Article Overview:
How do we make the best moral and ethical decisions for ourselves and
our children? What do we do to protect ourselves from the
Beast of Terror who roosts on our left shoulder whispering words of
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency in our ears? Find out
how you can protect yourself and your children and loved ones from
making the "wrong" decisions. |

January 12, 2004—Ground Zero Plus 852
Why We All Need A Sentinel Of
Vigilance Roosting On Our Right Shoulder
Cliff McKenzie
New York, N.Y.--Jan. 12, 2004 -- Imagine walking down a busy street
with a Sentinel of Vigilance roosting on your right shoulder,
constantly whispering in your ear: "Courage," "Conviction,"
"Right Actions that benefit the Children's Children's Children."
Seem a little bizarre?
Yes, of course.
But try this one on.
Evil rides on
your left shoulder |
On your left
shoulder, as you meander through life, hunkers an ugly creature with
snarled teeth and sharp talons, hissing fire and whipping a long
pointed tail as he twists your ear painfully shouting into it:
"Fear," "Intimidation," "Complacency."
Sound like something from the Outer Limits
or Twilight Zone?
Perhaps. And, perhaps not.
Good rides on
your right shoulder |
If each
of us looks at our lives, and the lives of all those around us, we see
a daily battle in which we all struggle to do the right thing.
This struggle, for some more effortless than others, means that we
face choices. Do we let the person trying to edge
his or her car into our lane squeeze between us or do we goose the
accelerator and hold our pole position?
Do we smile at the person with the frown or
simply pass them by, hurrying to get to where we're going with no
attention paid to those who may have burdens greater than ours?
Do we tell the clerk that she gave us an
extra dollar in change or pocket it, figuring we have been overcharged
in other situations and things will even out.
When someone says, "How you doing?" do we
tell the truth or simply say, "Just fine, and you?"
In the office, do we give credit to
where its due or do we fight to overpower our job rivals so that when
the layoffs come our name will not be on the list?
Do you tell
the truth? |
there are the heavier moral and ethical decisions we make.
When do we lie and when do we tell the truth? When do we
protect ourselves at all costs and when do we expose ourselves to
potential pain and suffering?
Practically speaking, each and
every day, we hear the Voices of Vigilance vs. Terrorism asking us to
select one or the other. If the pressure on us exhibits
itself in degrees of Fear, Intimidation or Complacency--the Triad of
Terrorism--we are being seduced by the Beast of Terror.
If the result of that seduction
is to refute the Beast and oppose the Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency with some form of Courage, Conviction and Right Actions
that benefit future generations, then our Sentinel of Vigilance is
taking command.
Are we
complacent in our behaviors of right and wrong? |
Most of
us operate between the push and pull of "right" and "wrong" in what we
think is unconscious actions. We may pay little heed to
what is going on in our minds, or that a battle is underfoot between
the positive and negative forces of human nature. We don't
see the Beast attacking the Sentinel. We don't see the Shield of
Vigilance being raised to deflect the Fear, Intimidation or
Complacency being hurled our way by the Beast's catapults, attacking
our Castle of Vigilance.
That is a scene better left to movies
such as Lord of the Rings, where the imagination of the filmmaker
brings to virtual reality the struggle between "good" and "evil,"
"right" and "wrong," "Terrorism" vs. "Vigilance."
But, if we are sincere Parents of
Vigilance, dedicated to the continual concern for our children's
welfare, and eager to provide them with mentoring that will protect
them and their children from the greatest of all harms--self defeat,
self destruction, self depreciation--then we are obliged to tell them
about who rides on their shoulders. We are duty-bound to remind
them the Beast of Terror shuttles around on their left shoulder, and
the Sentinel of Vigilance on their right.
Right now, hunch your shoulders
forward slightly. Glance at your left shoulder then your
right. Imagine there are two entities riding on each.
The Beast on the left, the Sentinel on the Right.
If you prefer some other image, try
seeing a -1% on the left shoulder and a +1% on the right.
Or, the words "Good" and "Bad." Or, "Right" and
Looking back over your life, the
place you are in today in your life is the sum of all your
decisions--the good ones plus the bad ones. The "right"
ones vs. the "wrong" ones.
Use the Test
of Vigilance to make good decisions |
Most of the "wrong" decisions we make in life weren't processed.
That is, we didn't put them through the Test of Vigilance. We
didn't ask the three Vigilance Questions:
"One: Is this a Courageous decision, one
that requires me to take risks I am willing to live with?
"Two: Is this a decision that requires
Conviction, one that demands that when under pressure to change I
stick with it until it is completed so I can see the results?"
"Three: Is this a decision that
benefits the future generations, one that has long-lasting values not
just to myself but to others so that when I feel the pangs of
Complacency and want to stop or quit or give up, I will be reminded
that what is right for others is the fuel that will fire me to
continue until the task is done?"
In a more simplistic form, the
Vigilance Test is: "Is the decision worth the risk I'm taking?
Is it something I will stand up for in the face of Intimidation?
Will it be of benefit not only to me but to others, especially the
children, current and future?"
Most good decisions fit this
Courage is all about risk.
Conviction is all about standing tall when the world seems to shake.
And, Right Action is our moral test, for decisions that do not benefit
the children, present and future, are empty ones that can be shattered
If we looked back at our
lives and put the decisions we have made to this test, we would
quickly find that most of the bad decisions were made without the help
of the Sentinel of Vigilance. We found ourselves
making bad decisions out of Fear, Intimidation or Complacency.
Think - Think
- Think through decisions |
One of our signals of bad decisions is the expression: "If only
I had known."
But, we can know.
If we think through decisions, through the Courage and risk, through
the Conviction and desire to uphold the decision in the face of
Intimidation, and then put it to the real test--"Is it beneficial to
the Children's Children's Children," we will know it is right or
It's hard to make
decisions that are harmful to future generations if we have thought
such decisions through. Especially when such future
generations include not just our own children, but all children in all
parts of the world and universe.
The executive
sitting in a multi-million dollar company deciding on whether to "cook
the books" to make the bottom line look better to stockholders has to
ask the same question ultimately that the mother or father does
struggling to raise a child--what is best for the children?
A CEO is the
father or mother of the corporation. The money he or she manages
belongs not to people, but to families. Its final
destination goes to the children, to provide them with clothes and
food and shelter and education--financial security. A CEO
who financially abuses a company robs the children.
The father or
mother who wastefully spends family income does the same.
Do we ask what
impact our decisions have on future generations? |
But do we think through our decisions as Sentinels of Vigilance?
Do we pose the question: "What impact will this decision have on
future generations?" before we make it?
When a parent
yells at a child, or snaps and threatens the child because of
pressures from the outside world, does that action drive the child
into a shell of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency?
And what do
we do to check and balance those pressures, whether they be the weight
on the CEO's shoulder to show a profit at any cost, or upon a parent
rattled and disoriented because of personal issues that cleave him or
her from protecting a child's emotional security?
where the shoulders come into play. If we, as Citizens,
Loved Ones, Parents, Grandparents of Vigilance really care about
fighting Terrorism Within as well as Without, we will consider placing
on our right shoulders the Sentinel of Vigilance to balance and
overpower the Beast of Terror.
How many times
have we said "The devil made me do it?" |
All of us know the Beast of Terror exists already.
We know the presence of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
How many times have we said or thought: "Ah, the Devil made me
do it?" How many times have we turned our
heads and let ourselves surrender to the Beast of Terror through forms
of Complacency, Fear, or Intimidation?
times, of course.
It is part of
our human nature.
But so is
Vigilance. However, Vigilance requires more work
than Terrorism. Our Beast of Terror seems to have dominance.
He's a practiced expert. He sits on his haunches
whispering to us constantly.
To combat
him, we need to exercise the power of the Sentinel of Vigilance.
We need to make his or her presence just as clear and evident as that
of the Beast of Terror. We need to see the Sentinel
dressed in armor, holding the Shield and Sword of Vigilance in our
behalf, poised to protect us and our children and loved ones, and all
the children.
Look at your
right shoulder again. See your Sentinel of Vigilance.
Now, the next
time you are faced with a decision, hunch your shoulders and pull your
head back. Let your Beast of Terror on the left shoulder and
your Sentinel of Vigilance on the right battle out the issue.
As the Test of
Vigilance Questions:
"Is the decision
worth the risk I'm taking?
"Will I stand up for it
in the face of Intimidation?"
"Will it be of benefit
not only to me but to others, especially the children, current and
Now, consider
seriously sharing this technique with your children, grandchildren or
loved ones. What if we all had a way to check our
Terror Thoughts, to put them to the Test of Vigilance?
How many better decisions would we make about our lives, and the
impact we have on the lives of others?
A child who
understands that he or she is being constantly challenged by Terror
Thoughts, and has a way to combat them, will make far better choices
in life than a child who has no clear option, no clear and distinct
other choice.
Let your child
or loved one tell you about his or her Sentinel of Vigilance |
Let your child or loved one tell you about his or her Sentinel of
Vigilance. Let him or her describe it, and how the
Sentinel comes to the rescue when the Beast of Terror whispers words
of Fear, Intimidation or Complacency.
When we walk out the door
in the morning, and our children leave our guardianship, what
protection do we and they have to make the best decisions throughout
the day?
By putting Sentinel
of Vigilance on our right shoulders, and giving that gift to our
children, we have increased their safety and security. We
have strengthened our roles as Parents of Vigilance, and made the
world just a little safer for our children and loved ones.
Start today. Put
your Sentinel of Vigilance on your shoulder.
Jan 11--The Rights of
the Fetal Child Go To The Beast of Terror or Sentinel of Vigilance?