Article Overview:
Is it time for a Vow of Sexual Vigilance, designed for teens?
If you look at the stats, you'll find the teens have already taken the
vow. They are cutting down on sex and on pregnancies.
More than half the teens today say they are virgins. What is the
reason for such changes? Could it be the Beast of Sexual
Terror has been put on the run? Find out. |

Sunday, March 7,
2004—Ground Zero Plus 907
Cliff McKenzie
GROUND ZER0, New York, N.Y.--Mar. 7, 2004 -- One doesn't often think
of the Sentinel of Sexual Vigilance, but she is alive and well and
helping to dramatically reduce teen pregnancy.
In the
New York Times today is a lengthy
story about the shift in attitudes and outlooks about sex among
teenagers. One startling fact that seems to fly in
the face of the media representation of teens is the degree of
virginity that exists.
Teenage couple
vowing to remain chaste |
More than half of all male high
school students reported in 2001 they were virgins, up from 39 percent
in 1990. Among the sexually active, condom use has soared
to 65 percent, and nearly 73 percent among black male students.
The trends toward abstinence
and protected sex are not as pronounced, reports the Times, among
female students but the trends are along the same lines. A
decade ago, a national epidemic of teenage pregnancy was a threat to
the domestic security of the United States.
Cultural moral decay among the
youth of a nation is a sign the fiber of the nation is unraveling.
It is also a sign that Parents of Vigilance have been sleeping at
their posts.
Cultural moral
decay among the youth signals Parents of Vigilance have been lax |
data suggests the Beast of Moral (Sexual) Terror has been put on the
run. And, that the children are becoming more Vigilant.
They are making the decisions to not have sex until marriage, and to
use protection if they are sexually active.
No one can pin the exact
reasons for the dramatic shift in responsible behavior by the teens,
who, generically and historically have tended to rebel against all
forms of authority.
I propose that
Terrorism has matured them.
To effectively fight
Terrorism one cannot just be aware of Terrorism's three main
ingredients--Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. For
example, the "Fear" of getting pregnant cannot, by itself, be a strong
defense against the urges of sexual experimentation in a teen whose
hormones are raging. Intimidation can't either.
The forces of society itself cannot stop the actions of a young person
who eventually rebels against such threats. And,
Complacency, or the idea that "it can't happen to me," or "who cares,"
seems to be a mantra for teens who sense their powerlessness in a
world of rules and regulations.
However, to fight
the Beast of Terror, one must have the tools that exceed the intensity
of Fear, Intimidation and Complacency. This means that
teens today must be drawing upon the Principles of Vigilance and
tapping into Courage, Conviction and Right Actions for the benefit of
the Children's Children's Children.
It takes
Courage for a girl to say "no" |
It takes a great amount of Courage for a girl to say "no," or a boy to
stop. Both are the case, according to the Times. In
in-depth interviews with teens in the Bronx and Harlem, the center of
the pregnancy epidemic, the young people, and often the boys, are
respecting the virginity of themselves and others.
Conviction follows
closely behind. Not only are the kids able to say no when
their bodies are screaming out the word "YES," they are sticking to
their Vows of Sexual Vigilance. They are waiting for
Finally, they
are respecting the life of a child that might result, by not bringing
that life to bear when the parents are 12 or 14, or still in the early
stages of high school. They realize the burden upon the
child, and are giving it respect by using contraceptives or engaging
in abstinence.
Kids are
making decisions |
there is no scientific evidence to support these presumptions, there
is no clear-cut evidence that any single factor has shifted the
attitudes of the teens. One thing can be certain, however, and
that is the kids are making the decisions about the future of their
lives, and the lives of their partners.
The Beast of
Sexual Conquest has suffered a serious setback |
The Beast of Sexual Conquest has suffered a great blow. If
one were to look at the Beast of Sexual Conquest, he is nothing more
than a Terrorist of Virtues. He rips away the
innocence of the child, and throws the child into a world that often
crushes them with responsibility they are ready for--such a motherhood
and fatherhood.
victims of the Beast are not only the teens, but the children they
making Vigilant decisions, the teens have cut the legs off the Beast
of Sexual Conquest. Virginity has become the Shield of
Honor rather than how many a teen has slept with.
examining the virtues of a society, often the teen population is
forgotten as contributors to the future of a society's morality.
Currently, the facts are telling us that the teens of the 21st Century
are Sentinels of Sexual Vigilance. In essence, they
will be true Parents of Vigilance because they are protecting the
children of their generation from being brought into the world too
early, with unfair and unjust handicaps.
importantly, they are establishing a strong moral base for their
children, setting a fresh new standard of Courage, Conviction and
Right Actions to be passed down to their children, and one that stands
in opposition to the behavior of their parents.
Teens of
Vigilance practice the greatest act of Vigilance |
Often, children want a better world for their children than the one
their parents gave to them. If the actions of the
teens are to improve the future, then even though their parents erred
the error had benefits. Fewer children will be
subjects of the Beast of Sexual Terror or Unwanted Pregnancy.
Perhaps it is time
to draft a Vow Of Sexual Vigilance.
It would be
patterned after the behavior of our current Teens of Vigilance who
have chosen to become Parents of Vigilance without having a child.
Their decision to wait until they are married and prepared to manage a
family may be the greatest act of Vigilance of all, and it is all
wrapped up in the word teens hate the most: "NO!"
Mar 6--Sleeping With
The Child Of Innocence
