Article Overview:
The C.I.A. is alleged to be inept to understand Terrorism and predict
its behavior because Terrorism is "irrational." How can
we, the Citizens of Vigilance, protect our selves and our loved ones
from the threats of Terrorism if our intelligence community cannot
warn us when the Beast of Terror is going to attack?
Perhaps we should be our own C.I.A. Perhaps we should
count on our own human nature to counter Terrorism and not wait for
the government. Find out how we can do that and
why-- |

Tuesday, February 3,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 874
Why The Beast Of Terror Befuddles The C.I.A.
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Feb 3, 2004 -- America's Central
Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) is in the throes of a credibility
crisis--it just can't figure out how to predict the actions of the
Beast of Terror.
editorial writer David Brooks states the problem with The
C.I.A. is "scientism" |
The problem, according to
NY Times editorial writer David
Brooks in his op-ed today titled, The C.I.A.--Method and Madness, is
Brooks makes the point
that the C.I.A. is a data machine. Like a scientist, it
accumulates tons of information, sifts and studies it mechanically,
and then uses cold, unemotional, non-politically pressured processes
to arrive at a "scientific" answer based on probabilities of a cause
and effect.
His point is that this
"rational" approach to studying and predicting Terrorism doesn't work
because Terrorism is largely "irrational," driven by human rather
geopolitical devices.
The rationale, for
example, of a young woman with two children becoming a suicide bomber
and blowing herself up, doesn't fit the "rational" matrix.
Here's what Brooks says:
"If you read C.I.A.
literature today, you can still see scientism in full bloom. The
tone is cold, formal, depersonalized and laden with jargon. You
can sense how the technocratic process has factored out all
those insights that may be the product of an individual's
intuition and imagination, and emphasized instead the sort of
data that can be processed by an organization." |
The key words
appear to be "individual's intuition and imagination."
The C.I.A., and many citizens, think of
Terrorism in conventional terms, similar to the Nazi movement in World
War II. But that is a mistake. The Nazi
movement was a national desire, similar to that of Rome when it sought
to conquer the world.
Terrorism is amorphic. It
has no defined shape, no specific location, no clearly defined
political ambition.
It is a Beast.
at Terrorism is like looking at a rabid Beast |
When one looks at Terrorism, one has
to look at it like a rabid Beast, one with a stench that gags the
hardiest stomach, one with fiery eyes who stalks silently in the
shadows of all our minds, eager to leap out and strangle us with
fingers of Fear, pummel us with fists of Intimidation, and rake us
with infected claws of Complacency that drive us into a sense of
individual powerlessness where we abdicate our personal right to stand
up and fight the oppression and tyranny Terrorism casts upon all in
his path.
One might think such a view is
nothing more than a classic paranoid approach, turning a society or
individual into a quivering bowl of Jell-O whose head jerks at the
slightest sound, whose hair bristles when a cloud covers the sun and
who sweats and blinks so ferociously he or she cannot walk a straight
This would be true if Terrorism had
no antidote.
But it does.
It's called Vigilance.
Vigilance is the intuitive ability of
an individual or society to counter Fear with Courage, to balance
Intimidation with Conviction, and to neutralize Complacency
(powerlessness) with the power to take Right Actions that benefit the
Children's Children's Children.
Vigilance defies scientific analysis,
just as Terrorism does. Vigilance is the rational, innate,
human force that clashes with Terrorism's irrational nature.
It starts with each individual
recognizing there is a Beast of Terror within us all, who, unless
managed and controlled with Vigilance, will mature in a variety of
Each of us has over the course of our
lives, faced the Beast of our own Terror many times. We have all
experienced degrees of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency, the Triads
of Terrorism.
And, we have all countered them with
Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for future generations.
One of the
simplest forms of facing The Beast of Terror is learning to swim |
The simplest form of this is learning to
swim. The child or adult who doesn't know how to swim
looks at the water as a Beast. It makes one afraid to
think of being alone in it, unsure of one's ability to "swim" to
safety. The lack of support for one's body is
Intimidating, for the water seems to be liquid hands eager to suck one
Finally, screwing up one's Courage in the
face of Fear, the non-swimmer leaps into the pool or pond.
Fighting the Fear, Intimidation and sense of Complacency
(powerlessness) over the water, the novice starts to paddle and kick
until finally he or she makes it to the edge of the pool or shore.
Commonly, there is another person--a parent
or guardian--standing nearby, coaching the individual, saying "You can
do it. Move your arms. Kick. I'm here.
You can do it."
One form of Terrorism is conquered when the
child learns he or she has the power to swim. The lesson
is the Beast of Terror lived in the child's mind, not in the water.
And, to conquer the Beast, it took a Sentinel of Vigilance, a Parent
of Vigilance, a Guardian of Vigilance, a Coach of Vigilance, to help
the child overcome the Fear, Intimidation and Complacency necessary to
overpower the Beast's Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
The same is true regarding our national and
international security.
David Brooks says he gives more credence to what
an individual thinks is the next Terrorist move than he does all the
C.I.A. analysts because the rational formulas they use do not predict
irrational acts.
Who would think that 18 Terrorists could hijack
simultaneously four commercial aircraft and fly them into America's
greatest sources of power--the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and
possibly the White House or Congress (referring to Flight 93 that
crashed in Pennsylvania, its final destination thwarted by the
passengers.) As Brook says:
"What kind of scientific framework
can explain the rage for suicide bombings, now sweeping the
Middle East? What technocratic mentality can really grasp the
sadistic monster who was pulled out of the spider hole a few
weeks ago? Under Saddam, Iraqi society seems to have been in a
state of advanced decomposition, with drastic consequences for
its W.M.D. program. How can corruption and madness be understood
by analysts in Langley, who have a tendency to impose a false
order on reality?" |
Terrorism isn't a scientific problem. It is a human one.
Since Nine Eleven, each citizen in America has been introduced to a
new life style--the irrational. The false belief
that we are free from the long arm of the Beast of Terror has been
shattered. Just yesterday, a deadly powder was discovered
in a letter sent to Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist.
The Dirksen Building was closed after ricin was found
in the mail room of the office of the Senate Majority Leader Bill
Frist |
But that is only the tip of the iceberg.
The real Terrorism exists when a child rushes home to tell his or her
parents about getting a good grade at school and finds a cold
reception, or is told in harsh words: "Don't bother me now, I'm
busy on the phone."
Small? Insignificant?
To some, it may seem inconsequential.
But, to a Parent of Vigilance, it is a crime. It allows the
Beast of Child Terror to rush out of the bushes, to shout in the
child's ear: "See, I told you. You're not loved.
They don't care about you. Come with me. Let me guide
Adults are easy victims too. At
work, when the boss laughs at your new idea, or, when layoffs are
impending and you feel the Fear of being ousted and begin to grovel to
seek approval for all your deeds, you surrender your life to the Beast
of Terror. Your stomach becomes a volcano.
Your hands tremble wondering if the envelope on your desk contains a
pink slip. Your armpits gush when you are called into the
boss's office.
These "Increments of Terrorism" build up.
Sometimes they explode in unexpected ways through anger and rage aimed
at our loved ones. We become confused and reach for a
drink or take a pill, trying to quell the Beast, to drug it, to
suppress its dominance over our thoughts.
That's where the Pledge of Vigilance comes
into play. If we think of Terrorism as we would a rabid
Beast within us, waiting to be given slack on its leash, we see it
from an irrational viewpoint.
To attack the Beast, we must first think
like it. Irrational recognition of the Beast Within us all
conditions us for rational management of it.
We realize the rational management for
irrational Fear is Courage, and the rational management for irrational
Intimidation is rational Conviction, and, for irrational Complacency
is rational Right Actions that benefits future generations.
The CIA works
from the rational to the rational |
The C.I.A. works from the rational to
the rational. It is not structured to think in irrational
terms, for the unpredictable cannot be predicted.
But human nature can.
Human nature includes the presence of
the Beast. In a rage of jealousy or anger, a wife
can kill a husband, or a husband kill a wife. It happens
Wrapped in the scaly arms of the
Beast of Terror, a parent can lash out at a child and abuse it
verbally or physically. A boss can spew venom at an employee as
he or she feels the onerous pressure of performance threatening his or
her stability.
All of us can turn into a Beast in
the snap of a finger.
Yet, we do not recognize that part of
our nature, for if we did, we would all take the Vow of Vigilance.
If we were perspicacious about our base human nature, we would check
it with its antidote each morning, and balance it throughout the day
when our minds and bodies were put to the pressure test. We
would learn to shift our thoughts from those that induce Terrorism to
those that were Vigilant.
When we were faced with a Fear
Thought, we would say: "Stop Thought!" And we would seek
its counterpart, "Courage." We would take three deep breaths
and leash our Beast. If we felt an Intimidation Thought we
would also say, "Stop Thought!" and let our Conviction as person, our
stature as a responsible adult or child, break through the footprints
of the Beast and rise above the sense we were less than, not as worthy
as, not as deserving as those whose shadow cast palls upon us.
And when we felt Complacency
Thoughts, that sense of powerless that we were simple grains of sand
of a huge beach, we would say again, "Stop Thought!" We would
think through the irrational sense of powerlessness and to the Right
Actions we need to take that benefit future generations. We
would see our children looking up at us, and their children, urging us
to do what was right in the face of sacrificing our false sense of
security by remaining silent, inert.
Vigilance would teach us
that we can predict the outcome of Terrorism. We would become
invincible to its power, because we would play to its goal of
overwhelming us with Fear, Intimidation and Complacency.
What David Brooks
suggests in his editorial is that our intelligence community is ill
equipped to deal with irrational behavior.
To follow that thinking through
suggests we are more vulnerable than ever because the front line--the
Sentinels of Vigilance we count on are both blind and deaf.
Only the
Citizens of Vigilance can protect an individual or family from The
Beast of Terror |
truth is that no government, no single group of employees, can protect
an individual or family from the Beast of Terror.
Only we, the Citizens of
Vigilance, can do that.
Terrorism is not an external
force as we tend to think of it. It is not about suicide bombers
or planes smashing into buildings.
It is about how we deal with
it. It is about harnessing our own Beasts of Terror so
that when an outside force tries to overpower us, or our children, we
do not allow its "irrational" nature to drive us into "irrational"
The key solution to defending
our nation from Terrorism begins with taking the Pledge of Vigilance,
and practicing the Principles of Vigilance daily. It
starts with recognizing not the Beast Without, but the Beast Within.
When we recognize our own "irrational" behavior, and manage it with
"rational" Vigilant Thoughts and Actions, we drive the Beast away.
When the
Terrorists realize we won't be bullied and we are teaching our
children not be bullied, The Beast of Terrorism will retreat |
All Terrorists are bullies.
And, when they realize we will not be bullied, and that we are
committed to teach our children not to be bullied, to stand up to
their own Beasts, Terrorism will retreat from our land, and all other
Be your own C.I.A.
Take the Pledge of Vigilance. Fight the "irrational" with
the "rational." Fight Terrorism with Vigilance, the kind
of Vigilance that has helped the human being evolve for thousands of
years beyond the Beasts, but may have forgotten to apply to their
daily lives.
Feb. 2-Wonder Why So
Many Died On 9/11? Look At Iran!
