Article Overview:
The death of more than 25,000 people in an earthquake in Ban, Iran, is
an example of Indiscriminate Terrorism by Mother Nature. But
what about the destruction of a child's belief in himself or herself
by a parent or loved one? How indiscriminate is such
Terrorism? If we are Weapons of Mass Destruction to our
children's welfare, what are we doing to stop being Indiscriminate
Terrorists? Find out.
If you haven't read the Legends of Vigilance: A Christmas Story
of the Gift of Vigilance, use the following links to review it:
Legends of Vigilance: Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Go to Part V |
Sunday-Saturday, December
27-28, 2003—Ground Zero Plus 837
Mother Nature's Lesson: Don't
Be An Indiscriminate Terrorist
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Dec. 28 &27, 2003 --
Mother Nature delivers Terrorism with a cruel indifference.
Humans deliver it with cruel difference.
Mother Nature
is indiscriminate in her acts of Terrorism |
On the one hand, Mother
Nature is indiscriminate in her acts of Terrorism. She has
no particular political, social or religious agenda. She
will heave and belch and swipe her hand across the land without regard
to who stands in her way.
The Beast of Terror, however, attempts to
isolate its victims, to place them in his crosshairs in hopes the Last
Man Standing will be his troops, his Centurions of Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency. But, we are all in danger of becoming
Indiscriminate Terrorists. We all are in danger of becoming
personal Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) when it comes to parenting
our children, and serving as examples to our Children's Children's
Bam, Iran is
an example of Mother Nature's Indiscriminate Terrorism |
The town of Bam in Iran
is the latest example of Mother Nature's Indiscriminate Terrorism.
With a population of 80,000, the 2,000-year-old community lays in
waste from an earthquake last Friday that so far has claimed some
25,000 of its occupants. Up to 40,000 may be in the final
body count when all the counting of death is done.
The total number of Iranians who died in
the quake equal half of the total American deaths recorded in the
Vietnam War. If the possible total of 40,000 deaths comes,
Mother Nature's Terrorism will, in one day, nearly equal all the
combat deaths of Americans in Vietnam.
What is the difference between Mother
Nature's Indiscriminate Terrorism and that effected by humans?
In legal terms, a criminal act is one
that involves mens rea, evil intent. Basically, it
means that people should be punished only when they are morally
Mother Nature seems to get a pass
when it comes to Indiscriminate Terrorism. The reason, it
seems, is that she doesn't discriminate when her rage is unleashed
upon humanity. She will take all who stand in her way--the
guilty and the innocent, the good and evil, the morally righteous and
morally corrupt. She doesn't isolate when she obliterates.
Human Terrorists, on the other
hand, isolate. They "target" their victims, seeking to
inflict Fear, Intimidation and Complacency upon the mass of those they
seek to rule by brute force.
Idi Amin,
Uganda dictator used Indiscriminate Terrorism killing upwards of
500,000 |
Idi Amin,
the Uganda dictator who died this year, is attributed with killing
upwards of 500,000 in his terror-filled reign. Some claim he was
far worse than Saddam Hussein in his use of Indiscriminate Terrorism.
Modern human Terrorists,
however, are playing with Mother Nature's tools of mass destruction.
In the past, they used knives, bullets and bombs, each requiring a
target and an "enemy" to deliver deadly retribution upon for violating
their "moral" sense of power. Humans employ Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency to sustain their "throne," to make others
kneel in tribute to the threat they pose.
But now, the mix between the
indiscriminate power of Mother Nature and discriminate power of a
human Terrorist is dangerously entwined. The use of
Weapons of Mass Destruction puts the indiscriminate power of Mother
Nature into the hands of discriminate Terrorism.
Whether nuclear or biological,
unleashing such weapons now falls into the purview of Mother Nature
Terrorism. All, the "good" and "bad," the "moral" and
"immoral," the "righteous" and the "infidel" all become targets,
fodder for the cannons of indiscriminate Terrorism.
leader, Muammar Qaddafi opened his arsenals to inspection |
leader, Muammar Qaddafi, recently admitted his
nation was on the brink of developing nuclear weapons. His
arsenals, now open to inspection, include biochemical weapons.
Other nations clutch their development of
WMD to their breasts, as Mother Nature cleaves her earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions and her viruses and diseases to her chest.
North Korea is fighting the prying eyes of the world seeking to peek
into the Unholy Grail of its WMD goblet.
Then there is the threats of former Russian
scientists who developed many different countermeasures to American
biochemical technology who might have sold their wares to the highest
bidder when the Soviet Union collapsed. It is thought vials of
dangerous toxins were ferried off to those who would use them without
compunction on a world they seek to rule through Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency.
We should all be aware of the power
of Mother Nature to "wipe out" all who toy with her indiscriminate
power. A virus designed to kill millions can be
carried about in a tiny vial, unleashed and spread through the 6
billion human race as fast as a sneeze can eject it from one person to
another. What recently occurred in Bam, where
bulldozers shoved the bodies of the dead into mass graves, can be
replicated around the world should Indiscriminate Terrorism make a
major mistake and try to control the unpredictable.
No one wants to think much about the
true dangers of Indiscriminate Terrorism. It is far too odious a
thought. We are all powerless over its nature, for
when and if an epidemic of toxins race through humanity, we will be
ill prepared to deal with its devastation, just as Bam was
ill-prepared to handle the deaths of up to half of its citizens.
The message delivered by the presence of
Indiscriminate Terrorism has value, however. It reminds us that
we might harm our children thoughtlessly by infecting them with a
sense of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency we are not even aware of.
The parent who snaps at his or her child: "I'm too busy, don't
bother me now," may be issuing upon the child a virus of Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency, just as potentially mortal to the
child's emotional health as a deadly bacteria might impact his or her
immune system.
Busy parents
might be guilty of indiscriminate Child Terrorism |
Indiscriminate Child Terrorism is common when it is not checked.
So often parents who are busy trying to manage and juggle their own
lives, forget about the fragility of a child's feelings.
Such parents have no intent to harm a child, but the actions of the
parent nevertheless impact the child's well being.
Children who think they are not loved, or cared for by their parents,
or appreciated, are legion.
In modern civilizations, psychiatrists'
chairs and couches are filled with patients exposing their wounds
obtained as children. They are dressed in adult form, yet vomit
out their pain of their inner child not being loved, of being abused,
of being a tool for a parent to achieve vicariously what the parent
could not accomplish personally.
They are trying to heal Indiscriminate Terrorism,
often delivered to them without mens rea, sans evil intent.
But, the damage is biochemical. It passes on to future
generations by clogging up the emotional arteries, hardening them,
often creating mirrors of behavior that pass the virus of
Indiscriminate Terrorism onto the next generation.
The Pledge of
Vigilance is a biosuit protecting a parent from Passing on the
Virus of Indiscriminate Terrorism to the children |
There is an antidote. That is the Pledge of Vigilance.
It is, in a sense, a biosuit that protects a parent from passing on
the Virus of Indiscriminate Terrorism to the children. It makes
a parent or loved one aware of the dangers of the Beast of Terror, and
his nefarious attempt to infect any and all in his path, regardless of
their moral base, their religious or ethnic preferences, their social
or economic status.
History proves that the ability to
Terrorize a child can exist among the richest and poorest, from the
most socially elite to the untouchables, from the most to least
educated. The "civilized" and "uncivilized" haven't
progressed when child abuse exists both in the United States as well
as Iraq. When a child takes a gun and goes to a school and kills
the innocent and then themselves, or when highly educated and trusted
priests abuse children, or when a parent snaps at a child and shouts:
"Shut Up!," the progress of human behavior above that of primordial
ooze seems far distant.
Today, we see the wrath of Mother
Nature and are repulsed by the deaths of the innocent as exampled in
Bam, Iran. But what about the countless infections created daily
upon the children of the earth by negligent parenting?
If we all examine the Beast of
Terror's motives, we will find that he seeks to destroy us from
within. He seeks to use the viruses of Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency to attack our immune systems, to weaken us and our
self worth so that we cower and grovel, or, become Idi Amins.
The Beast of
Terror seeks to weaken us and our self worth |
We can attack Indiscriminate Terrorism at its source. We can do
what Libya has done and open our nation's secret vaults to inspection.
We can let the world look into our viscera and expose the hidden Beast
of Terror.
America attacked Saddam Hussein on
the grounds that nation harbored WMD, and to stop their proliferation.
It was a giant step toward opening the vaults of all the doors of all
the nations who might be trying to compete with Mother Nature's
ability to deliver Indiscriminate Terrorism.
However, the true value of the thrust
today to rid the world of WMD ends up on our individual doorsteps.
It requires each of us to look for the Indiscriminate Terrorism within
ourselves and to cap it, destroy it before it releases itself
virulently and feeds on our children's immune systems, turning them
into carriers and Indiscriminate Terrorists of their own ilk.
Taking the
Pledge of Vigilance daily is an antidote for Indiscriminate
Terrorism of our Children |
The Pledge of Vigilance is an antidote. Taking it and applying
it daily to the upbringing of our children, and to unclogging our own
thoughts from Fear, Intimidation and Complacency, offers us all hope.
It reminds us that Fear can be
trumped by Courage, and Intimidation can be banished by Conviction,
and Complacency can be extricated by Right Actions that benefit the
Children's Children's Children.
We should all cry for the deaths of the
people of Bam. But, we should also recognize them as Sentinels
of Vigilance, as reminders that we need to recognize our own
Indiscriminate Terrorism and neutralize it, just as Libya has opened
its vaults to the Sentinels of Vigilance and allowed weapons
inspectors to defuse the dangers of its Beast of Terror.
Taking the Pledge of Vigilance is our
way of defusing our WMD so that we no longer become the potential
Parents of Terror.