Article Overview:
Do you put a bounty on finding and reporting the presence of the Beast
of Terror in your daily life? Do you enjoy Sentinel Time
with your children and loved ones, where you expose the Beast of Daily
Terror and banish him from your mind and life? Saudi
Arabia now has a bounty on Terrorism. Should each of
us also have one when we find Fear, Intimidation and Complacency in
our thoughts? Find out how to put a bounty on Terrorism in
your life and family so you can live a happier, more Terror-free life. |

January 8, 2004—Ground Zero Plus 848
The Benefits Of Bounty Hunting
Children's Terrorism
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Jan. 8, 2004 -- You
know the screw is tightening when members of the family turn against
their own relatives by putting a bounty on their heads. It's a
lesson all Parents of Vigilance can apply to helping protect their
children from the Beast of Emotional Terrorism.
at the Terrorism lesson coming from Saudi Arabia |
Let's look at the lesson coming from Saudi
Arabia. Terrorists no longer can skulk about in the
shadows of the state and plot and plan their next attacks with
impunity. The Terrorists made a fatal mistake.
They bit the hand that fed them. Now, the citizens of Saudi
Arabia are hunting down the Terrorists within their state with the
same passion Americans are. And, they've gone a step
farther. They've laced the hunt with gold.
The Western World often thinks that
people Middle East are cut from the same bolt of jihad cloth and that
Terrorizing the "infidels" is an accepted way of life.
Perhaps a thread of truth exists in
that belief, but whatever once was is no longer. The
Terrorists made a giant error that shifted Saudi thinking from
Complacency against Terrorists to out-and-out bounty hunting them down
and killing them.
On May 12 and November 8 of this year
the Terrorists launched suicide bomb attacks against the Saudis,
killing 53, mostly Arabs. Nine Americans died also.
Newspapers in the kingdom splash the
pictures of 26 most-wanted men linked to the attack. The bounty
on information leading to each capture is 1 million Saudi rials
($267,000 U.S.)
pressure and rewards for hunting down and exposing Terrorists is a
major change within Saudi Arabia |
But, the price on
Terrorism's head doesn't stop there. If someone supplies a
lead that ferrets out a Terrorist cell, the reward is $1,867,000.
And, for information leading to the foiling of a Terrorist attack, the
pay-off is $1,333,000.
The public pressure and rewards for
hunting down and exposing Terrorists within Saudi Arabia is a major
departure for the state. In the past, it has attempted to remain
"neutral" so it didn't align itself with the West and alienate its
fundamentalist sector, much of which is anti-West.
Even when 15 of the 19 hijackers who
launched the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States were
found to be Saudi citizens, there was no outcry within the community.
But when the Terrorists turned their
guns and bombs and plots against Saudi citizens, threatening their own
people with indiscriminate violence, the screw squeaked and turned.
Now, there is a major hunt underway
for the Al Qaeda Terrorists spanning every nook and cranny of the
kingdom. It has the generic support of the entire
state, including the fundamentalists.
There is a
formidable hunt for the Al Qaeda Terrorists in every nook and cranny of
Saudi Arabia |
What this suggests is that each of us
may be subject to a state of Complacency over fighting our own Beast
of Terror in our own homes and lives until one day that Beast turns on
us and sheds our own blood.
That might be too late to act.
Parents who assume their children a
"happy" and "safe" and "secure" and find themselves too busy to sit
down with their kids and find out about their Fears, Intimidations and
Complacencies about life may be like the Saudis were before the
Terrorists turned on them.
It is easy for all of us to ignore
the issues of being a Sentinel of Vigilance, constantly on the look
out for signs of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency within ourselves
and loved ones. It is hard work to be scanning our
lives in search for tracks left by the Beast of Terror. It is even
harder sometimes to stop and take the time to effect the Courage to
overcome the Fear, the Conviction to quash the Intimidation, and to
take the Right Actions that benefit future generations rather than
succumb to Complacency, denial and acceptance of "the way things are."
May 14, 2003
Saudi civil defense officers examine the charred wreckage at the
site of the Terrorist suicide bomb attack at the al-Hamra compound
in eastern Riyadh, Saudi Arabia |
Saudi Arabia tried to dance that
delicate line. It tried to remain neutral until one day the
bombs and bullets exploded in their faces. Now, they wield a
harsh hand. More than 300 Terror suspects since May of 2003 to
the end of the year have been detained or killed as the Saudi's seek
to rid their land of the Beast of Terror.
Parents of Vigilance don't wait for
the Terrorism within a child to erupt. They head it off
early, defuse the Beast's fangs, and replace the venom of Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency with the antidotes of Courage, Conviction
and Right Actions for future generations.
Simply put, Parents,
Grandparents and Loved Ones of Vigilance talk with their children
frequently about what's going on inside them--about how they're facing
their Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies.
They don't wait for the
principal of the school to call and tell them "there's a problem," or
wonder whether their kids are doing drugs or have sex or running with
the "wrong crowd." Parents of Vigilance build
bridges of Trust between themselves and their offspring, a sort of
intelligence network that connects the parent to brewing Terror Cells
trying to take seed in the child's mind.
Parents of
Vigilance defuse their children's Beast's fangs and extinguish
fiery breath |
First, they establish what we call:
Sentinel Time. Sentinel time includes those moments
each day when parent and child spend quiet time to talk about the day.
It is the time when the parent leads off by talking about how he or
she overcame some of their Fears, Intimidations and Complacencies.
Such communication could be as mundane as Dad talking about how mad he
got at a car on the freeway that cut him off, and how he handled his
anger because he thought about something important, like his child's
smile or the vacation that the family is going on soon. Dad
tells his child he overcame his Intimidation by another with
Conviction that being happy was more important than feeling mad.
Then, it's the child's turn to share
something that happened to him or her, and how it was resolved.
Sentinel Time is a tool to open the
gate within a child's feelings and span it so the child feels safe in
sharing what's going on in his or her life. It provides
both parent and child the opportunity to help each other, for children
often have wonderful solutions to life's adult challenges, and over
time, children can become the Sentinel of Vigilance for adults, just
as adults can help children pave the rocks from their road.
The second way a parent can help a child
hunt down Emotional Terrorism is to put a bounty on it.
If we take a page out of the
reward-for-information book that TerrorHunters use, a child can
receive a pay off for fighting his or her Terrorism.
During Sentinel Time, a child can receive a quarter for each Emotional
Terror he or she overcame, capped of course so the more capitalistic
of children won't break the family bank.
Sentinel Time
provides both child and parent the opportunity to help each other |
Say a child faced the Fear of taking a test
and talks about the Fear of Failure, or the Fear of not being "as
smart as," and tells how he or she mustered the Courage to overcome
the Fear. That may be worth a quarter, or a dish of
ice cream, or a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, or perhaps a giant hug.
Sentinel Time offers parents,
guardians and loved ones an opportunity to dig deep into the caverns
of a child's mind, those darker places where Terrorism breeds.
A shy child, for example, might share with a parent during Sentinel
Time how he or she raised his or her hand in class, and how hard it
was to do it, but how good she or he felt once the hand was raised.
A parent might share how he or she
was so nervous about submitting a report or meeting with the boss, and
how they thought of the importance of not letting Fear and
Intimidation rule their lives, and overcame those feelings.
A Sentinel of Vigilance is constantly aware
of the walls that exist between people and the necessity of breaking
down those walls.
Rewards help us motivate ourselves to leap
over them, or crawl under them, or to find ways around such walls.
Sentinel Time with a child reminds the child that he or she is not
alone in this world of shadows and things that go bump in the night.
The child learns quickly that when a parent or guardian is there to
supply Shields and Swords of Vigilance to help him or her fight the
Beasts of Terror, the odds are the Beast will be exposed and will seek
more favorable places where Fear, Intimidation and Complacency is
allowed to fester.
Saudi Arabia has elected to use
Sentinel Time in the form of rewards. The citizens of the
community don't want their children and loved ones attacked, maimed,
killed by those who once used the shelter of their society to plot the
demise of others.
Only when we
become Sentinels of Vigilance and ferret out Terrorism will we
protect our children |
If we look at Saudi Arabia and learn
a lesson from it, we realize that the Beast of Terror will not leave
us alone no matter how protected we think we are from its wrath.
Only when we vow to ferret out Terrorism,
and only when we become Sentinels of Vigilance with the goal of
protecting our children and their Children's Children's Children from
harm, will we really be on the road to expelling Terrorism from our
lives, and the lives of our loved ones.
Reward yourself today. Take the
Pledge of Vigilance. Start your Sentinel Time first with
yourself, and then with your children. Take a daily
inventory on how many times you overcame Fear with Courage,
Intimidation with Conviction, and Complacency with Right Actions for
the future generations.
Then, share those feelings with those
you love the most.
The ultimate reward will be a safer
life, a freer life, a happier life for yourself and all those around
Jan. 7--EGBOK--Battle Cry of Vigilance