Article Overview:
We are Terrorized by bird flu that can kill us if we eat infected
chicken, and mad cow disease if we eat the wrong meat. We
exterminate the cause of the danger without a blink of an eye.
But what do we do to control the Virus of Terrorism? Can
we apply the same rules to exterminating Terrorism that we do to
executing a flock of 12,000 chickens heading for the local stores that
have a potential bird flu virus? Find out. |

Sunday, February 8,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 879
Food Terror: Kids, Don't Eat Chicken Nuggets Or Burgers!!!!
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Feb 8, 2004 -- A flock of 12,000
chickens in Delaware were sent to Bird Heaven on Friday after two
birds tested positive for the H7 virus, according to Delaware's
agriculture secretary.
It was a preventative
measure to prevent the spread of avian flu that has killed 18 people
in Thailand and Vietnam. The H7 virus is different
from the H5N1 virus in Asia which can kill on contact with humans.
The H7 virus is fatal to poultry, not humans.
This may be called the Beast of
Chicken Terror.
chickens that tested positive for the H7 virus in Delaware were
destroyed |
But that Beast has long arms. What is H7 today can mutate
into H5N1 tomorrow.
The potential of becoming
lethally infected by eating chicken can be devastating for millions of
kids who love Chicken McNuggets, or drool over Kentucky Fried Chicken.
And it's not good.
Just recently the Beast of Beef
Terror cast his dank dark shadow over Big Macs. The Mad
Cow disease scare shrunk the thrill of ordering a "burger," or having
mom broil up some juicy steaks.
Take away hamburgers and
chickens from the kids diet, and well, you're left with far too many
French Fries.
I found it interesting
that when a disease threatens our food chain, we rush to exterminate
the source of the danger. We slaughter the beef and
exterminate the chickens, hoping to contain the threat with "Instant
In the case of the chicken
extermination, the agriculture department in Delaware ordered that all
chickens with a two-mile radius of the infected flock be tested.
In other words, they are concerned about the "ripple effect," drawing
a wide circle around the epicenter of the Chicken Ground Zero and
searching for Terrorist Viruses that may have escaped to other parts
of the land.
If we are so
concerned with Food Terrorism, we should be as concerned with
Human Terrorism |
thought if we were so concerned with Food Terrorism, why not do the
same with Human Terrorism.
When a child was Terrorized by
a parent or adult, the obvious extension of the agricultural solution
would be to exterminate them on the spot, and then rush and test all
the other parents around them to see if the Terrorism Virus they
inflicted upon their children had spread to other parents.
The same would hold true in
business. If a company or manager was cruel and unusual in
the treatment of employees, issuing Fear, Intimidation and Complacency
as part of tyrannical, oppressive rule, then exterminate such a leader
or leaders instantly. Contain the disease. And, rush
to test all the surrounding companies and business for Employment
Human Terrorism--the
infliction of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency upon others--is a
virus. It spreads on contact, afflicting some more than
Not everyone's immune
system is capable of fighting off the Triad of Terrorism--Fear,
Intimidation and Complacency--with the Principles of
Vigilance--Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the Children's
Children's Children--at the same rate as others.
The virus of
selfishness is an attack on a child's Emotional well being |
child who is being tortured by the virus of selfishness by a parent or
guardian, who is told he or she isn't as "smart as," or as "worthy as"
or "as loved as" others may be far more vulnerable to the Terrorism
Virus than an adult who has developed thick shields to deflect
personal attacks on his or her Emotional well being.
A husband or wife who is
abusive either physically or emotionally to his or her spouse
threatens to transmit the virus of abuse to his or her children.
Almost all studies on abuse indicate the abuser had a high degree of
experience watching abuse being delivered by parents.
Twisting a child's mind from Vigilance to Terrorism is a learned trait
in many cases; it is a virus that is lethal to not only the infected
but to those who are close, especially the young and vulnerable who
grow into "monsters" following their parental monster's footsteps.
So, do we exterminate these
parents? Do we exterminate the wife or husband abuser?
Do we exterminate someone who is so filled with Fear, Intimidation and
Complacency all they see in the mirror in the morning is a loser?
Do we corral all the people who think their lives are ruts and have no
hope of every climbing out and shove them into ovens in hopes we might
contain the spread of their Complacency to others?
Why not extend
Vigilance eradication to all the Emotional and Physical Terrorists
who threaten our Vigilance Chain? |
We do it
with chickens and cows. We protect our food chain so we
don't ingest the virus of Food Terrorism. Why not extend that
Vigilance to humans? Why not eradicate all the Emotional
and Physical Terrorists who threaten the safety and security of our
Vigilance Chain? All those who are potential threats to
the future generations? Why let a person who is cruel and
indifferent to a child or employee walk around infecting the world
with Fear, Intimidation and Complacency?
One reason we don't
exterminate the threats of human Terrorism is because it is so
rampant. If one were to stop and think about how
many people he or she has felt should be exterminated, the pile of
bodies would be larger than Mt. Whitney.
Take a moment and think
about the answer to this question: How many people have you, in
a fit of rage or anger, said to yourself: I wish he or she was
If not that drastic, how
many people would you feel this world be better off if they didn't
How many times have you
mad enough at someone to want them to "disappear."
When we read in the paper
or hear on television about a horrible act of human Terrorism such as
the kidnapping and murder of the recent 11-year-old girl, how many of
us have a flash of a thought of that person being cruelly tortured to
pay for his crimes, or slowly hanged on national television as a
warning to the next potential Terrorist?
How many of us are
betting the Saddam Hussein will meet with head chopping when the
courts in Iraq finish his final sentence?
There are more humane
ways to exterminate the Virus of Terrorism than killing or
exterminating the sources of it.
It is the Pledge of
We should
enforce Vigilance Inoculation |
If we
were to act with the same speed and concern as the agricultural
department, we would contain the center of any act of Emotional or
Physical Terrorism and immediately put all the people within a
two-mile radius under Vigilance Inoculation. We would begin
Sentinel of Vigilance training classes, forcing them to ingest the
antidote to Terrorism--Vigilance--and school and test them daily until
they vowed to fight Fear with Courage, to conquer Intimidation with
Conviction, and to overwhelm Complacency with Right Actions for future
We would not let the
virus spread.
But, we are civilized.
And as civilized people who live in free lands, we allow an individual
to choose to act or not act in civilized ways.
Unfortunately, we penalize the bad actions after the fact.
We do not force anyone to believe what we believe, otherwise we lose
our freedom.
We must fight
the Virus of Terrorism with immunity |
This leaves us with only one alternative--to fight the Virus of
Terrorism with immunity.
Each of us can build his
or her immune system to Terrorism by taking the Pledge of Vigilance
and restating its vows daily. By living one's life under
the Pledge of Vigilance, the Beast of Terror has little to infect.
Our immune systems grow stronger, able to ward off the Terrorism
We also pass such
Vigilance down to our children, and it has a "ripple effect" in our
society, causing us to act with respect toward others. We
don't allow others to infuse Fear, Intimidation or Complacency into
us, and when we don't allow that, such people shrink to size.
If we were all to think
about protecting ourselves and our children as we think about
protecting our food sources, we would give Vigilance the same priority
we give exterminating chickens or cows. We would take the
Vow of Vigilance and exterminate the threat of the Beast of Terror
growing within us and in our children.
Protect against Virus of
Take the Pledge of
Vigilance today.
Feb. 7--The Troubling
Eyes Of Terrorism
