Politics Of Fear:
Have The Parents Abandoned The Children?
Cliff McKenzie, Editor
ZERO PLUS 1132 DAYS,--New York, NY, Tuesday,
October 19, 2004-- The Christian
Science Monitor has an excellent article on the
politics of "fear over vision," reported by
Tom Regan. It suggests that people are going to vote
in the coming election to keep the nation safe from
exaggerated terror threats that politicians--especially
George Bush's team--are using to bludgeon people into
voting from their guts instead of their hearts or heads.
The article focuses on a BBC
documentary that claims the Republicans are using an ancient
technique of "power through fear" over the public,
to force primal fears to cast votes for "security"
against "unknown unknowns"--dark Terror shadows that
go "bump" in the night that no one can identify but
everyone is worried might be there.
Voting for John Kerry suggests that he might
be "soft" on Terrorism, thus endangering the safety
of the public, while George Bush will "hunt down"
the shadows of Terrorism and sweep them into oblivion.
In other words, the BBC documentary illustrates
to those who believe this line of thinking that fear is the
greatest of all voting motivators, and will, in the end, reelect
George W. Bush
The Documentary
claims Republicans are using the technique of "power
through fear" |
.The documentary suggests that Terrorism isn't
really a threat--not equal to the kind of true threat that would
make a nation or a world change its future vision because Terrorism
is nothing more than little puffs of black clouds scattered
here and there, and doesn't represent a hurricane of national
or international force to be reckoned with.
I find it interesting that this documentary
and article illustrates the ineptness of Americans and the world
to have "Generational Vision."
In the truest sense, Terrorism is about awakening
every parent and citizen to the idea of Terrorism's presence--that
it is exactly what the BBC documentary says it is--little puffs
of black clouds that hover over people's heads and can appear
or disappear with the winds.
It is Fear, Intimidation and Complacency incarnate.
But, it's not about making us all impotent
or powerless, or providing political forces to rule with Machiavellian
delight because the mass are stupid and incapable of ruling
It's about awakening us to Vigilance.
When darkness covers our thinking and vision
is snuffed from sight, it's time to light a candle.
In the truest sense, Terrorism is about the
birth of Vigilance.
In the truest
sense Terrorism is about the Birth of Vigilance |
September 11, 2001 hallmarked the Era of Vigilance.
Even if we don't agree that its benefits are
vast, Terrorism will ultimately lead us to the door of responsibility
to protect ourselves and our families because in the final analysis
government and leadership from afar cannot keep the small black
puffs of Terrorism from sneaking into our lives.
I look forward to seeing the documentary.
I look forward to knowing that Terrorism is
alive and well, because it means that Vigilance has a chance
to take root and grow where before it simply sat dormant.
To October 17 Story: "America's Greatest Sentinel Of Vigilance:
The Free Election Vote"

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