Article Overview:
How sad it is that politicians use the dead bodies of Americans to
garner votes, when those who are dying have volunteered to give their
lives. What about the real Terror issues?
Who's trumpeting them? |

Wednesday, February 4,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 875
The Irony Of Iraq
Body-Count Politics
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Feb 4, 2004 --- There is something
sickening about winning a political vote over the dead body of
Americans fighting for the freedom of others.
The main political issue being
bannered by the Democratic candidates on this post Super Tuesday is
the attack on President Bush regarding his foreign "war" policy versus
the need for a stronger domestic policy. The blood
of more than 500 dead Americans, some of whom died in combat and some
who died in non-combat in Iraq, is being served up as an example of
US troops
conducting a nighttime patrol |
To a man, the Democratic candidates
are "anti-war" thumpers, led by Howard Dean's ranting platform and
followed by Senator John Kerry who, thirty years ago led the Vietnam
Veterans Against The War campaign.
Promoting "Iraqi war" body count is a
sad platform to walk on the road to the White House.
Such a journey masks the true reason
why nearly 3,000 who died on September 11, 2001--none of whom
volunteered for combat as did all the troops in Iraq. A
volunteer Armed Forces agree to defend their nation both at home and
abroad with their lives. It's not as though those
who die didn't sign up for the mortality of war.
We're not drafting the unwilling, not yet.
None of the
victims of Nine Eleven volunteered to die fighting Terrorism |
None of the victims of Nine Eleven
volunteered to die fighting Terrorism, not even the hundreds of
firemen or police who perished that day.
But that's not the real rub.
America is at war with many forms of
Terrorism, not just the kind we see splashed on the headlines, or
laced as the main rip tide of the stump speeches of politicians
seeking to unseat President Bush.
More than 20,000 deaths a year, 40
times those who have died in Iraq, are the result of drunk drivers.
Where is that fact being bannered by our would-be political leaders?
Terrorism is a
car filled with drunken "suicide drivers" |
What greater Terrorism does our
nation face than a car filled with "suicide drivers"
drunkenly careening into
other cars filled with innocent people, many including children?
What difference is there in a drunk driver driving a 4,000-pound
"vehicular bomb" and a suicide bomber in Iraq loading a donkey cart
full of explosives?
Then there are homicides in the United
States. And heart disease from overeating. And
the long list of children being abused--all statistics that involve
Terrorism that needs to be battled with much more force than the
deaths of Americans fighting for the freedom of others.
It saddens me to think the bodies of both
the troops in Iraq, and the bodies of my Sentinels of Vigilance at
Ground Zero, are being used to win votes.
To attack the
fight on Terrorism as a violation of the public trust is not a
valid one |
If you are a true Sentinel of Vigilance, perhaps
you should look at the agendas being published by the contenders for
Chief Executive Officer and ask yourself: "Are these the
priorities of our nation? Is fighting Terrorism, of
any kind or shape, better than becoming Complacent to it at home or
There is no question domestic issues need to be
addressed. But to attack the fight on Terrorism as a
violation of the public trust is not a valid one.
Feb. 3-Why The Beast
Of Terror Befuddles The CIA
