one theme: "What's
the right decision for the Children's Children's Children?"
will be over who has the best plan, the best team, to help
future generations overcome the Terrorism of war, poverty,
bigotry, prejudice, educational handicaps and a host of other
rocks that littler the path of human evolution.
Pins and
signs are abundant in New York City |
today we walk down the street and see signs: "Beat Bush!"
And indictments being issued about the criminal intent of
leaders who send young children to their deaths to serve the
thirsts of oil-hungry leaders who would rob the children of
food, education, and economical opportunity.
both sides have their flaws, not just the Republicans or Democrats,
or any party that exists under the current tenants of refusing
to stand up for the future instead of berating the past or
micturating on the present.
I would
have children watch the teamwork of a Championship Baseball
Playoff game to learn about how important it is to politics
I were to teach a child today the importance of the politics,
I would have them watch a World Championship Baseball Playoff
game, and as each play was made, liken it to the world's need
for such teamwork, such competition between the best and the
best to see who is better, for that moment, not forever.
game goes on.
the public will finally vote for the "lesser of
two evils" |
of all who benefit from the game are the millions of fans.
Millions watch and cheer and are ecstatic because they know
the best of the best are playing. In politics, that isn't
always true. Often, it is the worst of the worst--men whose
reputations are soiled and whose ability to lead is laced
with gallons of poisons spilled down the gullets of their
opponents by campaign managers, so that the public will finally
vote for the "lesser of two evils."
or sports?
Beast of Terror will be watching the Presidential Debate.
be watching the Sentinels of Baseball Vigilance!