Article Overview:
Battle Cries have been the key to warding off the attacks of Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency for eons. Now, there is
one for everyday life. This Battle Cry can be used when
the Ants of Terrorism crawl about, trying to frustrate and irritate
you into states of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. It
can also be used to snap yourself out of the darkness of despair
created by the shadow of the Beast of Terror. It's called
EGBOK. Find out how you can use it to become a stronger
Sentinel of Vigilance. |

January 6, 2004—Ground Zero Plus 846
The Battle Cry Of Vigilance!
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Jan. 6, 2004 --There
are many battle cries registered over eons of time.
They range from Shakespeare's Henry V cry: "God
for Harry, England and Saint George!" to the U.S. Marine's "Gung
Ho!" recorded by novelist Leon Uris.
Churchill used a famous battle cry to engage Britain to face the
Great Beast of Nazi Terror |
statesmen such as Winston Churchill have used battle cries to engage
the power of a nation to withstand the Great Beast of Nazi Terror
threatening to swallow the small island of Britain. In his
most famous speech, delivered on June 18, 1940, just prior to the
Battle of Britain he said:
The Battle of Britain is about to begin.
On this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization...Hitler
knows he will have to break us in this island or lose the war.
If we can stand up to him all Europe may
be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad sunlit
uplands; but if we fail, the whole world, including the United States
and all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of
a new dark age made more sinister and perhaps more prolonged by the
lights of a perverted science.
Let us therefore brace ourselves to our
duty and so bear ourselves that if the British Commonwealth and Empire
last for a thousand years, men will still say, "This was their finest
our daily battles against the impact of all forms of Terrorism in our
lives, we face countless Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies.
Sometimes they take form of noxious little Ants of Terrorism, and
other times they loom as large King Kong, driving us to our knees.
Little Terrorisms grow into
larger ones. They accumulate like pieces of gum stuck to our
shoes, making us eventually unable to walk, clogging our ability to
move through life without tripping and falling.
Sometimes it is difficult
to muster the Sentinels of Vigilance and hold up our Shields and
Swords of Vigilance, for we become victims of the Ants of Terrorism.
We forget the little Terrorisms grow into giant ones when left
So what do we use
as our Battle Cry to keep our feet from sinking in the quagmire of
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency that grows soft and soggy under our
weight as we march through life's potholes?
One simple and
effective battle cry I've found is EGBOK.
"Everything's-Gonna-Be-Okay" |
The word comes from a couple of Southern California radio announcers,
Ken and Bob, who used to beam those words to hungry ears wending their
way through frustrating traffic. It became an antidote to
many who were about to boil over with rage and frustration as the Ants
of Terror crawled over them in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
simply stands for Everything's-Gonna-Be-Okay!
In other
words, there's light at the end of the Beast of Terror's tunnel.
shouted out or whispered, can be an easy reminder that life is not
over just because the yoke of daily problems have crushed one's
shoulders and darkened the sunlight.
The Beast of
Terror loves to blind us all with Futility, making us think we are
destined to live with our feet nailed to one spot, unable to move out
of the ruts we have produced.
frees us from this prison of self-deception where we zip up our body
bags and wait for the dirt to be thrown in.
ignites the light at the end of dark tunnels. It is a Vigilant
Battle Cry that reminds us that Courage, Conviction and Right
Actions--while perhaps sailing toward us just over the horizon--are on
their way to do battle with our Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
can be a life preserver for those of us who feel shipwrecked, tossed
about by the waves of dismay and life's disenchantments.
It allows us
to be able to look in the mirror in the morning and instead of seeing
the dawn of another dark cloud growing larger in our lives, and say
EGBOK to that thought. It allows us to part the dark clouds
and see the shafts of sunlight spearing down, reminding us that the
Season of Terrorism passes into the Season of Vigilance, and that when
we no longer seek the light the Beast has won.
EGBOK cannot be overused. Try it. Say it over a few
times. Try a dozen times in a row. The faster you
say it, the more humorous the saying becomes, and, you begin to laugh.
Laughter is
one sure cure for Terrorism, for it reminds us that life is more about
the good than the bad, more about enjoying than suffering.
EGBOK's Battle
Cry breaks the bonds of Intimidation |
Saying EGBOK can be an act of Courage. It summons
up from within us that strength to believe the day has a sunrise and
sunset, and is not just a spider's web in which all parts of our
bodies become snarled as we await the inevitable jaws of the spider to
crunch us and suck out what little marrow is left.
EGBOK is also an act of Conviction that forces Intimidation into
the back seat of our life. Terrorism likes us to think we
live in the shadows of life, that life's success is not ours.
It likes to darken our spirits and cause us to hang our heads in
defeat, as though we have been bullied into submission and become
slaves to the weight of the world. EGBOK's
Battle Cry breaks the bonds of Intimidation. It shouts to
the Beast that we seek the sunlight, and that we are willing to stand
upon the shoulders of EGBOK itself to see the rainbows that
await those of us who stick our heads out of the damp, dungy clouds
and peer into life's true opportunities.
EGBOK is a great gift for a child. Parents and loved
ones who teach little ones how to say EGBOK, and that it means
Everything's Gonna Be Okay, are providing a child with a key to
handling all the wrath the Beast of Terror can and will toss its way.
It is fun to
say EGBOK. Children embrace the word, for it is
cleverly phonetic. It tells a child that Complacency--the
giving up of beliefs that things can change--can be banished by a
simple little fun word: EGBOK! It produces
the Right Action for a child. It provides a child with a
"weapon" to stave off the Beast of Terror's effort to enslave it in
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
learning EGBOK will pass it on to their children |
child, learning how to use EGBOK, will learn to pass it on to
others, including his or her children. No matter
what the problem or travails that rain down upon the child, in the
back of the child's mind will ring the words EGBOK if the
parents and guardians and loved ones who raised the child employ them
in their lives.
If you haven't, try
using the words EGBOK to defuse tense situations in your life.
Use it at home and work, and when you're driving, or when you face
both small and large challenges.
Think of EGBOK as
the Battle Cry of the Sentinels of Vigilance.
And smile when you say
it, for the smile belongs to Vigilance while the frown is the property
of the Ants and Beasts of Terror.
EGBOK your way
through life.
Jan. 5--Trial of The First Beast of Terror