ZERO PLUS 1068 DAYS--New York, NY, Friday, August 13, 2004--The
Christian Science Monitor (CSM)features an interesting story
this morning about the Village of Vigilance.
This Village of Vigilance
includes fishermen who keep an eye out for boats that may be
suspicious carriers of Terrorists trying to land and bring death
and destruction to citizen.
Members of the
citizens "Oregon Rangers Assn." patrol national
forests making citizen's arrests when necessary
Another group keeping
its Vigilant Eye focusedfor events that may be extraordinary,
and possibly Terror-based, is the handyman. Working around buildings
and neighbors, CSM reports they are keeping their sights on
anything that might suggest a potential Terror threat.
Manhattan's doormen
sweep people entering buildings for suspicious packages. Truck
drivers offer sentries on the road, keeping a suspicious eye
alert for the possibility of someone delivering weapons or explosives.
notes that amusement park employees are like sentries, reporting
any unusual requests that might suggest they are seeking inside
information that might lead to a Terror attack.
In Pennsylvania, the
state's Commission on Crime and Delinquency has trained more
than 60,000 citizens, from small business owners to Rotary Club
members on antiterrorism tactics.
Called the "first
responders," the key to thwarting Terrorism begins with
a consciousness of each of the nearly 300,000,000 Americans
that everyone is responsible for the protection of the Children's
Children's Children.
A society under threat
has no choice but to weave together its individual strengths
into one major Vigilant Web, making it as hard as possible for
Terrorism to slip through the cracks.
More importantly is
the attitude of those comprising the Village of Vigilance.
Terrorism works on undermining
a society's sense of security by injecting Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency into its daily atmosphere.
To compete, such a society
must replace Fear with at least One Percent more Courage, trump
Intimidation with at least One Percent more Conviction, and
quash Complacency(sense of powerlessness) with at least One
Percent more Right Actions that benefit the Children's Children's
The Village of Vigilance
is on the right road. Its members are charging themselves with
the duty to protect their own, and not abdicating that responsibility
to the federal or local governments.
The Village of Vigilance
is not waiting. It is acting.
Village of Vigilance is standing up to Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency |
The key to being a Parent
of Vigilance, a Citizen of Vigilance, a Loved One of Vigilance,
is to assume the personal responsibility to be a member of the
Village of Vigilance. If one does not take a personal vow to
stand up to Fear, Intimidation and Complacency, then the Beast
of Terror has the advantage from the onset.
When it attacks physically
or emotionally, the victims of the attack have no defense, no
ability to proact because the mind and body has deferred the
role of Vigilance to others.
In my own situation
I am battling the Beast of Corporate Terror. This Beast has
threatened the security of my family and stands laughing at
me because of how "small" and "insignificant"
I am in its eyes.
To compete against the
Beast of Corporate Terror, I am calling on the Village of Vigilance.
I am asking for those who see the Beast of Corporate Terror
as I do--a threat to my children and their children, and my
children's children's children--worthy of doing great battle
with the Beast.
My Village of Vigilance
today is filled with all those who have been victimized by Corporate
But Corporate Terror
is only one part of a many faceted problem. Terrorism takes
so many nefarious forms that we must expect the unexpected.
If we look in the mirror and hate what we see, that is a form
of Terrorism far more important than Corporate Terrorism because
it means the Beast is within us...has penetrated our personal
Until we can fight our
own Beast, we cannot effectively fight the ones outside us.
That's the key, I believe, to the Village of Vigilance.
To make the Village
work, everyone needs to take a long, deep personal inventory
and resolve the issue: "I am a victim of the Beast of Terror
or a Sentinel of Vigilance."
The difference between
the two is quite simple. One wallows in the victimization believing
he or she can do nothing, or, turns over that responsibility
to the federal government, a psychiatrist, a drink, drugs, or
any diversion that doesn't make the individual responsible.
tall as a Sentinel of Vigilance |
The other option is
to stand tall as a Sentinel of Vigilance and be fearless enough
to face the biggest of all Terrorists--your own Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency--but not for personal gain--for the ultimate
protection of the Children's Children's Children.
Standing tall is not
an easy task. It puts up for grabs all you believe in, and demands
that you retest those beliefs daily in all your actions.
Such a quest does not
demand perfection, only progress. We might fail to achieve our
goals of Vigilance, but if we are moving toward them, we are
Victorious in the attempt. When the Beast knows he can't beat
us back, and that we keep coming despite being heaped with Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency, the Beast begins to run and seeks
out easier victims.
My battle with Corporate
Terrorism is full of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency since
the company I stand up to manages nearly $1 trillion in funds,
and has some 90,000 employees and a legions of lawyers readying
their swords and shields to decimate me.
By all standards, I
should run.
But, as a member of
the Village of Vigilance, I cannot. The crimes committed against
me, ricocheted off my family and grandchildren, wounding them
as well as my wife and me.
I fight them not to
win something for myself solely, but to insure my children and
grandchildren have a way to redress a wrong, and to remind them
that the "bigger they are, the harder they fall."
me in the Vigilance Circle |
I couldn't do what I
have to do without the Village of Vigilance around me. Just
reading about the proliferation of Vigilance among the population
inspires me to sharpen my Sword of Vigilance and cut through
those Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies that suggest I
am not strong enough to fight my Corporate Monster.
I am.
As long as I hold hands
with other members of the Village of Vigilance.
You can join the Vigilance
Circle. You can put your hand in the hands of others who have
pledged their Vigilance to future generations.
Just take the Pledge
of Vigilance.
When you do, you have become
a member of the Village of Vigilance.
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