Article Overview:
When should a parent "mind meld" with a child? Is it
possible to reach into the innermost feeling of a child simply by
touching his or face, and letting the love for the child flow like a
river through your fingers? Will a Vigilance Mind Meld
chase the Beast of Terror from a child's mind and protect the child
from Fear, Intimidation and Complacency? Find out in this
compelling story. |

January 17, 2004—Ground Zero Plus 857
Mind Melding With A Parent Of Vigilance
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Jan. 17, 2004 --
One of the great crimes of humanity is the emotional gap that exists
between a parent and child. This gap is represented by the
feelings of a child that his or her parents "don't understand" or
"aren't in tune with," or "don't care" about the child's innermost
feelings, desires, dreams.
the rift between parent and child is as deep as time itself |
Historically, the
rift between parent and child is a deep as time itself, and lends
itself to countless plays, novels and other dramas that illustrate the
hunger of the child to embrace and be embraced by the parent's
innermost self.
Last evening, I saw a superb example of the
healing of that rift between a father and son.
The scene was set in the 24th Century.
The drama was part of Star Trek, The New Generation series replayed on
Spike TV.
In this particular program, a two-part series,
Spock's father was dying. Captain Picard, the master
of the star ship Enterprise, was en route to a planet where the enemy,
the Romulans, posed a threat to the Federation.
Spock, now a Vulcan ambassador, was mixing with the Romulans.
The Federation was concerned he was giving away state secrets for his
visit was unauthorized.
Picard went to see Spock's dying father.
In previous shows, Captain Picard had mind melded with Spock's father.
During a mind meld, the two minds intermix. All the feelings and
experiences of the one wash into the other's mind.
Similar to a "blood brother" experience, the mixing of thoughts and
feelings bonds the two.
Spock on
Romulus |
The scene with
Picard and Spock's father was touching. In it, the fact
that father and son had never communicated other than on an
intellectual level was made clear. The father, on
his death bed, regretted not having a stronger "emotional"
relationship with his son, something beyond just being together or
doing things together. There was a wall between them.
They had not touched each other's soul.
Captain Picard and his team went to Romulus
and found Spock. They rescued him from those seeking
to use his presence to attack his planet, Vulcan, and exposed the plot
to wage war not peace on the Federation.
As Spock and Picard were about to leave the
planet, Spock told Picard he was going to stay and work in the
underground with the young people, seeking to find reconciliation with
Vulcans and Romulans.
Spock, still concerned over his father's
death, was regretful he and his father had never "touched each other's
In a touching scene, Captain Picard told Spock
that all Spock's father's emotions were in Captain Picard's mind, left
there through the mind meld. He told Spock that he
could access his father's true feelings toward him by mind melding.
During the mind meld, Spock would not only access all of Picard's
feelings, but also those of his father. They could,
Picard said, become one--father and son--by using Picard as the
In mind
melding..... |
...there is a
sterling moment of unification |
Spock reached
up and touched Picard's face. The mind of his father and
his own unified. There was a sterling moment of
unification, reunification. Father and son became one, no
longer divided by either's ego, no longer cleaved by differences.
The true love and caring of the one for the other flowed freely
through the conduit of Picard.
Viewing the scene struck me.
In my own case, I was never close to
either my father or step father. I have no idea what feelings
truly existed toward me by either. All I know is a deep
chasm, a great gulf, an abyss that exists now, as it did then, between
me and the two men--one who caused me to exist, and the other who
raised me from the age of five.
The same is true, I believe, between
countless children and parents. The maddening rush of life
sweeps away the precious time when mother and father and children can
"mind meld," can become one with the other's most inner feelings, the
dreams and ambitions of the human spirit.
It is sad that we are in such a rush to
"intellectualize" our parenting. We may "talk" as Spock
and his father did, or "argue" back and forth ideas and concepts, but
how often do we "feel" the other? How often do we climb
into the mind of the other and walk in the quiet or cacophony of the
other's mind, deep down in the soul of the child?
How willing are we to take such a journey that
requires us to expose to the child our Fears, our Courage's, our
Intimidations, our Convictions, our Right Actions for future
generations and our Complacencies that restrain us from acting
Spock and his
father, Sarek communicating on a surface level |
The same is
true of those closest to us. Exposing our innermost
thoughts makes us feel vulnerable, fearful that our feelings will turn
against us or be used against us, and therefore we buttress our
emotions with thick walls and when asked, "How are you?" we
respond, "I'm fine."
The Principles of Vigilance are a primitive
effort to help a parent and child "mind meld."
Under these Principles, the goal is for a parent
to bridge the gap between the intellectual and the emotional.
By sharing with a child one's own Fears, Intimidations and
Complacencies, the goal is for the child to return the honesty with
his or her own true feelings. Once these "Beast of
Terror Tracks" are identified, they can be removed by installing the
Principles of Vigilance--by talking about the Courage to overcome
Fear, the Conviction necessary to reduce Intimidation, and how to take
Right Actions that benefit the Children's Children's Children rather
than fall victim to the Beast of Complacency.
There are many ways to mind meld with a
child or loved one. The first step in the process is to
recognize the obstacles that stand as barriers. The
pride and ego of one versus the other. The lack of trust that
feelings will not be used to hurt the other loom as castle walls
inhibiting such communication.
Disguised as
Romulans, Picard and Spock worked to unite the Vulcans and
Romulans and protect them from the Beast of Terror |
But, there is
something far more valuable on the other side of the mind meld than
the fear of it. It is the "knowing of the other's soul."
That's where the Principles of Vigilance
have their most power. If we are ever to protect our
children from the Beast of Terror, we must guide the children through
the labyrinth of their own Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies.
The only way we can ever garner their trust and confidence as their
Sentinels of Vigilance, or teach them how to be one, is to be fearless
in exposing our own Fears, our own Intimidations and our own
Complacencies to the child.
Children respect honesty, perhaps far more
than adults. When we expose our vulnerabilities to a
child, and then share with the child how we use Courage to overpower
Fear, and Conviction to battle Intimidation, and Right Actions to
quash Complacency, the mind meld is set into motion.
When we open our thoughts and feelings to
our children, it is like opening the door to the darkness that a child
keeps secret. The light of our love shines from us to
them, touching their inner selves in a way no toy or gift can ever do,
for we are giving from the inside of ourselves. Our gift
is honesty.
As with Spock, it takes the reaching
of one's hand to touch the other's face to start the process.
A mind meld
between a parent and child.... |
A good first
step for parents is to kneel down and look your child in the eye,
saying nothing. Then slowly reach out and touch the face of the
child, imagining your fingers are telegraphs broadcasting your love
and care for the child.
Often, the greatest acts of love are the
quietest, where no word need to be spoken.
Thus, a true mind meld between a parent and
child is often as simple as a loving touch, a signal to the child's
inner being that the parent is the Sentinel of Vigilance, there for
the child when the child needs to fight off the Beast of Terror.
...helps the
child fight off the Beast of Terror |
It took Spock a lifetime to mind meld with
his father.
Perhaps each parent who reads this can
avoid waiting a lifetime to mind meld with their children.
Reach out and touch the mind of your child with your fingers.
Let your Sentinel of Vigilance wrap loving arms around your child and
protect it.
Jan 16--Chief
Sentinel Of Domestic Terrorism Rules L.A.