Article Overview:
How many people walk around with Warts of Terrorism splattered on
their faces and necks? How do you control and manage
your own personal Warts of Terrorism? Is there a way to remove a
Wart of Terrorism once it appears on your face or neck? Find
out. |

January 27, 2004—Ground Zero Plus 867
Warts & Pluses: Signets For The Beast Of Terror
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Jan. 27, 2004 -- Warts and pluses!
Warts and pluses!
The words rang in my ears
as I scanned the recent political news. The comment was
reported in the New York Times by a frustrated voter in New Hampshire
yet undecided about who to vote for. He was confused
because, he said, all seven of the candidates vying for the Democratic
presidential nomination had "pluses and warts."
Along with the
pluses of all seven democratic presidential candidates there are
also warts |
hadn't made his mind up yet who had the most "warts."
I thought about the idea of
human beings walking around with plus signs and warts splattered on
their faces, necks, arms, chests as residue of either acts of
Vigilance or acts of Terrorism.
What if, when a person issued
some form of Emotional Terrorism to a child or another person, a wart
would pop out, its size dependent on the degree of the Terrorism.
Equally, when the person acted in a Vigilant manner toward a child or
another person, a plus sign would appear, shining brightly so that all
could see.
Warts and Pluses!
I thought about walking down
the street and seeing the mixture branded on people's faces as they
scurried to work. If, for example, a father was abrupt
with his children in the morning, more concerned with pleasing the
boss than in giving the kids a big hug and love, a wart would begin to
grow in the middle of his forehead, shaped like a child's face.
A wart grows
on the nose of a "too busy mother" |
Or, there is the mother who is busy fixing her face and scanning the
mirror so that she looks her best while her children are fixing their
own breakfast. She tells them not to "bother her" while
she's getting ready, and her daughter freezes, wondering why her
"mommy" doesn't want to talk to her about the spelling test she has
this morning. A wart begins to form on the mother's nose,
small at first, but growing.
On the obverse, there is the mother
and father who scoop their kids in their arms in the morning, give
them big hugs and tell them they are loved more than a Reese's Peanut
Butter Cup. They laugh and a giant plus pops up on the
parents' earlobes, sparkling and iridescent.
We are aghast
at the mudslinging |
Flicking on
the television to catch the morning weather report, the screen is
filled with politicians slamming one another, slinging arrows at each
other as rabidly as their frothing mouths can move.
The talking heads are blobs of warts, with only a few pluses
struggling to shine through the carcinogenic scabs that erupt from
their heads, necks and bulge through the fabric of their shirts and
What if each time we faced Fear and let it
chew at us like rat gnawing on the scraps of a wounded pigeon, a wart
would appear. Or what if when we felt Intimidated by
someone or something and walked about with a sense of self-defeat,
self-depreciation, another wart would begin to grow and grow until it
became so large we could hardly walk.
allows us to wallow powerlessness and be a victim of life |
And, of
course, the worse of all, Complacency. What if we felt so
powerless to do anything that we just shrugged our shoulders and
imagined ourselves nailed to a cross, a victim of life, resolved to
not be able to change, stuck in a rut of uselessness and despair,
repeating what the despairing author Franz Kafka once wrote about the
human condition: "There is infinite hope--but not for us."
In a way, we wear our Terrorism or
our Vigilance by how we walk, how we think and how we act.
The people's lives we touch apply to us warts or pluses.
The inconsiderate person who thinks everyone is a nail and he or she
is a hammer, treats others like they would gnats, brushing them out of
their way, giving little heed to the needs or concerns of others when
it conflicts with their own. The people in such a
person's path issue warts. They paste them on the person, at
least in their mind.
Children do the same. The
parent or guardian who is neglectful, or outright abusive at either a
physical or emotional level, creates a wart in the child's mind.
Many children are fearful of their parents' emotions. They don't
know when the Beast of Terror will explode within them, so they shy
from running to them and jumping in their laps, or asking them to
share in their lives for fear they will receive some rebuttal that
will reject them.
They shrink into the walls,
emotionally or physically. They feel the barriers between their
parents and themselves, cold concrete that can't be smashed.
The warts on their parents grow, looming into monstrous
disfigurements. Psychiatrists' couches are littered with
the bodies of children of wart monsters.
The problems with warts and pluses is
that most people don't realize they are producing warts, either within
their own systems or by default when they act against another's
father teaching his child about warts |
Few of us
perform a daily inventory on our warts and pluses because we rush
through life without a plan. We forget the Beast of
Terror is working minute-by-minute to remove our Vigilance and
infiltrate our lives, just as the Terrorists in Iraq are constantly
setting mines and booby traps to harass and demoralize us into
The Beast is quick to slip in some
Fear, Intimidation and Complacency whenever he gets the chance.
He prefers selfishness to selflessness, and will do his best to put us
into a headlong mode to sate ourselves at the expense of others.
We can only counter his nature by
arming ourselves with wart remover. All warts can be
cut away. They can be replaced with pluses.
There is an adage that goes:
"You're not responsible for your first thought but you are your second
thought." Basically, this means that our minds tend
to sink to the lowest level--personal survival. In
that mode, we will do what we need to do to get what we want to get.
The fine line between our animal instincts and our humanity--our
responsibility to others--is put under stress. When the
animal instincts take over, we will act like a Terrorist. We
will do what we need to do without forethought, even if it means
wounding or maiming others.
We must
reinforce our minds just as we do our bodies |
But, if
we are aware that the gravity of our nature must be checked, we
reinforce our minds just as we do our bodies with food and exercise.
We take the Pledge of Vigilance and renew our vow to fight Fear with
Courage, to battle Intimidation with Conviction, and to quash
Complacency with Right Actions that benefit the Children's Children's
So when a wart pops out on the tip of
our nose, we see it. We realize we may have done or
thought something that fuels the Beast of Terror wart machine.
We repair the damage. We either change our Fear to Courage
and our Intimidation to Conviction, or our Complacency to Right
Actions that benefit future generations.
If we are short with people we stop, repair
the damage, apologize and move on. If we are neglectful to our
children we don't buy them gifts to assuage the damage, we sit with
them and explain that we made a mistake, that their concerns trump all
others, and we spend the time to let them know that altering our
behavior is more important than ignoring it. We let our
children see we are fallible, to let them know they are too.
We hold up the Sword and Shield of
Vigilance. We turn the wart into a plus, not for our own
sake, but for the sake of the children, for the sake of humanity.
Kafka's dismal view of humanity saw
the shadow of the Beast of Terror cast long and deep on our future.
His view that infinite hope existed, but not for us, was a concession
or a warning that humanity will be defeated in its evolution to higher
planes unless we fight back. Hope is a human
quality. It doesn't exist within the body of the Beast.
Hope is the ability to change, and it will not belong to anyone unless
they reach for it and take it.
.....can be
replace with pluses |
Vigilance all human warts ........ |
All human
warts can be repaired. They can be replaced with pluses.
Vigilance is the tool to surgically remove the warts. But
it will not drop from the sky without seeding the clouds with Courage,
Conviction and Right Actions.
Think about how many warts you might
Think about what you are doing to
remove the warts.
Then, take the Pledge of Vigilance.
Find out how you can remove the warts from yourself, and protect your
children from growing their own.
Be a wartless Sentinel of Vigilance.
Jan 26--One Third Of All Births Are To Unmarried
