Article Overview:
President Bush's State of the Union Speech slated for later this month
can become a platform for the world to join hands as Parents of
Vigilance. He can deliver the State of the Family
Vigilance Union Speech, focusing on how only we, the Parents of the
Future, can be the source of fighting and winning the War on
Terrorism. He can remind the world that Terrorism is
taught by parents to their children, by neglect or intent, and how to
counter such Terrorism with the Pledge of Family Vigilance. |

January 14, 2004—Ground Zero Plus 854
The State Of The Family Vigilance Union
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Jan. 14, 2004 --
In a few days the President of the United States will deliver his
State of the Union address. It will set the tone of leadership
and express the goals of a nation struggling to conquer Terrorism with
President's State of the Union speech should include the need for
America to become a Global Family of Vigilance |
The President's speech will reflect many
issues. It will be like looking into a diamond with many facets.
Some will see the brilliance of the goals, others will defy and refute
them. This is the magnificence of a democracy, for the
right to agree or disagree is the bedrock of freedom.
However, there is one point the President
can make that is immune to any valid criticism. That point
is the need for America and the world to become a Global Family of
Vigilance, a family whose leaders--parents, grandparents, citizens,
loved ones, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins--all seek to
assure the children are safe and secure from the threats posed by the
Beast of Terror.
The Beast of Terror poses two threats to the
children of the world. One is physical and the other emotional.
On the physical side, there is the constant
concern about children being maimed, wounded or rendered motherless or
fatherless by bombs, bullets and indiscriminate chemical or biological
attacks that threaten the issue of future generations.
Then there is the more nefarious side of
the Beast of Terror, the one that gnaws and cripples the children's
emotional security. Emotional Terrorism seeks to
instill in a child Fear, Intimidation and Complacency by ripping away
the roots of love and respect for the child's welfare.
Emotional Terrorism ranges from the abusive
parent telling a child to "shut up" or hurling cruel invectives such
as "I wish you were never born," to the inconsiderate rebuff of "don't
bother me now, I'm busy."
Children are
easily bruised |
Children are easily bruised.
Their need for being loved and cared for, their thirst to be treated
as treasures, to be held and hugged and to feel safety and security
from their parents and loved ones, is as endless as infinity itself.
But Terrorism--the presence of Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency--often rips away the fruits of parental
love. When parents become more concerned with their
own lives, more selfish about their own needs over those of their
children, the children suffer. They take the back seat.
In some cases they become the punching bag to their parent's own
obsession with Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
The result is a child riddled with
different forms of Terrorism of the emotional ilk. At the
extreme, such a child may grow into a bully and seek crime as an
occupation. At another extreme the child may develop into
a physical child or spouse abuser. At another level, this child
may end up the CEO of a large corporation, cooking the books and
robbing people of hard-earned savings without a blink of compassion
for his victims. Still others may skulk about in
life, fearful and intimidated by the shadows of all around them,
gluing themselves to the walls of life as they move about, victims of
their upbringing, Terrorized by the idea of their lack of self-worth,
feeling they have been morally tainted, abandoned and cast into life's
turgid sea.
Family Terrorism is, without question,
America's and the world's greatest threat. It results in
children who are fodder for the Beast of Terror, who become ripe
fruits for the Beast to pluck and turn into "victims" who feel the
difference between a rut and a grave is the depth, who consider
themselves a nail and the world a hammer.
While Iraq looms as the symbol of
Physical Terrorism to America, the presence of Emotional Terrorism
stands on an equal dais. The fight America has
embraced against Physical Terrorism is the first chapter in a long
battle to unearth and repair the Terror Cells that exist within all
Americans, and all parents throughout the world.
Bush's State of the Union address should be a State of the Family
Union address |
That's why President Bush's State of
the Union address should be a State of the Family Union address.
He should call on all of us to fight
the true roots of Terrorism--Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
But, he faces an uphill battle. The last of the
Triads of Terrorism--Complacency--works against him.
Most nations view Terrorism based on
where the last bomb or bullet struck an innocent. They
duck and weave the duty and responsibility to cleanse Terrorism from
their lands as long as suicide bombers aren't blowing up their people,
or their icons aren't targeted as Ground Zeros.
But, they are breeding grounds
Unless nations think in parental
terms they will continue to isolate themselves by political,
religious, national, ethnic and economic lines--seeking to avoid
alliances on the ground that the Beast will not attack them if they
don't raise their heads out of the trenches.
The truth is that Fear, Intimidation
and Complacency are consuming their children with the same voracity as
it does the children in the embattled nations. Terrorism
doesn't work just because it bombs or maims. It works because it
threatens to bomb and maim.
A child, for example, can be
Terrorized by the threat of a parent withdrawing his or her love and
affection with more impact than what a slap across the face, or the
twisting of an arm might create. Children waiting
for the parent's loving hug and instead getting cold indifference
suffers the same as someone being stretched on a torture rack.
A beautiful home in a safe neighborhood may become a dungeon, a prison
of Terror for a child who feels alienated, disenfranchised and
abandoned by his parent's emotional arms or their concern for the
child's feelings.
President Bush
has the opportunity to speak to the world about Family Vigilance |
President Bush has the opportunity to
speak to the world about Family Vigilance and attacking the Beast of
Terror who threatens our "Internal" as well as our "External"
One of the issues on the table in
relation to this subject is a pressing concern for strengthening the
concept of marriage in America. The Administration
has proposed a $1.5 billion to help couples develop "healthy
Part of this proposal is to counter
the trend toward recognizing gay marriages, and to reinforce the
foundation of parental responsibility.
With an average of half the marriages
in America ending in divorce, the fractured nature of the family unit
has risen to the priority level for national concern.
What is it that destroys a family's
The obvious answer is the diminished
value of the duty the parents assume through marriage to the future
security of their children, and their Children's Children's Children.
When a parent becomes myopic and sees
only his or her selfish needs consuming his or her actions, the family
suffers. The goal of strengthening the family's emotional
security falls to the wayside, and the individual's hunger to sate his
or her own desires overpowers the needs of the children and the family
A Terrorist in a shopping mall
drives citizens into a Shells of Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency |
This is the
work of the Beast of Terror. To divide is to conquer.
A Terrorist releasing a bomb in a shopping mall hopes to drive the
citizens of that community into shells of Fear, Intimidation and
A parent who either physically
or emotionally abandons his or her family's needs drives the family
into similar Shells of Terror. Family arguments,
family violence, family abuse creates the same battle zone we see in
Iraq's most dangerous streets.
What is the solution?
Funding, of course, is a first
step. It puts economic teeth into the goal of
strengthening the family unit through education.
But what is the source of the
What can we teach a parent or
potential parent about the duty of parenthood?
That's where President Bush has a
golden opportunity to present a challenge to not only America, but the
In his State of the Union Speech, he
can call upon the citizens not only of America but the world to join
in the Family of Vigilance.
This Family of Vigilance is made up
of parents and relatives who believe that the most important battle
being fought today it to expel the Beast of Terror from the minds of
all children.
Vigilance is about each member taking the Pledge of Vigilance |
Family Vigilance is
about each parent, citizen and loved one taking the Pledge of
Vigilance--a pledge that commits the parents of the world to join
together to replace our children's Fear with Courage, to expand their
Conviction so it overpowers their Intimidation, and to teach then that
Right Actions that benefit future generations of children throughout
the world is the countermeasure to Complacency, the idea or attitude
that we can have no impact on the future so therefore we do nothing.
President Bush can call upon
America and the world to fight the real Terrorism that haunts our
land, and the lands of all nations. It is the breeding of
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency in our children by neglect or
intent. He can call on us all to fight the Beast of
Generational Terrorism by taking the Pledge of Family Vigilance and
vowing to teach our children not the acts of Terrorism that result in
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency, but the acts of Vigilance that
foster Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the benefit of the
Children's Children's Children.
Parents who take such a vow commit to put
their selfish interests to the side in favor of the greater interest
of their children, and their Children's Children's Children.
Such parents separate their personal,
political, religious, ethnic and economic differences in favor of
protecting all children, regardless of race, color or creed.
These parents do not breed hatred in their children, or teach them by
actions or design how to destroy others, or to shatter fundamental
institutions that provide stability for children, such as marriage.
Only when we
count the numbers of Sentinels of Family Vigilance will we know
how many stand against the Beast of Terror |
If it is true that a
Terrorist is trained to hate and taught to destroy with indiscriminate
concern, then it follows that a Sentinel of Vigilance is trained to
defend and to have the Courage, Conviction and take the Right Actions
that protect the innocent from being victims of such Terrorism.
Only when we fight Terrorism with Vigilance can
we truly say we are winning the war on Terrorism. Only
when we can count the numbers of Sentinels of Family Vigilance will we
have a clear idea how many of us have made a stand against the Beast
of Terror who breeds in the womb of our Complacency.
If President Bush calls upon the world to join in
becoming a Family of Vigilance to fight the Beast of Terror in behalf
of the Children's Children's Children, he will do more to win the war
on Terrorism than any capture of Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden
And, if he goes a step farther, and personally
takes the Pledge of Vigilance, and calls upon all the leaders of the
world to take a similar pledge, he will set an example for the world
to follow.
Finally, if President Bush's proposal for
expending $1.5 billion to strengthening the family through marriage
isn't to be wasted, he will require all who pass through whatever
training to subscribe to the Principles of Vigilance, and to take the
Pledge of Vigilance in behalf of their Children's Children's Children.
Jan. 13--The Great
Secret of Vigilance Is Not Political Terrorism