Article Overview:
How do we honor the victims of 9/ll? In Iran, they honor
them by standing up to the Beast of Terror. One-third of
the Iranian Parliament resigned on Super Bowl Sunday, protesting a ban
on representative government. They don't want the
Taliban to take control. How does the Terrorist attack on
9/11 and the Iranian vote honor our "victims" of that tragedy?
A butterfly has the answer. |

Monday, February 2,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 873
Wonder Why So Many Died On 9/11? Look At Iran!
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Feb 2, 2004 -- It may be hard for most
Americans to find value in the senseless deaths of nearly 3,000 on
Nine Eleven when 18 Terrorists attacked the security of the United
States and proved our vulnerability is the same as any third-world
It is hard for
Americans to find value in the deaths of 3,000 on Nine Eleven |
Doubters of the value of
that day need to take a hard look at Iran to realize the great
sacrifice and positive impact Nine Eleven is imparting to Citizens of
Vigilance throughout the globe.
One third of the Iranian
Parliament turned in their resignations on our Super Bowl Sunday in
protest to a sweeping ban on candidates running for election slated
for later this month.
The ban would be similar to
President George Bush banning the Democrats from running a candidate
for office. It would mute Howard Dean, John Kerry, John
Edwards and the herd of contenders seeking to unseat President Bush.
In speeches broadcast on
Iranian media, those who resigned accused the conservative Iranian
factions of trying to impose a religious dictatorship similar to the
Taliban. They referenced the fact that American-led forces had
uprooted the Taliban in Afghanistan.
One-third of
the Iranian parliament resigned in protest of an election ban by
hard-liners |
The common resignation statement
read: "We cannot continue to be present in a Parliament that is
not capable of defending the rights of the people and that is unable
to prevent elections in which the people cannot choose their
While this news may zoom over the
heads of those eager to dive into the sports page to consume the
minute details of how the Patriots rallied to beat the Panthers in a
hard-fought battle for grid-iron domination, the real news is about
the value of death.
As a survivor of Nine Eleven, I
search each day for news that might vindicate the deaths of the
innocent who died before my eyes in a horrible holocaust that leaves
one empty inside.
"Why?" This haunting
question gnaws like subterranean termites at the very foundation of
all who were part, or have been part, of any Terrorist attack.
They want answers to help heal the sadness in their souls over having
lost loved ones, or comrades, or simply because they fear the repeat
of the events over which they were totally powerless to stop.
The protest by one third of the
Iranian Parliament offers a partial answer to the question: "Why
did so many die so senselessly that day?"
The Iranians want freedom not
Terrorism to rule their land, at least, one-third of them do.
They demand representative government instead of tyranny and
oppression, to guide the destiny of their Children's Children's
And, they are willing to
stand up for their beliefs.
I often think about why
so many died on Nine Eleven, and how to justify their deaths, if that
is ever possible.
The answer, in part, is
the Vigilance Ripple Effect (VRE).
The Vigilance
Ripple Effect proposes a Terrorist attack can create calm and
beauty |
It comes from what
meteorologists call the "butterfly effect" that suggests the
flapping of a butterfly's wing will create a disturbance that in the
chaotic motion of the atmosphere will become amplified eventually to
change the large scale atmospheric motion, so that the long term
behavior becomes impossible to forecast.
In other words, the flapping of
a butterfly's wings can create a storm somewhere in the world.
The Vigilance Ripple Effect proposes the opposite:
That a Terrorist attack--laced with horror and destruction--can create
calm and beauty, without chaos.
It is similar to finding Hope
in the aftermath of the storm, or seeking to find the Good that
results out of Bad (tragedy).
Iran illustrates the VRE.
America's reaction to Terrorism
has been to remove it by force. Our assault on the Taliban
in Afghanistan, and then the removal of Saddam Hussein's strangle hold
on Iraq flow from the deaths of so many Americans on Tuesday,
September 11, 2001.
Libya's recent capitulation of
its Weapons of Mass Destruction is another example of the VRE.
The ripple effect of Terrorism has turned potential storms into calmer
The Iranian Parliament is one
clear example of VRE. Standing up for representative
government in Iran seems as far distant a reality as installing a
monarchy in America. However, the Parliament suggests a
mirror of what many in America would like to see--their
representatives resigning over a dispute with leadership.
When one's personal future is put at risk for principles, this is the
highest of all gifts one can give to the future of the children.
It illustrates the power of Courage, Conviction and Right Action--the
fundamental Principles of Vigilance.
How does the Iranian stand
against the pressure of the Beast of Terror underscore the value of
American deaths one September 11, 2001?
There seemed
to be a total moment of horror when I witnessed the chaos of Nine
Eleven |
When I was at Ground Zero that
day, watching the burning buildings and feeling the horror of watching
people leaping to the deaths from ninety stories high, there was no
sense to anything. It appeared to be a total moment of
horror. People screamed. Blood flowed on the streets.
Then the ground heaved as though the Beast of Terror was rising out of
the bowels of the earth itself. Suddenly, there was a
great explosion as millions of pounds of concrete imploded, and two of
the greatest structures in the world were reduced to rubble, forming a
graveyard for thousands.
I choked and gagged that day,
inhaling the dust and debris, dazed and confused by the senselessness
of it all. Then rage and anger swelled, demanding
retribution, seeking resolution and penalty for crimes committed.
I began to
look for Good out of the Bad as I saw the rise of The Sentinels of
Vigilance |
But then I began to seek the Hope
that is alleged to exist in the Dismay, the light that is supposed to
flicker at the end of the long tunnel. As I saw the
rise of the Sentinels of Vigilance hovering over Ground Zero, forming
a Circle of Vigilance atop the death and destruction, I began to look
for Good out of the Bad, to find the Plus hidden in the haystack of
Minuses, to find Vigilance in the Shadow of the Beast.
The Iranian Parliament gave me
one more justification for the deaths of my fellow citizens, my
Sentinels of Vigilance, our Sentinels of Vigilance.
The reverse of the butterfly
effect is to create calm out of storms. This Vigilant
Ripple Effect suggests that in some small or large way, the Iranian
Parliament does not want Terrorism to take charge of its land.
It doesn't want to risk the wrath of the Sentinels of Vigilance.
From the
rubble of death and destruction comes the desire to reduce it |
And from the rubble of death and destruction comes the desire to
reduce it, to stand up to the Beast of Terror, to face him with
Courage, Conviction and Right Actions, as one-third of the Iranian
Parliament did on our Super Bowl Sunday when they tendered their
resignations in protest to the ban on elections.
Shakespeare once said:
"Sweet are the thorns of adversity." Iranians who stood up
against the threat of a non-representative government are the sweet
tip of the thorns of adversity. They remind all of
us who survived the terrible events of Nine Eleven that there is Hope,
and, that the deaths of so many on that day stand as symbols to the
world that Terrorism's days are numbered.
I would like to think that the Souls
of the Spirits of Vigilance whispered in the ears of the Iranian
Parliament members who resigned. I would like to stretch
the wings of the butterfly effect to include their ability to soothe
rather than create chaos to lands far away.
Each Parent of Vigilance has the option to
share the news of Iran with his or her children. It is an
opportunity to remind children that Vigilance has longer arms than
Terrorism. Who would have thought a few years ago that one-third
of Iranian leaders would protest the lack of representative
government? Who would have thought the beliefs and
convictions of the individual would be greater than the future of a
And where did the source of the resignations flow
Could it be the Vigilance Ripple Effect?
Did the chaos and Terror of Nine Eleven flap its wings and shift the
thinking of leaders who once ruled with abandon to pause and think and
reevaluate the destiny of their nations?
There is little doubt in my mind that the leaders
in Iran don't want tyranny to take control. They
want what every Parent of Vigilance wants, a nation that reflects the
wishes of its citizens--and that isn't rulers who force feed the
citizens to consume dogma without question.
If the Sentinels of Vigilance live after Nine
Eleven, they live in the decisions that people make to insure a better
world, Terror free, for the children. Iranians are thinking
along those lines. They are fighting for the right of
Vigilance over Terrorism. They don't want their
nation to fall into the Pit of Terror where the few attempt to
represent the many.
Listen for the
wings of the butterfly - Feel the Vigilance Ripple Effect |
If one is looking for value and substance out of the
deaths of so many Americans on Nine Eleven, the best view is not to
look on granite stones that have their names etched to immortalize
their sacrifice. Instead, one needs to look some
7,500 miles away, to Iran where the great living tribute to the
Sentinels of Vigilance is being played out in real time.
There, in a country few would think, floats a
butterfly. It is flapping its Wings of Vigilance, reminding the
people of that land that Terrorism doesn't work, but representative
government does.
Listen for the wings of the butterfly.
Feel the Vigilance Ripple Effect.
Even in Iran.
Jan 31--Super Bowl Sunday: A Day Of Terror For
Families or Vigilance
