ZERO PLUS 1130 DAYS,--New York, NY, Friday,
October 16, 2004-- A child walking
down the street in New York City, as well as other liberal
hotbeds in America, get clubbed visually by adults eager
to violate one of the most sacred tenants of parenthood--protecting
children from unwarranted abuse.
The theme: "Beat Bush!" carries with it a viciously
subtle form of violence and hatred. A child seeing the button,
or hearing someone chanting the phrase, conjures a variety
of scenes in his or her head including but not limited to:
A man or woman with a club pounding the skull of the President;
People pummeling the President with fists;
People jumping up and down on the President, kicking him;
To 'beat'
someone is to go far beyond the limit of victory |
The President in a boxing ring getting battered byhulking
Women battering the President with baseball bats.
Take the word "beat" and play it out in your adult
"Who beats whom?"
Beating someone isn't about winning. Beating is all about
battering, pounding, smashing, hurting, maiming, obliterating.
To beat someone is to go far beyond the limit of victory.
It is about sinking down into the primordial ooze of human
nature where bitterness, anger, hatred and all the violence
that fuels this base emotions erupt in a fiery effluence,
burying the opponent in a scalding, scorching sea of political
"Beat Bush!"
What does this tell a child about the people who are advocating
their Presidential Prospect--in this case, John Kerry.
To a child, the theme Beat Bush isn't about John Kerry being
a better man, a better leader, a better Father of the Nation,
but rather a bigger bully.
Bullies beat others.
beat others |
And, they usually are afraid of the person they want to beat.
If they promote "beating someone" they aren't promoting
why they are better. Instead, they are promoting simple, pure
violence. They are telling children to eliminate the competition
and then step up in the vacant space.
In other words, if we kill the King, then there will be an
empty throne, and the contender can climb up and take command,
not because he or she is more qualified, but simply because
the King has been beaten to a bloody pulp.
I am sure there are many who will see the Beat Bush buttons
from an entirely different viewpoint. That will be because
they are blind to the eyes of children.
A true and honest person will ask young children what it
means to "beat someone," and to tell them the difference
between the word "beat" and "win."
Sadly, some of the comments will include: "Beating is
what my daddy does to my mommy!"
People who wear ugly, vile buttons that incite the riotous
nature of human violence serve only to fuel the Beast of Political
Terror in children.
This is an ugly election on all sides.
Even uglier are the Beat Bush buttons.
And, the people who wear them are Beasts of Terror trying
to disguise themselves as political advocates who have the
"right" to promote their views.
The 2004
election is ugly but the Beat Bush buttons are even
uglier |
But when the right to promote a view encourages a child to
consider abuse of another as the goal of obtaining the highest
office in America, there's something rank in the veins of
those who should know better.
That rank odor is stupidity and selfishness, all at the expense
of the Children who suffer the sores of violence.