DAYS--New York, NY, Wednesday, August 18, 2004--Those
who question that Terrorism is all about Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency need to take a second look at Britain’s
Terrorism Act.
British are challenging the Beast of Terror
is Royal Arms of Great Britain) |
On Tuesday, the British police charged eight men,
officials of an Al Qaeda Terror Cell, with conspiracy
to murder. The alleged cell had in its possession information
on financial centers in Washington, New York and New Jersey.
In addition to charges the men violated the Terrorism
Act, they were also charged with conspiring to use “radioactive
materials, toxic gases, chemicals and explosives” to cause
fear, panic and disruption against unspecified targets.Among
those arrested were alleged senior Al Qaeda officials, reports
the New
York Times.
of a Terrorist Al Queda cell arrested and charged by Scotland
Yard |
This story isn't just about the British busting a
“live” Terrorist cell threatening the security of
the United States, but more poignantly that in addition to conspiracy
to commit murder, they were charged with conspiring to cause
“fear, panic and disruption against unspecified targets.”
The has since September 11, 2001,
promoted that Terrorism’s real power rests in its ability
to create Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. This parallels
Scotland Yard’s charges against the suspected Terrorists
of conspiring to create “fear, panic and disruption against
unspecified targets.”
If there truly is a Beast of Terror—a force
within and without that seeks to cripple human character and
morality so that it is willing to injure, maim and destroy the
innocent for purely selfish reasons—then the ultimate
power of that Beast is about inducing fear, panic and disruption
upon unspecified targets.
Fear is fear. It is the threat of the unknown, the
anticipation of something devastating. Some say the acronym
for FEAR is False-Evidence-Appearing-Real, and they may be accurate.
People who live in Fear believe the threat is true even if 'it'
hasn't happened yet.
People who
live in Fear believe the threat is true even if 'it' hasn't
happened yet |
A person who believes he or she is a victim of life’s
hardships lives in Fear of being victimized again. He or she
often never breaks out of that Beast of Terror prison. Many
such people live and die unhappy lives. The shadow of their
own Beast of Terror never lets the sun shine.
Adults are usually reflections of their childhood.
A child who Fears he or she isn't smart enough, good looking
enough, popular enough, loved enough, may be digging more than
a rut. That rut can turn into a grave, or a dank cave where
the odious odor of the Beast of Terror lurks around each corner.
The child grows to learn panic from fear. Panic is
nothing more than Intimidation. When the Bully Beast’s
Shadow casts it pall on society, people run, scream, shout,
fall apart. The British understand that Terrorism isn’t
just about the release of bombs or radioactive materials, but
about creating in “unspecified targets” a panic
based on fear. It’s like the analogy that we all enjoy
free speech in America, except when we yell in a crowded theater,
“Fire! Fire!” when there is no fire, and we cause
a stampede that recklessly endangers the lives of others.
I remember witnessing such panic on September 11,
2001 at Ground Zero. I was with a small group of people standing
on a corner a few blocks from the World Trade Center looking
up at the burning Twin Towers just before the buildings collapsed.
The group I was part of was shrouded in a reverent silence as
we prayed for those leaping from ninety stories high to their
Panic becomes
deadly when incited by Terrorists |
But that quiet, shocked obeisance all changed when
the buildings exploded. People screamed, shoved and ran, stumbling
and pushing to escape the debris raining down. Some people froze;
others had glazed eyes like stampeding animals, willing to crush
anything in their way. Panic takes on a special nature when
it is incited by Terrorists. It becomes deadly.
The final British charge against the suspected Terrorist
is worthy of a hard look: “to cause…disruption against
unspecified targets.” Disruption equates to Complacency.
Complacency is the disunion of one’s beliefs, goals, and
purpose. When citizens turn the safety of their lives and children
over to government, or to anyone for any reason, they risk the
safety of their independence. They become sloths, and then slaves
to the will of others. Their faith and resolve in their own
selves becomes disrupted. It becomes time to point fingers,
as the 9-11 Commission Report sought to do.
“It’s your fault…it’s your
fault…” scream the Complacent who seek to blame
everything above them for their own plight, or, to dodge their
own responsibility.
Disruption ultimately means the fragmentation of values,
the scattering of the whole into parts.
A Terrorist bomb exploding in a crowd sends body parts
flying. A person who “gives up” or believes he or
she “has no chance” or that he or she isn’t
“worthy enough” fragments their soul, chops it into
pieces and scatters it to the wolves of the winds.
Of what constructive value are the charges against
the suspected Terrorists in Britain and our lives here in America?
There is little if we aren’t looking through
Vigilant glasses. But if we put the Glasses of Vigilance on,
we see the dramatic reality of a Terrorist cell in Britain plotting
to employ radioactive materials, toxic gases, chemicals and
explosives against our financial institutions and, as part of
that process, against our children, loved ones, neighbors and
nation. To see the real power of the Terror Threat requires
an introspection into what we must do daily to protect ourselves
from fear, panic and disruption.
real radioactivity stems from inside our own dark caves
Those who don’t see the internal nature of Terrorism
miss the fact that Terrorism’s real radioactivity stems
from inside our dark caves…that place within human evolution
where our own Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies feed our
own Beasts of Terror.
We who are blind to examining the viscera of Terrorism
pay no heed to the idea we may be breeding Terrorism in our
children and loved ones by not neutralizing our own internal
Terrorism Cells. When we neglect to check fear, panic and disruption,
we allow it to fester.
We ignore that our children and their children and
their children’s children will inherit what we pass on,
and if we pass onto the next generation Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency, then the odds of it flowing onto the next generation
and the next are high.
But if we understand that Terrorism can be stopped
only from the inside out, then we look at the charges against
the Terrorists in Britain as charges against ourselves. We realize
that if we are not careful, we can become prisoners of our own
Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies—as so many have
before us.
To cut the legacy of Internal Terrorism, we need only
take the Vow of Vigilance and practice it daily—not just
for us, but also for the future generations.
your own Scotland Yard and hunt down Terrorism
We need to be our own Scotland Yard and hunt down
those Terrorism Cells that tend to breed in the nests of our
Fears, our Intimidations and our Complacencies. In a way, we
need our own Terrorist Act, a Pledge of Vigilance to never concede
to the Beast of Terror’s power to threaten us without
our knowledge.
We must never doubt that Terrorism is plotting now,
in some place, in some way, to steal from us and our children
the Right of Security…the Right of Safety…the Right
of Freedom from Fear…Freedom from Intimidation…and
Freedom from Complacency.
Put Terrorism behind bars….Take the Pledge of
Vigilance today.
Go To Yesterday's
Story: "Citius-Altius-Fortius" An Olympic Tool To
Conquer The Beast Of Terror

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